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Behind These Eyes

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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:22 am

Her enthusiasm died somewhat when she saw he wasn't still pleased with her. Part of her really hoped he had dropped it by the time school was out....sighing, she licked her lips and pulled her hair down. Shaking her head, she collected her thoughts and shifted her weight.

"First off, I am sorry about this morning....I didn't mean to cause an issue with my clothing. I get where your coming from but really, for me, i needed to dress this way. I hope you can understand. Second, I heard you got kicked out of third. I'd love to hear the truth. You know how the brainless mass is, turning any rumor into the 9th world wonder before lunch time. Obviously I don't buy any of what is being said so I'd like to really know, if you're willing. Lastly, I have some earth-shattering news that I'd enjoy sharing with you."

Taking a deep breath, she smiled slightly, hoping he;d warm back up to her.

"How about I go change and we meet for ice cream? I really want to celebrate and you'll understand if you'll come. What do you say? My treat."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:30 am

Jayden shrugged again. Yeah, the bit about third hour was true. He risked a little bit of a grin at that, still pretty proud of himself. He still didn't understand her first point, about her clothes. Well... Maybe she didn't completely understand either. But it was the earth-shattering news that caught his attention. That had to be why she was glowing -- something about her art, no doubt. Maybe she just wanted to brag about how she got some scholarship or something. And she wanted attention from the cute, rich, new guy who saved her the day before. Jayden didn't like where this was going. But, he had to humor her. If only for tonight.

Just tonight. Then he'd leave her alone. Convince her to leave him alone.

"All right," he finally muttered, "but I can't stay for too long."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:36 am

Frowning, she ran her fingers through her hair. Shaking her slightly injured feelings off, she forced a smile.

"Kay, give me fifteen minutes."

Turning around, she walked to her car, still buzzing with happiness but aching from the lack of something she had felt from Jayden. Suddenly really self conscious and worried he was starting to dislike her or something, she stuck her keys in the ignition and took off towards her house.

No one was home which made it easy for her to change into something more like herself, as Jayden would say. Surveying herself in the mirror, the torments from the day before were nearly non-existent to the girl. Adding a deeper blue to her eyes to match the blue jeans and black tank with white lace trim, she grabbed her leather jacket and headed towards the ice cream shop.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:44 am

Jayden nodded, and watched her as she left. It wasn't long after that he got into the Mustang and left as well. But he didn't go anywhere specific. He just drove around, waisting time with his thoughts before figuring out where the ice cream place was. He knew he was early -- no doubt about that. She was nowhere to be found. But no matter. He stepped out of the black, sleek car and just leaned against it, waiting for Rhiannon to show. He wondered what she would have to say. He grimaced at the thought of what she would be wearing. More like what she wore yesterday, no doubt. It bugged him. If you're an artist, wouldn't you want to show it in every way possible? Shouldn't how you dress reflect your art? It is art. Just because you dress like a prick shouldn't mean you take your work seriously...

The dark-haired teen sighed to himself, thinking of the questions she would ask him. She would probably bother him about being kicked out of class. Wasn't he a better student than that? What point did he prove? Just back down! Blah, blah, blah...

Jayden seriously began questioning why he agreed to meet her.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:26 am

It took her just a few minutes to drive from her house to the ice cream shop. Stepping out of her car, she slipped the jacket on and flipped her hair over her shoulder, not wanting it to get in her way, Spotting Jayden by his Mustang, she smiled slightly and walked towards him. Pausing near the entrance, she motioned for him to follow her inside. Immediately looking at the menu, she cocked her head to the side as she contemplated her various choices. Finally, she picked what sounded best and stepped back, waiting for her companion to appear ready.

After placing their orders, Rhiannon led him to a table in the back but still close enough for the staff to see them when their ice cream was ready. Settling down into a chair, she briefly closed her eyes, gathered her thoughts, and clenched her hands beneath the table.

"Where to begin, hmm.....Okay, so during the art show, there were a bunch of recruiters and whatnot, big wigs, ya'know? I was really nervous, they kept whispered to Mrs. Travers and jotting down notes. As the period was ending, one of the recruiters approached me and asked Mrs. Travers and I to go to lunch with her."

