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Behind These Eyes

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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:02 pm

Jayden didn't know how to react as she spoke. He was frozen in place, his grey eyes distant as he looked at the far wall. But as she pretty much ran away from him, he knew he couldn't just let her walk. She had almost gotten raped. She shouldn't be going anywhere alone. She just might get herself kill-- Shut up, Jayden! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! She sprinted up the stairs to his room, but he didn't move. Well, he didn't follow her. He moved slowly. He was across the room when she flung open the front door.

"Wait," he said, his voice low. "At least let me drive you."

His grey eyes were entirely unreadable, but his intentions were set. He was driving her to her car. As he walked by, he grabbed her wrist to make sure she came with. He was gentle, as always, and released her at the passenger-side door of his Mustang before walking around and climbing in himself.

He looked like the Mustang was made for him, his character totally fit. The car was to his unintentional look as ideas were to his mind -- Jayden was totally in his element here. The radio had been turned off when he drove her to his house, and it stayed off now. Jayden wasn't emotionally set to be listening to music right now.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:00 am

His voice shattered her world. Frozen with the door wide open, Rhiannon didn't even dare look at him lest she start crying or worse, try to kiss him again. But, oh god...that was the sweetest, warmest, most amazing thing she had ever known. Biting her bottom lip, she simply nodded and allowed him to pull her out to his car. Opening the door, she slid inside, her wrist still burning from where he had touched her.

Silence loomed over and she fidgeting as they drove down the streets leading back to the park. Chewing on her cheek, she looked out the window and wondered what kind of issues she would have to deal with...and then, like a moron, she started crying. Images and recollections of what transpired overtook her now that she wasn't so utterly focused on Jayden.

Covering her face with her hands, she tried to stifle the sound, swallowing back sobs as the car came to a halt. Rhiannon didn't know if they made it to the park or not but she didn't care. What was school going to be like? Would Evan and Greg tell everyone she had slept with them? Oh god, what would her parents think if they heard?

Shaking her head, her body trembled and she hiccuped as the crying calmed.

Her life was ruined!


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:49 am

Jayden was entirely aware of Rhiannon as he drove her away from his home. He didn't know what was happening in that head of hers, but he was pretty sure he wouldn't like it. Whether it involved him or the other two assholes, whose names he didn't even know, it didn't matter. If it made her upset, he didn't like it. She didn't need to be upset, well... Ok there was. But it shouldn't be over him. It should never be over him. He vowed, vowed, against Aud--

No. This is nonsense. Why in the hell--

He pulled up to the stop sign at the intersection right before the park, and it was then he noticed she was crying. He swallowed back the lump in his throat and drove the very short distance left to the park. He pulled up next to what he assumed was her car (it was the only one in the parking lot now), turned off his Mustang, and took his keys out of the ignition before getting out and walking over to her door. He sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment, before opening the door and crouching down next to her. Jayden knew that nothing he said would make a difference. If she really wanted to, she could have easily gotten out around him. Nothing he could do would make a real difference, but he would forever damn himself if he didn't try. It was just the way his mind worked.

"It's going to be ok," he said softly. "Hate me, hate them all you want. But it's not going to make a real difference. Just stand up and take life as it comes. ... And everything will turn out all right in the end." He shrugged, looking away. "If it's not all right, it's not the end."

He stood up then, leaning against the car behind her, hands in his pockets, grey eyes gazing down, biting his lip.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:04 am

It was fresh as she opened her eyes and saw the park. Her sobbing increased, turning into hysterics as she clawed at her face, her nails digging into her flesh, leaving little red marks in their wake. Her eyes, now red, widened and tears gushed forth, unbridled by the raw emotion that tore her apart like a leaf in a storm. Violent waves of anger and sadness washed over her. Each emotion was like an anchor in the sea of her mind. Never lasting for more than a few moments before retreating to give the other room. She was angry - at herself for being weak and at the two who tried to force themselves on her. Of course, she was sad - grief was a thick blanket that suffocated her.

Curling up into a ball, she pulled her knees to her chin, wrapped her arms around herself and burying her face in her legs. Her body continued to tremble and she didn't care. Rhiannon was so worn out. She wanted the day to end...but she didn't want to be away from Jayden. He was the only thing that kept her grounded, kept her from drowning in the sea of bitterness. Just his presence was a calming, soothing aura to the raging storm within. When she heard her car door open and heard his voice so near, the internal struggle began.

