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Behind These Eyes

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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:11 am

Jayden shut his grey eyes tightly, fighting back the frustration he had bottled up inside. Audrey had been on his mind ever since he felt his intuition kick in over Rhiannon a few days ago. And he didn't know why...

"Would...would you like to talk?"

Her voice shattered his world. His grey eyes opened slowly, turning on her. Talk? Hah. No. Of course he didn't want to talk. ... But... Seeing as he kissed her and he did hold a certain kind of undeniable attraction to her... Well, he kind of owed her. But maybe... Maybe she didn't hear? No. That was stupid Kassidy was loud at her best and having her on speaker phone... Well. There was no doubt that Rhiannon had at least heard part of the conversation. But... He wasn't sure.

Inexpressible, undeniable emotion swam in his eyes as he looked up at her from where he sat.

"How much did you hear?"


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:17 am

Tucking her hair behind her ear, she sat down in front of him, crossing her legs and setting her bag and purse to the side. Chewing on her bottom lip, she avoided his gaze for a few moments before finally answering.

"Most of it....I think...." Swallowing, she let her eyes meet his.

"More than I should of and I would understand if you were pissed at me...but it was purely by accident. I'm really sorry...but since I did hear, maybe just talking about it will help?"

Licking her lips, she felt the familiar tugs of desire sweep over her as her eyes scanned his face. He, really, was too damn good looking for his own good. Biting her lip, she cocked her head to the side, her hair falling down in a curtain behind her face. Giving Jayden a small, supportive smile, she longed to take his hand and ease his pain but knew better than to try it.

"If you don't mind me asking...who is Kassidy?"

And who is Audrey, for that matter? Her heart ached deep within her and she wondered how he really felt about her. Part of her had longed for him to say something about her when the girl had asked about the "dating scene"...but, it was too much to hope for. Brushing her inner turmoil aside, she wanted to be 100% focused on what he would have to say.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:14 am

Jayden allowed his eyes to wander from Rhiannon as she spoke softly, sitting in front of him. So she heard everything then. Every word, every name. Well, she probably would have found out eventually anyway. Well, if he had had any hope of dating her, it probably would have come up... maybe... or maybe not. Who was he kidding, he was planning on keeping Audrey a secret for as long as he could. That wound was too recent, too new...

"Kassidy is my cousin," he finally said, turning his eyes back to her. "Our dads are identical twins, so I guess that genetically makes her my half-sister. But she acts just like it either way. She's four years older than me and considers herself my only sibling and therefore gives herself the right to know everything about me."

He shrugged. Answering questions wasn't so bad, really. The only problem was, he knew what was coming next. Jayden's heart thudded painfully in his chest as he anticipated it. How would she ask? And when she found out who Audrey was... what would her next question be? Or maybe there wouldn't be any more questions. Maybe Rhiannon would just be so fed up with him she would leave.

Yeah... that's usually how it turns out.
Love 'em and leave 'em right?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:45 pm

A tight little ball of nerves and frustration built up within her and she wondered if her curiosity would bore anything worth the risk. CHewing softly on the inside of her cheek, she could almost feel the tension and pain that seemed to roll wave after wave from Jayden. Pushing her nerves away, her heart ached for him. Why was he so sad? Would he finally open up to her? Will he close down and push her away? Rhiannon hadn't a clue what would happen next. Balling her hands up into fists to ease the shaking in her limbs, she toyed with the strings of her shoes as she waited for an answer to the first of many questions.

Their eyes met and her mouth dired. Swallowing, she absentmindedly placed a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and focused on nothing but what he said. Cousin...alright. That made sense. So Kassidy was a close, loving relative who was worried about the dark haired teen. Cool. It was nice to have caring family. Exhaling a small sigh of relief, her stomach knotted again as the next question she had bubbled to the surface of her mind.

RHiannon figured she had a 50/50 chance. Jayden could get pissed and tell her to kindly fuck off and she would oblidge, unwillingly of course. Or, he would answer and they would grow closer. A voice in her mind cheered for the better option.

Well, I won't know until I ask, right?

Taking a deep breath and looking at the slate gray cement for a moment, she finally looked back into his eyes and framed the next question before speaking.

"It sounds like you and Kassidy are close. It's nice to have such caring family. She seems really nice."