Taking a deep breath, she laughed nervously.

"So we went and had lunch...and talked. The recruiter was from a huge art college in New York. Anyway, to get to the point, I have been asked to finish high school in NY at the college and I've been authorized to bring someone along with me. Either a parent, someone who knows the area or a friend. Really, Mom and Dad are so busy...Rebeca wouldn't be able to leave, not with her family I'm a bit at a loss."

Looking at him through her eyelashes, she was glad for the distraction that came in the form of their ice cream arriving.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:45 am

Jayden knew it. She came to the ice cream place looking like she did yesterday. Just as she didn't say a word to him, he didn't say a word to her. He didn't really know what kind of plans were cooking in that head of hers. He was pretty wary. But, he let her do her thing.

Grabbing a plastic cup of water as well, he followed her to their secluded table and let her talk. He wasn't going to say anything unless he had to. He was playing pretty close to the edge right now. He didn't want to go over quite yet. Or quite ever, really.

But when she mentioned going to New York--

Jayden choked on the gulp of water he was attempting to swallow, coughing. New York. Of all places... Jayden had a distinct feeling he knew what she was thinking about asking him. But he didn't have an answer for that. He couldn't answer that. But what the heck, he didn't even know what she was going to ask. If she was going to ask. He was just being paranoid. Right? Probably. He had a bad habit of doing that sometimes. Kassidy always told him he needed to relax in new situations.

He let his dark hair fall over his eyes, hiding them from her as their ice cream arrived. She paused in her talking. Probably waiting to gage his reaction. He couldn't let this get any more weird than it already was for him. So he decided to play it cool.

"So, what are you going to do?"

If you ask me... Oh, please, don't ask me. I can't go back.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:55 am

Sighing, Rhiannon took a bite of her ice cream, thinking everything over.

"Really, I have no idea. I don't even know if I'll go...I's an amazing opportunity but I'd be all alone and lost there. I've never even left this state so to go alone? Yeah, just not sure I could handle that....."

Trailing off, she took another small bite of her cold treat and chewed it slowly, thoughtfully. Resting her elbow on the table, she rested her chin in her palm and looked off, distractedly, into the distance. Everything was so confusing.....and nothing made sense. Jayden seemed like he wasn't wanting to be there and she was trying hard not to let it bother her. Sighing softly, she closed her eyes and exhaled.

"I feel like everything is messing up at the same time. When did life become so difficult?"

Musing aloud, she shook her head and laughed bitterly.

"God, I sound so selfish....sitting here discussing my issues.....I'm sorry, Jayden...did you want to talk about anything?"

A sick feeling settled over her stomach and she took to playing with the cold, creamy substance rather than eating it.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:09 am

"You should go. New York is an amazing place."

The words were out before Jayden even knew what he said. He bit his lip and looked away, not letting his emotions show again. He had no idea what was running through his head, why he even said that. He didn't want her to know he had lived there. That would bring up more questions, more facts about him he didn't really--

Well, he didn't have to answer her questions. He shifted in his seat slightly, his tongue messing with his snakebites. He had to find a way out of this, but he didn't really know what to say. He had said too much already. What-- Why?? Why did I decide to stay here? I don't want to be here!

He kept his eyes on his hands around his cup on the table. He was hating himself more each second.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:18 am

Feeling sicker with each passing moment, Rhi was quickly become quite uncomfortable. As she looked down at her frozen treat, her stomach rolled and she wondered idly if she should excuse herself before she just happened to get sick. Taking in a slow, deep breath, she looked at Jayden momentarily and opened her mouth to speak. As she inhaled, her stomach flip flopped and she moaned softly, why did it hurt? Feeling frantic, she quickly stood up.

"Excuse me for a second..." Running to the bathroom, she locked herself in one of the two stalls and barely had herself positioned before she emptied her sour stomach. Panting, she used some toilet paper to wipe her mouth. Shaky and feeling ill, she slowly stood up, flushed, and carefully walked to the sink.