Two sets of images laid claim to her mind. One set was of the brief moment when Jayden held her and their lips met. It was beautiful. It was the rainbow within her. The other set was of the attempted rape. It was the hazardous, pelting rain that drenched her very core in sorrow. The two fought desperately for control but neither seemed strong enough. Finally, her body won out and she reached out for him, her fingers brushing his shirt and finally catching hold of him. Pulling him close, she buried her tear stained face in his shoulder and allowed the now dry sobs to send tremors throughout her.

What did he think of her? She hadn't the slightest clue but she had to let him know...had to let him know none of the torrent of dark emotions were because of him. Taking in a deep, shuddery breath, she gently pushed herself back and looked into his eyes. Tears welled up and she blinked, allowing them to roll down her pale cheeks.

"J-jayden," she hiccuped, "please don't think this is b-because of you....."

A small, twisted sort of smile touched her lips, creating a small glimmer of light in her eyes before tears washed it away.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:19 am

Jayden felt her tug on his shirt and he allowed himself to be pulled close to her, gritting his teeth against the sudden onslaught of unneeded emotions. But he had to force them aside. She desperately needed help, and it seemed he was the only one, at this moment, who could offer it. Gently taking her hands, he pulled her from the car and into his arms. He leaned against the car, allowing her to cry into his shoulder. As torn apart as he was, he couldn't just leave her. Not now. Not at all. Her emotional needs were greater than his, they always would be, if thing ended up the way he wanted them to.

As everyone knows, they probably won't. But Jayden refused to recognize that.

Her words brought him back to earth. His eyes were only for her at that moment, he was focused only on her. Then her tears returned. He gently put his hand against the back of her head, gently holding her against him. She needed this, to cry. It was so therapeutic.

"Ok," he murmured. "Ok. I know..."

So maybe he was focused on her, but another part of his mind wandered away from them. It's not like this was ancient history he was thinking about either... But the problem was, he hadn't really allowed himself to heal. He was still broken. But that didn't really matter. Right?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:28 am


She was so safe in his arms. It was like being anchored to a deeply rooted rock in the middle of an ocean during a storm. Rhiannon felt selfish but she needed that feeling. Needed to know she was going to be safe and everything would be alright. In the back of her mind as she fought to calm herself, she made a promise, if things ended up the way she wanted, to make Jayden feel as safe, as warm and as wanted as she did at that moment in his arms.

Slowly, with the help of his rhythmic heart beat and the simple physical contact, the girl started to gain control over her emotional self. The rolling waves settled down into more pristine, calmer ripples. Yes, it would take time for her to heal properly...but if Jayden was there, she knew it was possible to return to a more natural state of being. Somehow, she could feel as if the teen who held her needed her help as much as she needed his. Would he allow her to tenderly care for his eternal wounds as he was patching hers?

Finally, she regained control of her breathing, but she refused to let him go. He was her anchor, her life preserver - her knight in shining armor.

"I'm sorry....I'm so, so sorry...."

The words were mere whispers but due to the sheer closeness of their physical beings, she knew he would hear. as she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart pulse life throughout his body, she wondered idly if she would ever be emotionally as close to someone as she was physically to Jayden in that moment.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:48 am

Jayden couldn't stop the memories that plagued him in those few simple moments. He wanted to, he so desperately wanted to. But no matter what, he knew he couldn't. The onslaught of emotions flooded him, but he kept his cool. His pokerface was constantly on. He was pleased to note, however, that Rhiannon seemed to be calming down. Her tears had stopped from what he could tell... And she was breathing regularly again. Always a good sign. But he was only half-expecting the words that escaped her lips. His brows knit together in light confusion.

"Sorry for what?" It's not like she really did anything to him. He did what he thought was best. He would be the one taking responsibility for... well, pretty much everything. So...

"You have no reason to apologize to me," he said softly. And if Rhiannon had learned anything about Jayden by now, it would be that he meant what he said. Always.

He allowed his hand to drift from her head down to her back, though still holding her against him. If she wanted to move away, she easily could. But for now, he could tell she preferred this. And... He was ok with that.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:01 am

There was just something about the words he spoke that eased her mind. Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around him as his hand lowered to press against her back. Rhiannon could have easily moved away at any time but she didn't want to. She hadn't the slightest clue why, but just being so near him....just the weight of his hand on her and his scent soothed her tattered soul.