Smiling, she played with her hands for a second before gathering her courage.

"Who is Audrey?"

Her voice was soft and she felt the sting of tears come to her eyes. Why did the very question make her want to cry? Was this girl his ex? The one he loves? Wanting desperately to be wrong, the artisticly inclined teen prayed to whatever was listening for the answer to be bearable....and less tragic than she was anticipating.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:38 am

Well, telling her wasn't so bad. Jayden allowed a little smile grace his lips as she responded to Kassidy being his cousin. Nice was... a way of putting it. Yeah, she cared, but she also had her own ideas of how Jayden should deal with certain things. Not everything. Just certain things. But then... the silence. Jayden knew what was coming. He tried to brace himself for it... but to no avail.


The name hit him like a ton of bricks, yet again. His eyes closed against the painful emotions, his heart pounded, and he wrapped his arms around his lean frame, trying to keep his heart and emotions inside. He was silent, choking back anything that wanted to escape, waiting until he could speak without his voice shaking before he responded.

"Audrey..." He was proud he spoke without a shaking voice. But his voice was quiet, a little testament of the real emotion hidden underneath the surface. Maybe he could avoid his voice shaking, but he couldn't hide or deny that something was brewing under the surface. A hidden mountain of emotion, waves of life crashing against his chest, ordering him to let them out. But he... he couldn't. Not that he wouldn't, though that was part of it, but he was fairly certain that even if he wanted to... he couldn't. They were sealed inside of him as they had been for over two years.

"Audrey," Jayden managed to finally choke out of his system.

"She was my girlfriend when we lived in New York."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:03 am

It was awkward, the moments before her question and the moments following. The air itself became heavy and nearly unbreathable as she waited for an answer. Her heart seemed to stop and time itself stilled as she held her breath. Eyes latched to his face, she watched the wave of emotions crash upon him. Only catching a few, pain and sorrow the two most predominent, Rhiannon almost wished she could have taken the words back.

Despite his obvious internal struggle, not a single emotion she expected to hear touched his voice. Awed and enraptured to him, the girl leaned forward a bit as if she were a child being told an extremely exciting story. Licking her lips, she prepared herself for the words but nothing could have prepared her for the pain that flashed through her when he spoke them.

Girlfriend....I knew it.....

"Oh...I see..."

Fighting hard to keep the despair from her voice, she swallowed a lungful of air and looked at him. So, she got one thing out of him about Audrey but it was obvious there was more to the story. A lot more.

"Do you still love her?" Her voice was naught but a whisper and she squeezed her eyes shut, ashamed and embarrased by the words she spoke.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:17 am

Jayden again closed his eyes. The waves of emotion pounded harder when he knew he had hurt her... Rhainnon. The girl instinct told him to protect. He hated it. Hated every minute he spent like this. He was torn. He was hurt. But what hurt even more was her question. "Do you still love her? He wanted to answer. He had to answer. She was waiting. The words would not come. He was choked by his own breath and he couldn't stand it. Nothing was making sense anymore. Hundreds... Thousands of memories plagued him. Tortured him. They wouldn't leave him alone. It was a rare day when they did.

Jayden knew he had to reply...

There was only one way to answer her question.

"It's hard to be in love with a dead girl."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:35 am

Silence. It pounded down on her as she waited. Seconds ticked by, feeling like hours as not a word was uttered between them. Her heart ached and her mind repeated the answer she was expecting over and over. As if repeating her worst fears would make them any easier to hear! Licking her lips, Rhiannon prepared herself for thew worst. Of course, what Jayden said was far worse than anything she had imagined.

"It's hard to be in love with a dead girl."

An icy chill ran through her blood, seeping into her viens and making her shudder. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked at the teen with wide eyes. Shocked and speechless, she simply stared at him in awe. Finally, once her head caught up to her, she pieced together some form of coherent thought.

"Jayden, I hadn't a clue....I am so sorry! I feel like such an idio!" Tears streamed freely down her face. Rhiannon knew she was being silly and emotional but she couldn't help herself. Standing up, she dusted herself off in an attempt to hide her tears. Wiping at her cheeks, she took a deep breath.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:18 am

Jayden's eyes finally opened and gazed off, far distant, to the left. He pulled his knees up, wrapping his arms around them, as she muttered words he didn't hear, displayed emotion that only brushed the surface of his. So much despair, confusing, and longing...