Washing her hands and swishing some water in her mouth, she noted she looked a little pale. The last few days had been crazy hard and she sighed. Pushing her hair off her forehead, she splashed some cool water onto her face. Feeling ever so slightly better, she exited the bathroom.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:26 am

Jayden glanced at her through his hair... right before she got up and rushed out. His eyebrows came together in mild confusion. She didn't look so good... Probably just the stress of the last couple days. Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to meet her. Then she would have been at home resting. There he goes again...

He slowly made his way over to the door to the women's room, barely there for a few seconds before she made her way out. He had a fresh cup of water in his hand and he held it out to her, his grey-eyed gaze searching her face. "Are you all right? Maybe you'd better go home and rest."

His words were soft, his expression softer. He was protective of her. However confusing that may be, it was a fact.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:31 am

Rhiannon hadn't expected to see Jayden waiting outside the restrooms for her. Blinking in surprise, she took the water with a shaky hand and took a few, slow sips. The way he had been acting towards her had led her to think he would have bolted. Sighing, she finally nodded and smiled. Well, whatever, right? Even if he had been cold that morning, he was acting more like the Jayden she knew...and was starting to like...a lot....

"Yeah...maybe your right....We can always talk later...I mean, if it's not too much of a bother...."

Glad she had already paid, she finished off the water and wrapped her arms around herself, feeling colder than she had before. Heading out of the parlor, she paused in between their cars. Looking at Jayden, she gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before moving as quickly as she dared to her car.

"See you." She called as she climbed into the front seat and turned on the heater. Brr! Why was she so cold? Maybe the stress was making her get sick? Sighing, she drove home in silence. Back at her house, she climbed into her bed, fully clothed, and drifted off to sleep.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:08 pm

He nodded lightly. "Yeah... Later."

With broken spirit, Jayden followed her outside to their respective cars. Every day was worse with her. For him. He was tearing himself apart from the inside. But he couldn't help it. Everyone had tried to help him, show him another way, but to him there was no other way. No matter how much he willed it, Jayden couldn't fix himself. He wanted to. He wanted to so badly... But something inside of him wouldn't let go. He was fighting a war with himself... He was winning and losing at the same time. It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense anymore. He just had to keep on pretending to be real... Pretending to be a normal human being just like everyone else. He was just fine in Georgia. He laughed and smiled with his classmates. But here in Iowa... and with Rhiannon around... Everything was pounding on him, coming back into harsh reality for him. Jayden wasn't sure what to do anymore. These insane protective feeling for Rhiannon kept him here -- kept him from fleeing to Kassidy in Virginia.

Jayden felt the sudden warmth of Rhiannon's arms around him, the light pressure of her lips on his cheek. His heart pounded out an uneven rhythm, the battle within himself building up strength. This wasn't the way he wanted it to be.

He stayed frozen there, standing next to his Mustang, as she drove away. He knew he was stupid. There wasn't much of a doubt there. Maybe there was a way to fix-- The raw emotion that clawed at him was a grim reminder of his past. No. There wasn't another way. He would just have to live with it. Just one more semester and he could leave.


Jayden's drive home was uneventful. But the look in Jayden's eyes was evident when his parents returned home -- the teen was sick of hiding it. He was laying on his bed just staring up at the ceiling when his mom found him.
He didn't respond.
"Jayden, honey. Please don't tell me..."
"I'm going to Virginia."
"Next semester. I--I just can't."
"I'll be with Kassidy, Mom. It's fine."
She knew it was futile to argue with him. His mind was made up. He was one of the great debaters from New York... When the had lived there. He could argue out of just about everything. It was a talent he had.

Jayden hid in his room for the rest of the night. The music he played should have been soothing... But the picture he held in his hand contradicted that. The teen was a wreck. But no one at school would have noticed. Sleep that night came fitfully.