"Thank you.....I hope, one day....I can repay you somehow, Jayden." She spoke softly, her lips brushing against his shirt as she just stood, encompassed in his warmth.

Her mind was finally easing down from the peak of turmoil. Never before had she experienced such a traumatic event and she hoped she never would have to again. Inhaling deeply, almost hoping if she did that she could take some of him with her when they finally parted, she exhaled painfully slow, very aware of every inch of her body.

The bruises on her arms would fade quicker than the emotional scarring. Memories were such difficult things, she wondered how many moths it would take for her to long to be alone again. For that matter, she had assumed she would never had trusted another guy after such an encounter but Jayden proved her wrong. It was odd, really, how much faith and trust she already put in him but a small voice within her spoke words of comfort and reminded her that the one who held her so tenderly was unlike any other male she had ever met. Or would ever meet.

A headache started to manifest itself and she felt ill but she still didn't want to let him go. Rhiannon knew her cell was going to have so many missed calls between school, Rebeca and her mother, all worried about her uncharacteristic absence. What would she tell them. A knot formed in her stomach and she swallowed against bile that rose.

"Jayden....what am I going to tell everyone? How will anyone believe me over them? Believe what you saw over them? What....what am I going to do?"

Blinking rapidly, her eyes stung but she refused to let the salty tears escape. She had already shown enough weakness. Now she needed to try and be strong.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:11 am

Jayden softly shook his head at her words.

"Absolutely not," he said, though softly. "You owe me nothing. I did what I thought was best. Nothing more." He kept his arms gently around her. He would be whatever she needed in that moment. That's what he put himself there for. To be used. His tired soul didn't get that way on its own.
And hell, if his intuition hadn't kicked in... Well, the outcome would have been much, much worse. He preferred this option. Less pain, less anger, less... loss.

Jayden's heart continued to ache as he held her, letting her ease her troubled mind. Or well, start to. He knew there was a much longer process ahead of her, but she could handle it. She had a strong spirit, and he knew she would be all right again one day soon. She wanted to be all right, and so she would be.

But when her trembling voice questioned him again, there was absolutely no hesitation in his voice.
"Tell them the truth," Jayden stated firmly. "There's no use going around telling lies. And it's not like you can fake emotion like this. They'll believe you."

They have to.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:23 am

Nothing more? Does he not realize what he has done for me? He is amazing.....

Licking her lips, she nodded her head and squeezed her eyes closed. When would the pain that was caused finally subside? He was so sure of himself, of the answers he gave her. Heaving a sigh, she gently squeezed him, bringing their bodies closers for a fraction of a second.

"You really are amazing, you know? I wish I were half as strong as you are...." She rested her head against his chest again and listened to the thumping.

Finally, unwillingly, she disentangled herself from him. She knew her true feelings were written all over her face but she didn't try to mask it. Rhiannon really didn't care if he knew she didn't want to let him go. Sighing again, she reached into the car and grabbed her purse. Heaving it up on her shoulder, she closed the door and looked at Jayden.

Taking a step closer to him, her brow furrowed, she touched his cheek lightly with her fingers.

"Don't disappear on me. I can't handle it....I can't do this on my own...not yet. I know, I am a stupid selfish girl....but I need you, Jayden Rivers. I don't intend on being a burden to you...well, anymore than I already am...but I want to be your friend, at the very least." Moving back, she took his hand and gave it a firm, resolute shake. She wasn't about to let him see that she was already falling to pieces without his touch.

"I...I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Yes, there was a glimmer of hope and fear in her voice...and yes, she knew he would hear it but she hadn't the inner strength to mask it.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:39 pm

Jayden said nothing. Sure, being strong was something he relied heavily on, he had to, there really was no other choice. But he would never wish on anyone else the things he had endured to gain this "strength." He didn't like the way she called him amazing, he sure as hell didn't feel that way. But he was doing what he knew he had to. He had to protect her. From those bastards. From her fear. From himself. There were things in his life she didn't need to know about, it would help absolutely nothing, if anything it would hinder everything.