Longing to be with her, partially. And longing to move on. It was a dreadful hole he found himself in. A desire to be loved, and a desire to be loved by her. It wasn't possible, and he knew it, but something inside of him wouldn't let go. It refused. He'd found the edge of that hole, but just as soon as he found it, he realized just how deep he was in. How stuck he was there. He felt quite certain that he would forever be there.

Forever be letting down Audrey and her request.

"It's been two years... and I still haven't... Haven't..." His voice trailed off into silence for a moment. Jayden slowly got to his feet, leaning on the bed of the truck, his hand gripping the top of the side.

"I can barely look at you sometimes, Rhiannon," the teen finally muttered, "without remembering Audrey... And the promise I made her. The promise I break every day... Every day."

Jayden knew it was coming. He would have to confront it, he would have to tell Rhiannon everything. It was the only way.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:29 am

Her back to him, she was so lost in her own thoughts and worries, praying he wouldn't hate her and wondering how she could repair any damage caused. Closing her eyes and calming herself, she slowly, forcefully, made herself stop and turn back to look at him. Her backpack and purse lay on the ground, forgotten to her for the time being.

Jayden spoke softly and Rhiannon took a small step forward so she could hear better. Had Audrey really died two years ago? She had to admit, it would take a long time for a wound like his to heal. Really, two years was nothing in the grand scheme of things....

Shaking her head, she heard him speak again and her blood, once again, froze in her veins. He...could barely look at her without such sad, dark memories overwhelming him? Part of her rejoiced in the fact that he thought of her in the manor he did...but part of her longed to make his pain go away. Closing her eyes and balling her hands into fists, she stood in silence.

"Jayden...... tell me what I can do to help. If you tell me to disappear...I will go to New York and never bother you.....please. Just let me help you...."

The words were soft but firm. Her resolve was there despite her quavering voice. Biting her bottom lip, she waited. Waited to see what he would say.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:57 am

Jayden then, finally, turned his grey eyes on her. She was serious. Which made everything that much harder. Swallowing everything that rose to the surface, the broken boy walked to the open tailgate of the truck and hopped up to sit on it. With a light sigh, he patted the space next to him. "You might as well hear the story."

Jayden was silent for a few moments, collecting his thoughts. Then he began.

"A little over two years ago, my family moved to New York for the second time. Back to the city. It was there that I met Audrey. She stood out to me from day one. She was... independent. Different. Bold. Courageous. It was easy for me to fall in love with her. We did nearly everything we could together. She was a vegan and was completely dedicated to it. I deeply admired that in her. It made her... Her. I respected her decision to be a vegan, just as she respected my decision to not be a vegan. She fit right into my family, and I seemed to fit into hers. Things were wonderful... Dare I say perfect. I knew..." Jayden paused for a moment, swallowing against the sudden emotion. "I knew she was the girl I would marry. Maybe we were young, but I wanted to spend my life with her.

"We had been together for about nine months when she got sick." He paused again, wringing his hands together. "She missed a few days of school before her parents took her to a doctor. It was another two weeks of tests before they figured out what was wrong with her. We ruled out just about everything before then. No common cold or illness, not mono, not malnutrition -- Maybe she was a vegan but she was one of the healthiest people I knew. When we got the answer... It was the one thing we hoped the most to... to not hear.

"Audrey was diagnosed with a late stage of some fatal cancer. It has some fancy name I'm sure. She had a month to live."

Here Jayden paused again. The emotion building inside of him was too much to take and still talk with a steady voice. There was just too much... Too much to handle. But, he pressed on, his voice shaking lightly.

"I spent every moment I could with her. She was so... So strong. Even when it came to the end for her, she met each day with a smile. I didn't know how she did it. I still don't know. But the fact that she did... It made it that much harder to lose her."

Jayden paused again, this time in thought. He knew what came next. He knew what to tell her... But still, he hesitated.

He cleared his throat. "A couple days before she died, we had a pretty serious talk about the short time we had together. She knew I was in love with her. She was in love with me, too. She knew I had plans to marry her, and she looked forward to it. Until... she got sick. So, we had a serious talk. And she... She told me that she loved me, and she always would. But there was someone else out there waiting for me and... And I had to go find her."

