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Behind These Eyes

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Behind These Eyes Empty Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:09 am


Not a whole lot going on. Not a whole lot of change. Not a whole lot of minority opinion... Expressed anyway.
So there's a a whole lot of tyranny happening here. Take the local high school, for example. No, they don't wear uniforms. However, take the most conservative people of the time, throw them all together with a teaching certificate and you've got Central High School's staff. No room for wavering, no room for second guesses, no such thing as a second opinion. Everyone takes the opinions they have known and accepted for years and runs with them. Free thought is nearly nonexistent. Nothing is really questioned, just accepted.

The school has a newspaper, though it is highly regulated and censored. The drama program consists of yearly productions of Oklahoma... pretty much. And the debate program was ended two years ago. They have a class about modern events and challenges... taught by the most conservative and close minded teacher of the entire school system. There are two teachers who, unfortunately, ended up here and don't have an opportunity to voice their true thoughts, or teach what they really want to. But, the resign themselves to the fact, and keep mostly to themselves... Silently hoping for the day they can escape and move to something more. Or have something exciting happen for once!!

This is where we find our two students.
The male, completely out of his element, a free thinker, thrown into the most impossible of situations.
The female, a student, used to this world, just living her average, everyday life.

Something is bound to happen when a time bomb meets its detonator...

Last edited by Hee-chan on Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:38 am; edited 1 time in total


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:37 am

So This Is Me...
Behind These Eyes SnakeBiteswithPrettyEyes
They Call Me;;
Jayden Evan Rivers

Love This Day;;
October 18

So That Makes Me;;
18... golden birthday!!

Tell Me About It;;
So you wanna know about me huh? Ok, I'll make this as short and simple as possible to avoid boring you.

I was born in California... and raised just about everywhere. My mom is a neurologist so, thankfully, she's always been able to hold a job no matter where we live. But it's all thanks to my dad we move around all the time. He's always been a traveler, never able to sit still in one place for long. Now that he's gotten older that's another story. Anyway. He's a CEO for a major international company. Yeah... my family has money. But I don't let that define me. I've lived in California, New York, Virginia, Texas, Oklaholma, New York again, Georgia, and now here... to Iowa? Yeah. I'm not thrilled about that at all. But, life is life.

I've always been a free thinker, never letting someone drill their personal ideas into my head. I guess that didn't really explode in me until I was 12, but it's always been there. Just because I give someone or something a change doesn't always mean I'm in favor of it. Or them. And I'm not afraid to speak up when I disagree. And I never back down from a challenge.

My life is my business. I eat. I breathe. I travel. I live. That's all you need to know.

With all this traveling, I've gotten used to keeping to myself. Either I fit in, or I don't. Either way I stand out and I'm ok with that. I'm quiet and talkative, calm and wild. I'm a walking contradiction. Get used to it. It's here to stay.

I'm a caring person, but I will never let anything get in the way of my beliefs and causes.

Anything Else?;;
Yeah. Let me just say this. I come off as cocky sometimes, I know, but I really am not. If I'm defending my beliefs, that's all that matters to me at that moment in time. I will stand up and speak out, no matter what. If my voice isn't heard, who knows if these views and opinions will ever be voiced?

So This Is Me...
Behind These Eyes 4c60c866e15bd
They Call Me;;
Rhiannon Charisse Hunter

Love This Day;;
April 30th

So That Makes Me;;

Tell Me About It;;
Mmm let's see here, shall we? I'd like to say my life is as colorful and vibrant as Mom says my personality is but, alas, I come from very humble beginnings. You see, in order to create a baby - oh, you know that? Alright so Mom and Dad were born and then they fell in love and viola, they got me. They were both kinda young when I was born but they made it work, obviously.

We've spent all of my life in Iowa, hardly leaving the state to go and see family once a year. Lame but, whatever. Dad just landed a new job in the huge company and Mom's little home business is booming. With any luck, for my 18th birthday we will be able to go someplace cool. Maybe.

Until recently, life was kinda hard with our tiny income and three mouths to feed. Thankfully Dad got his job and now things are finally looking up. Maybe life won't be so bad....especially if Mom and Dad keep talking about another baby. Yes! Siblings! I am done being an only child...

To capture who I am, you need to understand that art is my life. Not in the silly way some kids say to make themselves sound cool and into something more important than video games...No, when I say art is my life, I mean art is my life. Everyone tells me my mind is so unique and I have all these ideas....too bad no one cares to listen. I am a free thinker who doesn't like trouble. Most of the time, I dislike the rules and standards that are forced upon me but I hate confrontation to I deal with it.

Art is the only thing that keeps me sane in school. I have enough friends, that's true, but they don't always get me and sometimes I find I like my alone time better than going to the mall with the girls.

Overall, I am loving and sophisticated. Loyal and smart, I follow no beat but my own.

Anything Else?;;
When I meet new people, I tend to close off and stay quiet until some common ground is found...then I open up easily and let whoever it is in.