Wait, everything? What did that mean? Well, school, he supposed. What remained of his anonymousness. Well... that would be gone soon, he was sure. It always left pretty quickly in a place this small... Especially in a place like that. A place that was so like--

A touch on his cheek brought him back to earth. His grey eyes looked up at her through his dark hair, as he still kept his head tilted down somewhat.
"I need you, Jayden Rivers."
The words burned within him with familiarity. He hated this. Hated all of it. The memories he couldn't let go of. The things he couldn't forget. The things it killed him to remember. He couldn't, no, he wouldn't let them go out of fear. Out of pain. He couldn't forget. He would never let himself forget. He supposed it was a way of helping himself, protecting himself. He just hoped he wouldn't hurt anyone in the process...

She shook his hand -- one last touch. He raised his head to look at her fully, then nodded.
"Yeah. I'll be around."
He knew her emotions were going haywire, there was nothing he could do about that. He just hoped she realized that he wasn't the one she was looking for. Whether or not she was the one he had been looking to find didn't matter. She needed to protect herself by getting away from him.

He watched as she walked to her car and got in to drive away, still leaning against his Mustang. And he would be there, still, until she drove away, not moving until she was safely down the road and away from him. His eyes were cast down again, and he held back his emotion. The memories were overwhelming. He could have screamed, could have yelled... but he didn't. What purpose would that serve? Absolutely none.

Finally, Jayden walked over to the driver-side door and got back in to leave. He still had a couple hours until his parents got home. It was no question that his dad would interrogate him about what happened today. Jayden knew that he had to do something so he wouldn't spill quite everything out. His parents constantly reminded him to let go. Not to forget but to move on. He knew that he should, he knew how he should, but he just couldn't. Something in him just couldn't. He knew it. And his parents knew it as well. No matter how hard they tried... Jayden was stuck.

With a light sigh, Jayden finally drove away, drove home. School must have been over now...
It wasn't long before Jayden got home. To calm himself down, he grabbed his laptop and walked right up to his room. Erasing all signs that Rhiannon had been there, he sat at his desk and went back to work on all of his homework.

Which didn't keep him occupied for too long. So finally.
Jayden set to work, unpacking the rest of his bedroom. I guess I'm here to stay...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:19 pm

Green eyes filling with tears as she turned away from him and got into her car, she sat for a moment, behind the wheel. Knowing she would lose it if she looked at him, she took a deep breath and started the vehicle. Slowly, she pulled out of the parking lot and headed for her house. It was maybe a ten minute drive but as the park faded from view, tears spilled forth and she had to bite her bottom lip to keep from losing it completely. Every inch of her being protested and she knew she had to calm down before dealing with her family. Luckily, as she pulled into the drive way, she saw no one else was home yet. Quickly, she locked her car and rushed up to her room. Part of her wondered if she should have gotten her homework from school but there was a chance Evan and Greg would be there......

Safely in her room, the door locked, she fell onto her bed in a heap of tears. Curling up into a ball, she closed her eyes, hiccuping past the sobs that shook her. Eventually, the quell of emotions subsided and she stretched out onto her bed. Looking up at the off-white ceiling, Rhiannon wondered how she was going to explain everything to her family. Finally, she stood up and turned her desktop on. Getting some music on as quickly as possible, she sat in her squishy chair and stared blankly into the lit up screen. After a few moments, she shook herself mentally and opened a web browser. Checking her emails, she quickly responded to one from Rebeca then opened a word processing program. Positioning her fingers over the keyboard, she inhaled slowly and started to write.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was nearly an hour before anyone else returned home for the night. Brandon and Andrew appeared first, oblivious to their sister and her unusual quietness. As she wandered into the kitchen to find something to make for dinner, her Mother and Father arrived. Following their typical routine, her parents showered and changed into more casual clothing before they all sat down for dinner.

"Rhiannon, dear, you look exhausted. How was school?" Travis, her father, was a handsome man with a slight dusting of gray in his deep brown hair. His green eyes, a mirror of hers, were crinkled in concern as he looked at her from across the table.

"Actually.....we need to talk..."

- - - - - - - - - - -

Back in her room after a long, loving conversation took place between her and her family, the teen took another warm shower to ease the creepy-crawly feeling that lingered on her skin. As expected, her mother cried, her father raged and her brothers made plans to extract revenge. It took much time to calm them all down and explain her plan. It took ages for her protective parents to let her out of their sight for the night. Clean and feeling slightly better, Rhi laid down on her bed, a good book in hand, and read to ease her mind.