Tears finally filled Jayden's eyes, his first display of emotion since they moved to Iowa... maybe even since they left New York.

"I have tried," he said, not even trying to hide the quaver of emotion anymore. "I want to. I promised her... I promised Audrey I would let her go and find someone who would be just as important to me as she was. Part of me says I have... but...

"The rest of me won't let go."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:23 am

Her body tensed up as Jayden started to speak. Fluttering rapidly in her chest, her heart burst into action when he spoke and motioned for her to sit next to him. Taking in a slow, deep breath, she walked over to the trusk and hefted herself up. Settling in next to him, she got into position so she could see his face. Somehow, she knew what he would have to say would change everything. Swallowing, she allowed herself to be pulled into his stroy.

As he spoke, her heart yearned for him and part of her found herself wanting Audrey to still be impossible a wish it was. Frowning, she just listened, biting back the tears that threatened as emotion crept into his voice. When Jayden finally broke down and tears ran down his cheeks, Rhiannon could hold it no longer.

TOuching his hand gently, she smiled slightly, a melancholic expression.

"It's understandable. You lost the one you love. Something like that can't be forgotten easily. Nor can it be easy for you to allow someone else in. I can't even imagine how hard it is. The only thing I can do is offerto be here for you....offer to do whatever is it you'd like me to do in order to help. Jayden, I want to see you smile. I want to see you happy and I know Audrey would want that, too."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:49 pm

Jayden shut his eyes against her touch, allowed the final tears to slip from his eyes. He felt so stupid. What the hell was he crying for?Over Audrey... And over his real stupidity. She was gone. She wasn't coming back. She told him to date other people. And he promised her he would. And yet... He hadn't. Rhiannon was as close as he'd gotten to anything personal with a girl since Audrey. It's not like she left him. She died! It wasn't her choice.

But she was also the first person he'd told everything to. The only person outside of his family who knew his darkest corners, his deepest frustrations. And she was gone. He'd dealt with her death well enough, but breaking promises to her... He hated himself for it. But he just didn't know if he could trust himself enough to trust another. What if something did happen again? Jayden wasn't sure if he could take another devastation in his life. He'd been through too much already. And those scars would never fade.

The broken teen opened his eyes, but his grey gaze was far away, just staring into the distance. He was silent, still, just lost in his thoughts. Jayden's stomach rolled itself into a knot. He longed for her touch... Well, maybe not Audrey's touch... But he missed the closeness, longed for it. But he couldn't ask that of Rhiannon. Whether he was attracted to her or not didn't matter. He wasn't going to burden her with anything, even though she volunteered herself for it. It was out of pity, he was sure. Especially after that story. It would probably seem that he was hung up on his dead girlfriend. But he wasn't. Sure, he missed her and longed to hear her voice, but he agreed that it was ok to move on. But what hurt the most was knowing that he let her down every day he looked at Rhiannon...

He wanted to be with her. But part of him wouldn't let go of Audrey. Part of him would call him a cheater, a liar, and a fraud if he moved on. He was torn completely in two. He didn't know how to fix himself.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:43 pm

Chewing on his bottom lip, she wished she knew what he was thinking. Did he want her to go? Did he want her to say anything? To embrace him? It was frustrating to not know what he needed to heal. Did he want her? Did he find her revolting? What did he need or want? Sighing softly, Rhiannon toyed with the ends of her black hair, twiling a strand of it around her finger as they sat in silence.

Glancing over at Jayden, she saw his eyes were open but vacant looking, as if he were thinking about other things. The same ache she had been feeling since they first started talking drove deeper into her chest and she wrapped her arms around herself, drawing her knees up to her chin. Her eyes wandered around, not really taking in anything she saw. The green grass, the gray cement, the silver and black of the truck and then.... him.

"Should I go? Should I go..." she swallowed hard, tears forming in her eyes and swarming her vision. "Go to New York so you never have to see me again?"

Shaking, she tightened her grip on her legs and forced herself to look at him. If he was going to tell her to go away, she wanted to see the truth of it in his eyes.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:16 pm

Jayden's eyes and mind suddenly came back to reality. Should she leave? Did he want her to? Well, she should leave if that's what she wanted. Not if he wanted. He didn't want to make her answer to him. She had a mind of her own and she needed to use it. But... Since she did ask... She seemed pretty torn up about it... Jayden decided Rhiannon needed to hear one last thing for him.