That dream again...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:44 pm

Flashes of indistinguishable color and faces that tingled the edges of her recognition danced before her dreaming mind. Sounds she had heard before and new ones mingled in the background of a landscape she hardly knew. Laughter echoed and voices were faded, murmuring wisps of sound that barely made sense. In reality, Rhiannon tossed and turned, fitful and restless but trapped within her nonsensical dreams. She knew she was moaning or crying aloud but it felt like she was hitting a brick wall whenever she tried to pull herself from the dreams. Giving up, she let them wash over her, painting the world in darker shades than she would have liked and making everything taste bittersweet. Finally, as she was about to give in to the utter despair that threatened to overwhelm her, a bright light and a harmonious sound called to her. hands, warm, caring and gentle, reached for her and soon she was pulled from the abyss and Jayden was there. He smiled so sweetly at her and entrapped her in his arms. She couldn't hear his words but his lips moved and she smiled. Closing her eyes, she was finally at peace then everything shattered into a million pieces and he was gone. Calling for him, crying out into the vast nothingness he had left in his wake, she was so utterly alone and broken. Why? Where had he gone?

Wrestling her inner mind and finally winning over, she sat upright in bed, drenched in sweat and panting. She knew she had been crying without touching her cheeks to feel the tears. Shivering, she wrapped her arms around herself and looked around. Her alarm clock read 4 am. Sighing, she rested her cheek on her knees before finally slipping off her bed. Heading into the bathroom, she took a long warm shower and focused her mind.

New York. Should she go? Should she stay? Rhiannon hadn't even told her family yet, she had been far too exhausted by the time she returned home. Toweling off, she glanced in the mirror. Her face had regained some color, thanks to the heat in the small room and she wiped the fog off the surface to get a better look at herself. Wide, intelligent eyes looked back at her through dark circles. She felt sore, like she had just run a marathon. Pursing her lips, she returned to her bedroom and dressed for school.

Black jeans, purple tee-shirt with a deep gray sweater. She almost put on her favorite sweater but figured she might get warm later, even if she was freezing then. Sitting on her bed, she made sure all her homework was done before flipping on her computer and just surfing the web. Feeling slightly more relaxed and, thankfully, not ill, she was pleased that the random doubt the night before hadn't stuck.

Finally, at 6 am, she went down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Saying her usual goodbyes, she had put on light make up, just enough to try and cover the hideous dark rings around her eyes. Climbing into her car, she drove to school. Inside the building, she went to her locker and found a note from Rebeca.

Hey girl,

We've been so busy lately, huh? Senior year is crazy. Sorry we haven't had a chance to chat but, ya'know. Life is life....
Anyway, Mom has been sick so I've been stressed out - trying to keep my siblings going. If you could do me a huge favor?
Stop by my classes and pick up my homework for the next few days...I've already arranged it all, I just need someone to
bring it all to me. Your the best friend I could ever have hoped for!



Frowning, she folded the note and stuffed it into her beg. Thankfully, her friend had left a copy of her schedule so it wouldn't be a difficult task to undertake. Worried about Rebeca, Rhiannon closed the locker and headed to her first period feeling frustrated.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:04 pm

Jayden's heart was heavy as he pulled himself out of bed. Night after night, he couldn't shake the dreams away. He quickly showered and pulled on yet another pair of dark jeans, today a navy blue shirt with the white words "art is art" scrawled across the chest. It was honestly the first thing he saw. He didn't really think any thing of it. He stared into his closet a little longer after pulling on his black pumas. There were a few moments of silence as he debated with himself... Before a grin spread across his face and he pulled out his leather jacket and bike helmet. Yeah. It was motorcycle day today.

After a quick breakfast, Jayden went into the garage and walked over to his beautiful, well-taken-care-of, deep blue bike. It was one of the things he treasured the most out of pretty much everything in his young life. A red bike sat next to it, a black one on the other side. But the blue one was his favorite. It was the one he chose today. Swinging his messenger bag over his head so the strap would be comfortable across his chest, he pulled on his helmet, turned the keys in the ignition, kicked it into gear and enjoyed the morning breeze as he drove to school. It was just another way for Jayden to throw life's normal rules right back into the administration's face. Plus, riding his motorcycle was something that almost always put him in a better mood. He felt free, like nothing could touch him.