Well, she thought to herself, tomorrow will definitely be interesting....


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:59 am

Jayden had almost fully moved in to his room by the time his dad arrived home. His mother would be a little later.
Posters covered his door. The first one he put up, which was mostly covered by others by one, was one supporting gay rights. Others were Amnesty International, Falling Whistles, Coexist, and many others showing his activism in many causes. His room was covered in others, many artsy, some musicians, some movies. Just things he liked. He had just finished putting up his last one when he heard his father walk in.
"That's a new one, Jayden. Your classmate almost got raped?"
Jayden sighed. "It's true though, Dad. I wouldn't lie about that."
Silence fell between the two men before Alexander walked fully in. "Well then. Let's talk."


That dream...
It was a living, vivid memory. The face, the hair... Everything about her he remembered perfectly. He couldn't escape the memory, couldn't flee before it. In fact, he welcomed it. The face he knew, he remembered well.
But the name on his lips... It wasn't hers...

Jayden glanced at the alarm clock, the obnoxious thing that woke him. It was time to, once again, face a new school day. Time to forget yesterday and the things that plagued him and just act like normal Jayden. Normal, eccentric, free-thinking, Jayden. A long shower helped him relax and clear his mind. Yesterday had been a mess. Today would hopefully be better. Jayden smiled to himself, thinking of the adventure third hour would bring. Bowden. Maybe he'd manage to get a word in edgewise before the end of the hour. That would be nice. Would he see Rhiannon again? Probably. He had to at least be a little nice to her. He didn't want her out of his life unless she asked it of him. All he wanted was some time to straighten things out with himself. Silently. Carefully.

Pulling on dark-wash jeans and a tight, black shirt, Jayden grabbed his bag from where it sat next to his desk and flounced down to the kitchen for some breakfast. His mother was there, making him a bagel. Their conversation was short and light-hearted as he ate before slipping on his shoes then out the garage door to his Mustang.

Time to face another day...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:08 am

Grisly nightmares, the kind one almost forgot upon waking but still shivered as the memory returned, haunted her sleep. Tossing and turning, she whimpered into her pillow, trying hard to fall into a peaceful rest. Finally, around four am, the teen finally got the sleep she needed. When her alarm went off, she quickly turned the noise off and went to shower, again. 3 times in one 24 hour span was so unusual for her....but she felt like she needed it. Pulling her dry hair up into a tight bun before steeping into the bathroom, it was just a quick scrub and she was dressed within ten minutes.

Dressing in a neat, knee-length pencil skirt and an off-white blouse, she knew her art class was hosting an open house art showing. There were rumors that college recruiters would be there so she wanted to dress for success, as her parents would say. Pulling a brush through her hair, she pinned half of it up in neat curls and left the rest to flow down her back. Applying some atypical, neutral colored make up, she grabbed her purse and left her room.

Downstairs, she smiled brightly at her parents and brothers who offered compliments and much love. Eating a quick breakfast consisting of a wheat beagle with low fat cream cheese, she brushed her teeth and was out the door. The drive to school was quiet and she glanced at the camera she still had. As always, she was early. Thankfully, she was given special privileges thanks to her responsible nature so there would ne issues with her keeping it over night.

Returning the device, she headed to the principal office, wanting to have a talk with Mrs. O'hara before any issues cropped up. The conversation went well as the woman knew Rhiannon and her family. Charlene O'hara was a long time friend of her mother and she gave her deepest sympathy as they parted with a promise of moral support if anything happened.

More at ease, the girl headed to her first class of the day and took her seat with a good two minutes to spare before class began. Glancing around, she was a little bit excited to see Jayden...and see his reaction to her new look.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:28 am

Jayden turned on the CD he had in his car, letting the music pour over him as he drove to school. Today was going to be better. He already felt better. More at ease about being around these people. More settled about his standing out. He supposed it helped, somewhat, to know he wasn't the only one who stood out. Jayden carefully parked his Mustang, his grey eyes slipping across those nearby. It was such a small town... Farming community too. Ah, oh well. Standing out was just a small thing to him now. He was who he was, and that was that.