With a deep breath, he turned to look at her, his grey eyes somewhat empty of emotion now, but focused on her.

"If you... If you wait unitil next semester I'll..." He hesitated. Maybe it wasn't what she wanted. What the hell, how much did rejection hurt anyway? Nothing would ever hurt the same as... as losing Audrey... and...

"I'll go with you. To New York."

He said it. The words were out and he couldn't take them back. But hey, if she didn't want him he'd just go to Virginia like he was planning. Kassidy would be tickled pink to know he was coming. He hadn't told her yet... But maybe that was a good thing... Maybe his plans were about to change.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:27 pm

Rhiannon could see the focus return to his eyes. Her heart sped up then stopped as she waited for an answer. Briefly closing her eyes, she exhaled and forced herself to meet his gaze. His gray eyes were empty but she could tell he was no longer lost in his memories. Nerves made her whole body shake as she waited. What was he going to say? Licking her lips, she clenched her hands into fists, grabbing hold of her jeans.

Next smemster? Where was he going with this? Chewing on the inside of her cheek, her heart burst into action, beating painfully. Rejection? Oh god, what would she do?

"I'll go with you. To New York."

What? Her mind raced and for a split second, she couldn't believe her ears. Did he mean it? Looking deeply into his eyes, she knew it was true. Excitment and adrenaline ran through her veins and she thought she'd pass out. Taking in an elaborately slow breath, she smiled despite herself.

"I'd like that." Brushing her hair behind her ear, she glanced down at her hands and released her hold on her pants. Relief washed over her and she looked back at him.

"I'd like that a lot."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:40 pm

The light that came to her eyes, the smile that graced her lips... It helped. He allowed a very small smile cross his lips.

"I'm glad," he said quietly. "It'll be nice to go back."

New York. He wasn't really sure how much he wanted to go back at this moment. And it would get worse. But he would give himself until next semester to get better, to be ready for Rhiannon. He reached out and put his arm around her shoulders for a brief moment before jumping down and getting back to work on his bike.

"You'll love it there, Rhiannon," he said quietly as he grabbed a few things. "It's a beautiful city."

And by beautiful, he meant beautiful to him. In ways that most people would never see. But that was just the way he was. He was unique. Different. Strange. He was Jayden. Indefinable. Mysterious.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:13 pm

A flush crept into her cheeks and she unwrapped her arms from around her legs. Kicking her feet as they dangled, she couldn't believe her luck. Making a mental note to plan everything as soon as she got home, she knew she'd have to tell her family but they'd understand. they always did.

His touch sent a thrill throughout her body and she grinned. Rhiannon knew it would be tough, being there as much as she could to help him get through his mied emotions.

"I can't wait!" Feeling more enthused about it than she had since getting the news, the girl lowered herself down from the truck and grabbed her things. Walking over to Jayden, she touched his shoulder.

"I'll be here for you, Jayden. Let me, kay?" Pressing her lips to his cheek, she smiled gently and waved as she walked to her car. Getting in, she sat behind the wheel for a moment, gathering her thoughts. It was going to be an interesting night, that was sure.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:57 pm

Jayden liked her tone of voice. She was happy again. And if he couldn't do anything else right, he would do his best to make her happy. Hey, at least it was a start. A girl like her... She should never be upset. Especially since she didn't run or yell or... well, she really didn't freak out when he told her about Audrey. Maybe he could compromise with himself. By making Rhiannon happy, he could make Audrey happy... where ever she was now.

A light smile lit his lips as he felt her lips on his cheek. He turned and watched her walk away. "Oh, wait!" he suddenly remembered, running up to the driver's side window. He waited for her to roll it down before saying, "Um... I... Could I get your number?"

She didn't have to leave... but it was good for her to get home. He was fairly certain she would have a lot to discuss with her family. Maybe he would let her in... Only time would tell. He was certain he could trust her with some things... Most things... As for one other thing... Well, he would keep that to himself (and his family) for as long as he lived.

He sighed lightly as he waited, holding his phone out to her, before looking back to his bike. It wasn't unfixable, it would just take a lot of time.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:11 pm

Sticking the key in the ignition, the dark haired girl let out a small, happy sigh. So lost in her own thoughts, she jumped slightly when Jayden appeared at her window. Laughing as she rolled the window down, she smiled at him.