Several heads turned as he pulled into the parking lot. He just grinned, his lip rings glinting in the morning light as he pulled off his helmet, his hair magically falling into place. Today was going to be a good day.

Jayden wandered over to his locker, putting away his leather jacket and helmet before pulling out the things he would need. Today was a new day, another start. He could just be himself and everything would be great and good in the world. Well, in his world anyway. And that's what mattered.

With a light grin still on his face, Jayden strolled into his first class and slid into his seat a few minutes before the bell rang. It was obvious he was in his own little world, he really wasn't paying attention to anything around him. No peers, not the teacher, not anything. Well, that's not true. He gave Rhiannon a light smile when he saw her, just to let her know that he wasn't really a huge jerk.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:25 pm

Shortly befoer class was due to begin, Jayden came in acting as if nothing could be going any better for him. Honestly, it made Rhiannon a little jealous to see him in such a good mood and clueless as to why. Sighing, she pushed the dark mood aside and returned him smile. Class started and all was fairly well, another typical day. Her body still severely ached and she wondered why. Frowning, she cupped her chin in her hand and started absentmindedly at the blackboard.

"Ms. Hunter? Ms. Hunter! Please pay attention!" Her teacher snapped, bringing her back to the real world. Blinking, the girl flushed as she felt the eyes of the class turn to her.

"Sorry..." mumbling, she allowed her hair to fall forward, covering her face. Biting her bottom lip, she held back tears and felt stupid. Normally, such an incident wouldn't have bothered her but she was feeling emotionally raw. Wiping at her eyes, she sat up in her chair, her head spinning slightly. Pressing a finger to her temple, she winced at the pain that exploded within. Sighing, it was going to be a long, rough day.

Rhiannon did he very best all of first period to remain diligent and take down the notes she was supposed to but deep within her, a storm was just starting to pick up. Inside, she was fragile and close to crumbling. Stress after stress kept piling up and she felt as if she were about to implode. When would she finally collapse? With shaking hands, she continued trying to keep up with the lecture.

Her world slowly started to spin and before she could do anything about it, she passed out, darkness becoming her world.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:52 pm

Jayden had actually spaced out as well, as class wore on. But he was quite good at masking it. Only two more days, he guessed, before this class caught up to where he ended in Georgia. He mind was elsewhere, on the article he had found in the NYTimes the day before, on the debate in class yesterday... What new thing would happen today with Bowden? Jayden couldn't wait...

"Ms. Hunter? Ms. Hunter! Please pay attention!"

Jayden's attention snapped forward as well, before his gaze slid over to Rhiannon. He frowned again. Something was up with her. Maybe she looked the same... But... Something felt off. And then... Her head hit the desk... Well, lightly. And she didn't move. Oh great. Not again... When the bell rang and she didn't move, he was sure she had passed out. The students began filing out of the room as Jayden moved over closer to her and rested his hand on her arm.
"Rhiannon? Hey... Come on, what are you doing, passing out like this?"
She didn't respond so he tried again, rubbing her back gently.
"Hey. Rhiannon. Just wake up and I'll take you somewhere where you can lie down ok?"
He exchanged a few quick words with Ms. Nevell. She gave him a pass so he could go back to class after making sure she got to the nurse safely.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:57 pm

Silence was predominate and Rhiannon felt so small in the complete darkness. Her mind slowed and she couldn't feel anything. Reaching out, she knew she was alone but still tried to find something physical to touch. Nothing. She knew she was unconscious but she knew nothing she did would wake herself up. Letting it ride out, she finally came to with Jayden speaking gently to her, his hands on her back. Slowly, she lifted her head, blinking and looking around. Ms. Nevell looked concerned and Rhiannon suddenly felt foolish.

"Sorry..." for the second time that day, she mumbled her apology and slowly stood up. Gathering her things, she silently allowed Jayden to lead her from the room. Aching even more now and feeling like crap, she kept her eyes on the floor as they walked to, she assumed, the nurse's office.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:16 pm

Concern was evident in his eyes as Jayden led her down the hall, his hand on the small of her back. They had almost reached the office where the nurse was when he paused a moment, stopping in the hall, looking over to her. "Are you going to be ok?" he asked her quietly. "You haven't been looking so well the last couple days."