A classmate from his Challenges class caught up with him for a few minutes before class. Adam was his name. He was a nice enough guy, seemed to genuinely like Jayden for his opinions and ideas... and bravery. Jayden kind of liked him. He dressed like everyone else, but his mind was most definitely more open then most others. A rare smile was evident on his face as he walked into the building with Adam.

Their conversation was short and friendly. Jayden, much more comfortable, much more himself than yesterday, walked into his first hour slightly early, his eyes sliding around the room, looking for Rhiannon. He wanted to be sure she was still doing ok after yesterday. Must not be here ye-- What the hell? Jayden's eyebrows came together in confusion as he walked over to his desk next to hers. But he didn't say anything. Where was the free-thinking girl he met yesterday? The girl who threw all caution to the wind by kissing him... in his own house? He didn't understand. So why was it her n--

Ok. Maybe his psycho theory about getting seriously played was right. No matter. It's not like he didn't expect it.
The rest of the students filed in, Jayden pulled his notes out, leaning back in his chair. He had covered this section in Georgia too. More time to himself.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:39 am

When he walked in and saw her, her heart dropped as he looked confused. Sighing to herself, she figured he thought she'd lost her mind. As class started she pulled out a piece of paper and scrawled a quick note.


Seriously, what is that look for?
I dressed like this because during second and third periods today, my art class is having an open house thing to show off our work and some college recruiters are coming. I figured dressing all nice would show that I'm not some empty headed high school but someone seriously interested in perusing a professional career in art.

Does it all make sense now or are you still thinking I'm some crazy chick?

By the way, I talked to Mrs. O'hara about yesterday and said there was another student who witnessed it but didn't give her your name. You can talk to her if you want but I won't force you.


Slipping him the note as Ms. Nevell started writing on the board, she was too nerved up and exhausted to pay much attention. The look he had given her didn't help her feel any better.

Would he stop talking to her because she dressed differently?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:54 am

Jayden dared a glance at her out of the corner of his eye as she slid the note to him. It was so high school, but, he supposed, it was the only way to say anything to him at the current moment... Not with out drawing undue attention to them in the back. He frowned as he read it, seriously not liking what was there. It upset him, probably more than he should have, so he wrote back.

Your art speaks for itself, Rhiannon. Don't change your style for them.
You just proved the exact opposite of what you wanted to.
To me, anyway.

He slid the paper back to her before going back to pretending to pay attention. He didn't address the second part of her note. Should he talk to the principal about this? Yeah, probably. But he didn't like the idea. She probably couldn't do much, anyway. But maybe... Maybe at lunch.

Those two idiots deserved major punishment.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:16 am

The way he frowned made her heart ache and her hands shake. She knew, even before she read what he wrote back, that it was going to hurt. Rolling her eyes and getting angry to mask the sorrow, she quickly wrote back.

Maybe to you but to everyone else, if I dressed normally, I wouldn't be taken seriously.
Part of being female means making an effort to be taken seriously.

Glancing at the clock, class would be out in around twenty minutes. Giving him the note, she caught Ms. Nevell's eyes and gathered her things. Giving Jayden the note as she stood up, she didn't look at him as she walked passed and out the door.

Hurt and wanting to cry, she took a deep breath as she walked and refused to let her emotions rule her. Exhaling slowly, she walked towards the art room, pausing at her locker to drop off her bag. Already having been excused from her classes for the most of the day and relieved of the homework she missed yesterday, Rhiannon decided to solely focus on her art.

It was difficult, but she pushed Jayden from her mind as she entered the art room.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:43 am

Jayden made a strong effort not to glare at her retreating back. There were many choice words he would have loved to say to her. She was lucky she was leaving in the middle of class.
He itched to get out of class. He couldn't sit for a boring topic like this anymore. And still, he had biology to endure. What a day it was turning out to be.


Third hour. Current Challenges and Issues. The class Jayden had been longing for since he left it yesterday. He was able to have a short conversation with Adam before the bell rang and Mr. Bowden set to work. But today... Today seemed to be about Jayden. It was almost as if Bowden was baiting Jayden... The things he was saying were begging to be challenged. In fact, after one certain statement, Mr. Bowden actually looked directly at Jayden. It was a challenge. Jayden had to take the bait.