"Yeah, no problem." Taking the cell, she noted that he looked at his bike with a sullen expression. Pursing her lips, she wished she knew more about fixing bikes. Typing her number in, then her name and saving it, she handed it back to him. Grabbing her call, she held it out to him and smiled.

"Do I get yours?" Brushing her hair out of her face, she cocked ehr head to the side. Part of her longed to stay with him and just talk...but she had a lot of planning to do.

"Sorry I have to run...but with us going to New York next semester...I need to work out all the details with my family. But, I'm free this weekend if you'd like to do something...."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:28 pm

Jayden's attention was pulled back to Rhiannon when she pulled out her phone. "Oh, yeah. Of course." He quickly punched in his info before handing it back to her. She was speaking again, he knew she was right. He didn't mind. More time with his bike. It would probably be good to not be distracted. The faster he got done the faster he could get home.

He nodded lightly in understanding. "Yeah... Um. I'll call you if I'm free. I think my dad has this thing..." He shrugged. "I'll call you."

He stepped back then, so she could roll up her window before driving away. He stood there and watched as she left before turning back to his motorcycle. The beautiful blue finish would have to be waxed once he got home. It would probably get done this weekend. The paint he could get off, but it would ruin the shine. He sighed as he got back to work. Physical labor was always a good distraction for him.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:46 pm

Stifling a small yawn as she waited for him to give her his number, the teen rubbed her face with her hands. She hoped she'd be able to sleep but something told her she'd be up all night...again. Sighing into her hands, she looked over at him, taking her cell and stowing it away in her purse. Turning to look at him, she smiled and nodded.

"Whatever works. If nothing else, we'll see each other in class. Try to have a decent night, alright?" Waving, she rolled up her window and carefully pulled out of the parking space. Glancing at him in her rearview mirror, she sighed sadly and returned her focus to getting home. The drive was, thankfully, short and uneventful. Pulling into the drive way, she was greeted by her brothers.

"How was your day, sis?" Andrew asked with genuine interest. Despite their antics, she had to admit they were good brothers.

"Long and tiring. Actually, mind asking Mom and Dad to meet me in the living room? You two should come, too. We all need to talk. I'll be there in about 15, kay? I want to shower."

Getting their word they would gather their parents, Rhiannon grabbed her things from her car and headed up to her room. Sending Rebeca a quick text, she stripped, wrapped herself up in her fluffy bathrobe and locked herself in the bathroom across the hall.

- - - - - - - - -

Ten minutes later, freshly showered and dressed in a pair of workout pants and a tee, she gathered the paperwork she had gotten from the college and headed into the living room.

"Hello sweety. We heard you needed to talk, What's up?" Her father smiled at her, eyeing the papers in his daughters arms with interest. Patting the couch next to him, he glanced at his wife as Rhiannon took a seat.

Kissing her father's cheek, she greeted her parents and inquired after their days. Once they had all shared, the girl sighed and rummaged through the paperwork until she found the sheet that explained everything.

"I'd like for you all to read this before I start."

- - - - - - - -

The Hunter family ate dinner later than usual. Gathered around the table at 8pm, they all laughed and spoke of the future. Rhiannon's was positively glowing as her paretns remarked how talented she was and they all spoke brightly of their emmense pride in the girl. Feeling as if she could fly, the teen spent the rest of the night with her family, laughing and telling stories until nearly 10pm. With both parents busy working, they split to get to bed. Relief was instantaneous as soon as she closed her bedroom door. The necessary paperwork was filled out and neatly sealed in an envelope and on the way to New York. The only thing left was getting Jayden's family to fill out the papers needed for him to accompany her.

Excited andoh-so-sleepy, the girl fell into a slumber full of mixed images. Her excitement for the coming semester and the heartbreak she had witnessed earlier that day colored her dreams in an odd light. She tossed and turned all night, finally waking in the morning, feeling sore and tired but pleased, nonetheless.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:38 am

It was nearing 10:00 when Jayden turned his key in the ignition of his motorcycle and it --finally-- jumped to life. The teen heaved a heavy sigh of relief before climbing fully on and driving around the block a couple times. He didn't have his helmet on, just letting the cool night air blow through his hair. It was a good feeling, to be alive and free like this. It was one of the reasons he rode a motorcycle. To forget.