Last edited by Hee-chan on Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:11 am; edited 1 time in total


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:54 am


A sigh escaped the teen's lips as he pulled into the parking lot of Central High in his black Mustang -- a golden birthday present from his father. It was his first official day here at Central... And needless to say, he wasn't really looking forward to it.

Another new town. Another new state. Another new school.

Jayden Evan Rivers stepped out of his car after pulling into his assigned parking space. You have got to be kidding me... Jayden knew he would stand out -- in a town this small it was a given -- but he never would have imagined by just how much. He cast his grey eyes around, some students already there, most still arriving. Just by wearing dark jeans he stood out. His grey shirt was a bit fitted on him as well, his black pumas brand new. Jayden looked around again. Most guys were wearing collared button-up shirts, light denim jeans and... shoes. Just any kind of shoes. The girls were somewhat different. Light jeans, or khakis, even a few skirts with plain shirts. Looks like another loner year for me...

The young adult played with his lip rings with his tongue as he slowly made his way into the school building, looking for the main office. It wouldn't be so hard to find. His light eyes were dull, guarded, as he walked into the office. The secretary looked up at the sudden presence of another in the room. And Jayden recognized that look in her eye immediately. It was the look he always hated. The look of judgement.
"How may I help you?"
"I'm Jayden Rivers. I start today..."
"Ah! Yes. You came in the other day with your father."
"Yeah. That was me." How do you forget me in a place like this??
The secretary smiled. "Here's your schedule and your locker number."
Jayden looked at the sheet of paper she handed him. "Don't I need a combination? ... Like, for the lock?"
"Oh! No, we don't use locks."
Um. What?
"Classes start in fifteen minutes. Will you need a map?"
"No. Thanks. I'll find my way around."
"Ok. If you're sure."
"I am. Thank you."

Walking out of the office, Jayden looked at his schedule.
1. Advanced Placement Calculus AB -- Ms. Nevell
2. Advanced Placement Biology -- Mr. Hansel
3. Current Challenges and Issues -- Mr. Bowden
4. Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition -- Ms. Sidler
5. Advanced Placement World History -- Mr. Frieden
6. Advanced Placement Psychology -- Mr. O'Brien

Jayden allowed himself a small smile before moving away from the door of the office and into the throng of students, ignoring the stares, as he walked to his first class. This year would definitely be interesting if nothing else. Maybe he'd have a good debate or two in Bowden's class. And maybe some new, interesting ideas with Ms. Silder. So what if he stood out? Nothing new anymore. Jayden was so used to it... well, he really didn't notice the stares anymore. The whispers were new. Well, it was just unusual to hear this many... but what else could be expected in a town like this?

Jayden always had a bright mind. Even when he guarded emotions, just by looking into his eyes it would be possible to see just how deep they were. He had a knack for philosophy, abstract ideas, but he excelled at nearly everything else as well. He was a lucky guy. School just came easy to him. Which also means school was usually boring for him as well. But he didn't complain too much... not anymore. He was a very lucky guy to have the life and opportunities he did, all thanks to his parents, and he wasn't about to take it for granted. He was a straight-a student and heading off to college in the fall.

But there was something more to this guy. Something deep, hidden far beneath the surface of Jayden Evan Rivers that added depth and complexity to this character. He would never talk about it, never even allude to it in conversation. It was deep and personal. But no one would know. All that would be apparent is the fact that this boy is more than meets the eyes. Maybe he looks like the "bay boy" type, but there's much more to him than long hair and snakebites...

And unbeknown to Mr. Bowden and Jayden's classmates, they were about to see what lay just beneath the surface of this odd new student...

Challenging the World since Birth


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:52 am

Rhiannon woke up to hearing her brothers arguing over who's turn it was to take the car to school. Rolling her eyes, she was so glad, as the only girl, she had her own vehicle with which she could get to anywhere she liked. Frowning, she pushed her hair from her face and stomped to her bedroom door. Popping her head out into the hall, Brandon and Andrew looked questioningly at her and she glared at them.

"Oy, assholes. I was trying to sleep. Keep it down." The two looked at each other and smiled sheepishly back at her.

"Sorry, Rhi. We'll be more quiet from now on." For whatever reason, they loved her no matter what and put up with he bitchiness in the mornings - especially when they were the ones who caused it. Sighing, she closed her door and went over to her closet. Swinging the doors open, she looked at her clothing and quickly put together a sensible and cute outfit. Black skinny jeans and a blue and black lacy tank top with a white jacket. Grabbing underclothing, she went back into the hall and quickly locked herself in the bathroom.

Climbing into the shower, she scrubbed herself clean and took the time to blow dry her hair. Twisting her black locks up into a messy bun, she surveyed herself in the mirror once she was dressed. Applying some black eyeliner, mascara and deep blue eyeshadow, she gave herself one last look before taking her pj's back into her room. Surveying herself in her floor length mirror, she grabbed her tan purse and matching back pack. Heading downstairs, she kissed her father's cheek and hugged her mother on the way out.