At first, he skirted around the edges, offering countering opinions, asking a few moral questions.
But it wasn't that way for long. Bowden stepped out of line. And Jayden jumped.
"That is the most immoral thing I've heard today!"
"Mr. Rivers--"
"How can you even suggest that we ignore the rest of humanity? People are starving out there, dying of diseases we have cures for! Why don't we help them in any way we can?"
"Mr. Rivers!"
"It's immoral!"
"That is quite enough!" That tone of voice Jayden had only encountered on a handful of occasions. He quieted down.
"Take your stuff and get out," Bowden hissed. "You stand alone, here, Mr. Rivers."
"As long as I'm standing for what I believe in, sir, that's fine with me."
Jayden grabbed the orange office referral slip from the teacher before walking down the halls, head held high, to the main office. So maybe the day was going pretty crappy. But at least people knew where he stood. And that he would stand. Even if it was on his own, even if no one else agreed with him. If he believed in something, he would stand up for it, no matter what. It's just a good thing he never really lost his temper.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:53 am

The rest of first and most of second hour were used up by decorating the auditorium where the exhibits had been moved to. Rhiannon paused before her piece, smiling up at it. Memories of the previous day overwhelmed her and she shook her head, walking away before the tidal wave of sorrow washed over her. Finishing up the task she was given, she took a quick bathroom break to collect herself and make sure she still looked okay. Brushing her loose strands of hair behind her ear, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before returning to work.

Finally, as third hour started, people poured into the auditorium and milled about, enjoying drinks, snacks and the student's art. Each artist was stationed near their work so they could answer questions. Smiling and politely answering questions, her heart raced as a small group of extremely well dressed people carrying clipboards gravitated towards her. Swallowing, she calmed herself as they came closer.

"Good morning. My name is Rhiannon Hunter. This is my piece entitled "Restore". I completed it nearly a month and a half ago using acrylics." Smiling, she got a look of approval from her teacher.


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Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:07 am

To get to the office, Jayden had to walk by the auditorium... Right where the art exhibit now was. He couldn't resist...

Jayden paused for a moment at the door, leaning against the frame, as he looked around a bit... Looking for Rhiannon. Some dressed-up people were surrounding her and her art, he couldn't see her very well, but he knew she was there. He sighed to himself. Why did she change? They're here for her art, not for her sheep-mindedness. Besides... How you dress is an extension of yourself. An expression... It's art. Doesn't she recognize that? With a sad sigh, he pushed away from the door and walked the rest of the short distance to the office, orange slip in hand.


Mrs. O'Hara was pretty understanding about the whole thing. She was actually partially on Jayden's side. He had a right to his opinion.
"But be careful," she warned him, "Mr. Bowden likes making an example of his students."
Jayden made a mental note to remember that as she led him out of her office. But he paused at the door.
"Actually, Mrs. O'Hara. There's something else..."
"Sure, Jayden. What is it?"
"Why don't we sit?"


He wasn't even entirely sure why, but he told the principle everything he had seen yesterday, everything that happened. He even admitted to punching the two idiots to get them away from her. He didn't know why, but he felt he had to. Maybe because he thought they needed serious punishment... Maybe because he was feeling strangely protective, but either way... Jayden backed Rhiannon's story up.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:20 am

Rhiannon was so busy answering questions that she didn't even noticed Jayden in the doorway. If she had, it would have thrown her off and she needed to be in her zone. She needed to be focused and eloquent as she explained her art and the hidden, deeper meanings in her work. It was like she was bearing her soul to the people before her but she didn't mind. She felt free and unrestricted as conversations about her piece built and evolved. In the back of her mind, she recalled what Jayden said about her choice of clothing and smiled internally. He was partially right...but no matter what she wore on the outside, nothing would change what was on the inside. Tomorrow, she would be dressed in her typical fashion and their little disagreement earlier would seem so lame compared to the grand scale of things.

"So, Miss Hunter, if you and your teacher have some free time, we'd like to discuss something over lunch with you."

A smartly dressed woman who had been observing her art and actively part of the conversations stepped forward, clipboard held to her chest and a smile on her face.

"Of course. I'm sure we could manage that." Mrs. Traver put her hand on Rhiannon's shoulder and smiled warmly like a proud parent.

"Excellent. Let's meet at Sunset Manor." The two made plans and the crowd dispersed. Mrs. Traver turned to look at Rhiannon with a brilliant smile.