He let his gaze slide over her, his grey eyes showing his true concern. He really didn't want anything to be wrong...

His stomach suddenly dropped as a powerful memory hit him. A lump rose in his throat and he was unable to speak anymore. He bit his lip, hiding all the other emotion rising in his eyes. Come on Jayden. Pull yourself together. This is different... Mostly. Just get through the day, and everything will be fine.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:22 pm

Glancing up at him, she could see his sincerity. A small bubble of happiness rose within her, popping against the crushing darkness that told her she was being dumb. Exhaling slowly, she closed her eyes.

"I'm okay....I think....just stressed out and kinda feeling like shit...."

Rubbing her face, she looked at the floor again, wondering why she was feeling so shy and stupid. Frowning, she wrapped her arms around herself and pushed everything aside.

"I just...have a lot going on right now...and having to decide what to do about New York really just added to my issues. Sorry to worry you, I'll be okay, I'm sure."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:29 pm

Jayden nodded, slipping his hands into his back pocket, his gaze sliding to the floor.
"You'll make the right decision. You'd love New York."
His voice was soft as he reminded her of what he had said yesterday before she got sick. It wasn't really his place to even suggest what she should do, but he did know how amazing New York could be. He wanted to go back someday. He really did. And Virginia was close enough. He was sure once he moved to Virginia he would be able to see the city again. Oh, he missed it. He missed any sense of a big city, the energy that was always felt there, the openness of everyone so he could be happy again...
He looked for that in Georgia. He would have found it, too, if it hadn't been so recent.

"Do you think you can make it through the rest of classes? Or should I take you to the nurse?"


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:12 am

Closing her eyes, Rhiannon took in a deep breath, holding it momentarily before slowly releasing the air. Running her fingers through her hair, she frowned at her feet. Shrugging, she glanced at Jayden, quickly looking away. Chewig on her bottom lip, she wondered why everything was suddenly changing. Just a month ago, life was so predictable and boring. Everything changed when he showed up!

"I...I really don't know. I'll probably be fine, physically, but I worn out. Ugh....I have no idea what to do anymore...."

Glancing at the door to the nurse's office, she fought the urge to cry, a burning building up in her eyes. Blinking rapidly, she toyed with her clothing in a feeble attempt to distract herself.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:20 am

He tilted his head lightly as he watched her, truly concerned. Jayden reached out and touched her arm gently in a caress.

"Why don't you give it a shot?" he said softly. "Just try day dreaming through class. One day won't hurt anything. And if it's too much then go to the nurse or go home or something. No big deal."

He smiled again, the hall lights glinting off of his snakebites. She was his concern right now. Nothing else mattered right now. He wouldn't let any thing else matter. Not right now. Maybe in class when he could ignore the teacher he could try and straighten himself out, but for now his attention was all on her.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:24 am

Looking at the teen next to her, she smiled feebly. Nodding her head, she brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah...I suppose...."

- - - - - - - - -

After heading back to class, Rhiannon followed Jayden's advice and just zoned out during class. Her teachers gently prodded her into responding to their questions and the oblidged them. Finally, the final bell rang and the dark haired girl heaved a sigh of relief. Heading to her locker, she grabbed her things, glancing in the magnetic mirror that hung from the metal door. Frowning, she closed her lockers and heaved her backpack up higher on her shoulder.

Well, she thought to herself, time to go home...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:46 am

The rest of the day wasn't out of the ordinary. He got kicked out of Bowden's class again. With pride. The grin he wore on his face the rest of the day was testimony of that. He stayed in for lunch, discussing the novel with his lit teacher, and the rest of the day flew by. Jayden was talking and smiling with Adam once again while he walked out of the school building, only to freeze at the sight of his beautiful... well, once-beautiful, bike.

It had been vandalized like no other. The words "hippy fag" were scrawled across it in white paint and it was obvious the engine had been dismembered quite nicely. Jayden didn't say anything. Couldn't say anything. There were no words to describe...