It was late when he got home; his father was waiting up.

"I got it fixed. I'll just have to wax it later this weekend."
Jayden momentarily forget he hadn't told his parents was was scrawled on the side. "Uh, well.. They kinda ruined the finish too."
Alexander Rivers pulled Jayden into a gentle hug. He knew how much he loved that bike.
"I'm sorry, Dad."
"Don't be sorry, Jayden. You've done nothing wrong."


Jayden lay awake for a long time that night, just thinking. Sleep wouldn't come easy, dreams would be worse. But at least tomorrow would come quickly.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:48 am

When morning finally pushed the dark night into oblivion, Rhiannon sat up and watched the sun rise through her window. She knew, without a doubt, she would miss the view the small window afforded her but it would be worth it. Jittery with excitment and nerves, she quickly showered to make her sticky body feel more refreshed. Sighing, she stopped for a brief look in the mirror on her way back to her room. Her dark, wet hair was tangled and knotted. Ugh. Running her fingers through it, she flinched every time it the locks were pulled. GRabbed her bottle of detangler, she leaned in closer to the reflective surface, frowning. Dark circles continued to ring her eyes. Huffing, she left the bright white room and dressed for school.

Sitting in front of the vanity that was tucked into a corner of her room, she applied make-up to the dark spots, hoping it'd make them far less notable. Pleased with her work, she added some eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow before grabbing her purse and backpack and heading to the kitchen. As usual, everyone was already up and getting breakfast as she entered. Sitting down to a plate of eggs and toast, she took a sip of orange juice before gretting her family.

"I'll be giving Jayden the papers today. After he fills them out, everything will be set." SMiling brightly, she was heartened by the loving looks and support her family gave her. Finishing her food, she kissed her parents goodbye, waved to her brothers and ehaded out the door.

- - - - -

The drive to school was quiet, peaceful and just what she needed before starting school. The odd dreams she had the night before lingered in her mind but she fought to forget them. Pausing at her locker to deposite some books, Rebeca approached her and they chatted for a few before heading off to class. SLipping into her seat in her first period, Rhiannon supressed a yawn and glanced out the window. The sky was beautiful and made her believe it was going to be a good day. She could feel it.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 5 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:09 pm

The obnoxious thing called an alarm clock went off, beeping loudly to wake Jayden up. But it wasn't exactly needed. Pulling his face out of the pillow where he buried it in an attempt to sleep, he glanced at the time, actually grateful it was actually time to do something. Making his way into the bathroom, he glanced in the mirror and frowned at how obvious it was that he hadn't slept at all. His long hair was a mess, his grey eyes had lost their usual light, and there were definite circles under them. With a light sigh, he turned from the mirror to shower and get ready for the day.

After getting dressed, pulling on yet another pair of dark jeans and a forest green shirt, he managed a smile to himself in the mirror. Maybe he felt like crap, but he didn't look it. His eyes were still tired, but his hair fell the way he wanted it too and the dark circles under his eyes were gone. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all...

After a quick breakfast, Jayden was out the door. But no motorcycle today. Just the Mustang. And if anyone dared touch it... Well for one thing, it would be a crime against nature to harm the car, but for another, Jayden would personally hunt down and cause serious harm to whomever even thought of harming his beautiful car. But, he had a feeling they wouldn't. Not the day after his motorcycle was mangled.

The drive to school was quiet, just some chill music in the background. It was definitely going to be an interesting day... Now that Rhiannon knew that he was interested in her in some way, and that he was still dealing with his promise to Audrey... Well, maybe things would be a little bit better now. They'll definitely get interesting before they calmed down, and he was fairly certain of that. He just hoped he could handle himself next month...

Jayden finally made his way into first hour... And gave Rhiannon a faint smile when he saw her sitting there as he walked back to his desk next to hers. He didn't say anything to her, mostly because he didn't really have anything to say. He swallowed against his nerves, however. She probably had a thousand things to ask him that she thought of last night after she left. He wasn't sure if he could quite balance school and emotions at the moment. He was going a completely different way than he planned when they moved there. He planned on keeping to himself and a few people. But, emotionally, he would have stayed entirely alone. Until Rhiannon showed up.


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