"Do you know who that was?"

"No...but I have a feeling I should." She smiled.

"Mmmhmm. That was Elaine Fraiser of one of the best art colleges in the US."

Rhainnon's heart fluttered and she smiled brightly. Well, she had been right last night, it was turning out to be an interesting day.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:41 am

The rest of Jayden's day was mainly uninteresting. There was a lot of discussion in the halls about his being kicked out of third hour -- especially how liberal his views were-- and a lot about the art exhibit thing in the auditorium. He didn't pay attention to any of them. His AP Lit class was boring without Rhiannon -- the class discussion ended up being between himself at Ms. Sidler -- and lunch he just spent with his Mustang. Adam hung around for a few minutes before disappearing with his usual friends. Most of them were sheep and Adam just wanted to be well-liked by them. Jayden didn't blame him. All Adam knew was this ridiculous town. The last two classes passed. Jayden was his usual self, contributing where he saw necessary but was otherwise quiet. There wasn't much of a question when they realized he hadn't shown up yesterday to his last two classes, but no matter. He was excused. No biggie.

Jayden took his time leaving school that day. Not for any particular reason, just because today had been rather dull. Well, except for third hour. Jayden smiled to himself. Getting kicked out was the highlight of his day. It had happened only a few times before, but it only meant he was getting his point across... to a certain extent. By no means did it mean Jayden would back down. If anything, it would only amp up his voiced opinions in class.

Jayden grinned to himself as he walked out of the school to his Mustang, swinging his keys around his finger again, catching them in his palm, and repeating this pattern. He allowed his grey eyes to wander a bit as he walked, noticing the lack of students in the hall. When school was over, these kids were out. Well, except for the few out on the fields. But they didn't really count.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:10 am

Lunch time came all too quickly and Rhiannon sat nervously in a stuffed chair in the most expensive restaurant around. Her eyes shifted from Ms. Fraiser to Mrs. Traver as the trio sat waiting for their food to arrive. Elaine was a beautiful woman and her smile dazzled the teen. Clipboard in hand, the woman shuffled through a few papers before looking up at the student and teacher.

"Alright, based on what I have seen today, i have a very exciting offer for you, Miss Hunter. This will, of course, be a decision you make with your parents, teachers and anyone else you may wish to. I come from a very prominent academy in New York and we would like to extend to you an invitation to join a new program. Basically, you will go to New York for the remainder of the school year and work on some very intensive classes to further you as an artist. Now, we will provide a tutor to help you finish your senior year. You will be allowed one person to come along with you, preferably someone who has been to New York and can act as a guide. This person could even be another student as you will have a tutor and they could attend those sessions with you."

As she spoke, everything seemed to freeze and her heart almost stopped in her chest. Mouth open, even Mrs. Travers was astounded. Darting a look at her long time teacher, Rhiannon quickly took the info packet she was being offered and smiled.


"Yes. I think you have a real gift, Miss Hunter. I would like to see you succeed."

= = = = = = = = = = =

The trio ate, discussing the program more and speculating on what it could mean to Rhiannon's future. Excitement gushed forth as they returned to school just as school was getting out. Parting in the parking lot, the teen quickly went inside and grabbed her bag, her head spinning. Hurrying back outside, she was enthused to get home and talk to her parents...but first, she wanted to find Jayden.

Worried he was already gone, she was pleased to find him near his Mustang.

"Jayden! There you you have some time?" Her eyes were lite up and she was positively beaming. Anyone looking at her could practically see her glowing and her already pale skin tone seemed positively radiant. Her green eyes sparkled and danced in the midday sun and her cheeksw were lightly pink from her excitement.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 3 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:16 am

Lost in his own little world, Jayden was surprised to hear someone call his name. He turned to see Rhiannon rushing up to him, pretty much glowing. His eyebrows came together again. What was up with her today? She wasn't acting like the girl he met yesterday... At all. It was really starting to weird him out, but he had to admit... He was glad to see she was doing better.

"Sure," Jayden shrugged. Something had to be up. She looked ready to cry when she left first hour, Jayden had been really upset with her as well. But this sudden change... Well, he was still irritated but... Whatever. Let her spew whatever news she had then be off with her. If she was going to be fickle, he wasn't going to have anything to do with it.

"What's up?"


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