"Um. Jayden?"
He turned when Adam's voice broke into his world.
"I can take you home. I brought my truck so we can put your bike in the back if--"
"No," Jayden said quickly. "Just.... Just take me home. I'll come back for the bike later."
"Oh. Sure."


It was a little after 6 when Jayden returned. He wanted to be sure everyone else was gone. He wasn't sure he could trust his emotions right now. He brought his father's black pick up and a large toolkit. He had quite the knowledge of engines. When he had no friends, he worked on cars and things in the garage at home. He was quite capable.

With a light sigh, Jayden set to work. It was obvious whoever had dismembered his poor bike knew what they were doing. He wasn't working very long when his phone rang. Jayden almost laughed. What timing...

Jayden put his phone on speaker so he could work while he talked.

"Hey Kassidy."
Jayden laughed. "Yeah. That's me."
"What's happening little man? OH! Before we get too deep in conversation, can I talk to your dad first? Pops wanted me to ask him something."
"Um. Actually Kassidy, I'm not at home."
Jayden took a few minutes to explain what had happened to the bike. Kassidy was silent for a moment.
"So you know why I couldn't take it home," Jayden said when Kassidy was silent.
"It said what??"
...... "Don't make me repeat it Kassidy."
"Do you think they--"
"No. They're just screwing with my head."
She sighed. "Please, Jayden, don't tell me it was your blue bike."
"It was."
"How stupid can you be?"
"Well, I didn't exactly expect them to vandalize my stuff so soon. Sure, maybe one day, but not the third day I'm here."
His cousin sighed and was silent for a moment before saying, "Well. Happier topic? What's the dating scene like out there?"
Her voice was light so Jayden's icy response stood in stark contrast. "We're not talking about that Kassidy."
"STILL Jayden? It's been nearly 2 years!"
"Kass... please."
Kassidy laughed. "I still can't believe she left you a virgin."
Jayden moaned, "Really Kass? You're bringing that up?? I--"
"After everything, she couldn't even give you that."
"She wanted to wait, Kassidy. I respected that. I still do."
Jayden sighed.
"Well, the least you could do is move on. It's what Audrey would want."
Jayden closed his eyes against the sudden pain. Audrey...
"Well, hey, I've actually gotta go. Dad needs me to do something. Hey-- Tell your dad to call his brother. Haha, he won't stop bugging me."
"All right, Kass. I'll talk to you later then."
"Bye Jayden!!"

Jayden turned off his phone before leaning his back against the truck and sliding down to sit on the ground, his back against the tire. Not again...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 4 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:59 am

Rhiannon had been on her way out when her art teacher found her.

"Got some time? I'd like to discuss your plans, Rhiannon." The older woman smiled warmly at her pupil.

"Oh...sure. Just let me call my parents."

After a quick phone call home, the two spent some time in the art room discussing goals and future plans. Rhiannon had to admit, the conversation felt good and for some reason, she was feeling a lot better about the whole situation. Gathering her things again, she waved goodbye to her teacher and headed for the exit.

"Yeah. That's me." Jayden's voice made her pause in her tracks. Peeking around the corner of the building, she saw the teen near a black truck and the ruined remains of his blue bike. Gasping, she clasped a hand over her mouth and hide behind the wall. Listening to Jayden talk to whomever he was on the phone, Rhiannon's heart raced. What was going on? Closing her eyes, she litened intently to everything he was saying. From the quick glance she had gotten, she guessed someone had ruined his motorcycle. She had seen some words scrawled on it but had been unable to read it.

Clenching her fists, her nails bit into her flesh as she tried to control her anger at whomever touched the bike. He said a name, Kassidy....who was she? Old girlfriend? Family member? Friend? She had no idea what was going on and felt awkward for listening in but something made her unable to move. When Jayden stopped talking, she gathered herself and hefted her bag up higher onto her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to him.

"Hey Jayden....." Swallowing against the dryness of her throat, she smiled meekly.

"Would...would you like to talk?"


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