Rhiannon arrived at school nearly half an hour before classes started. Heading to the art room after parking her silver Le Sabre, she wanted to grab a camera before school started. Not much of a photographer, she mostly used the images she captured as references for her paintings. The teacher smiled at her and she nodded her greeting, giving the man a small smile. Grabbing her favorite Cannon camera, she signed it out and headed for the courtyards before she had to be in her first class.

Sliding into her first class, she patted the camera gently as she pulled out her notebook that had her class schedule scrawled on the inner cover.

1. Advanced Placement Calculus AB -- Ms. Nevell
2. Advanced Placement Biology -- Mr. Hansel
3. Advanced Painting Techniques -- Mrs. Traver
4. Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition -- Ms. Sidler
5. Advanced Placement World History -- Mr. Frieden
6. Advanced Placement French -- Mrs. Christian

Looking around the room, she picked up her pencil and started absentmindedly drawing as she waited for class to start. Her eyes drifted to the doorway and when what was obviously a new student appeared, her heart skipped a beat. He was gorgeous. Tall, dark hair and bright, intelligent eyes. Licking her lips, she looked away just as the teacher appeared at the front of the lass.

"Everyone, this is Jayden Rivers. He will be joining the Senior class today. Mr. Rivers, if you have any questions I'm sure Ms. Hunter would be glad to help you. Please take the empty desk by her, if you wouldn't mind." Ms. Nevell pointed directly at her and the dark haired girl swallowed against the dryness of her throat.


Last edited by Michelle on Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:56 pm


Just as suspected, Jayden found his classroom perfectly fine. It was much smaller than a number of schools he had previously attended. No big deal really...

Tightening his grip on the bag he had swung over his shoulder, carrying his books and such, he walked into the classroom right before class started. Ah, the wonderful feeling on the first day at a new school. Introductions. Great. Once he introduced himself to the teacher, she turned to the class.

"Everyone, this is Jayden Rivers. He will be joining the Senior class today. Mr. Rivers, if you have any questions I'm sure Ms. Hunter would be glad to help you. Please take the empty desk by her, if you wouldn't mind."

Like hell I wouldn-- Jayden's current thought path froze as he saw this Ms. Hunter. He choked back a bitter, sarcastic laugh as he walked back to his seat. At least I get the back corner. But I mean... Really Central? This is ridiculous. Jayden was not impressed by the fact that the person Ms. Nevell chose to "help him" (like he needed any help) stood out just as much as he did. Sure, it was comforting that there was someone else that at least seemed to have their own brain in this school, but he didn't really like forced company. It wasn't really his thing. He'd rather be alone than tolerating someone he disliked. And for all he knew, the school wanted to pull a joke on him. Dress some girl up like to seem like him and then suck him in to the horrid, mind-numbing state of this city. ... Ok, maybe not. He was probably blowing this way out of proportion, but he was certainly amused by the conservative mind that stuck him with her in the corner of the room. Jayden forced himself to calm down. If there was another open mind in this school, it was probably hers. And at least he didn't have to go all year alone... did he? Only time would tell.

Jayden glanced at this Ms. Hunter with a little shrug before sitting down next to her. This class was going to be just like all the others. Lesson for half the class, then work time. The student was amused to note that this class was slightly behind the one he just left. More time with his thoughts. Yippie. But, in all honesty, Jayden didn't mind. While Ms. Nevell went about her teaching, Jayden took the chance to steal a glance at the girl next to him. She seemed normal enough. Well, normal to him. Comfortable in her own skin. That's always good. He was amused to note that she hardly looked at him. Focused on her notes? Maybe. Jayden nearly smiled when he noticed her fancy camera. Nice... A photographer. Maybe then she, too, admired the small things in life. Or maybe not. Maybe she was just the yearbook photographer. Hah, ok. Looks aren't everything.

Jayden looked down at his own notes. They were in the calculus notebook he brought from his class in Georgia. He figured they would come in handy. His notes were neat, for the most part, with some other side notes of his own scribbled in the margins. The kid had a bright mind, he thought fast, and caught on to subjects easily. Maybe it was unfair, but that's just the way it was. The teacher droned on about the equations and whatnot, but Jayden tuned her out. He found it very interesting that, as class wore on, he would catch other students sneaking a glance back at him, but it was almost never the girl next to him. It was actually starting to bug him the way it seemed she refused to look at him. He wasn't diseased or anything. What the hell?

With a few more minutes of contemplation as Ms. Nevell wrapped up her notes and gave out the assignment, Jayden thought he figured it out. It would make sense, anyway, with him being a strange new student and everything. When the class was given work time for the assignment, Jayden dared speak to the girl who was supposed to be answering his questions... Like he had any.

"Hey. Listen," he started. "I'm not going to follow you around like a lost puppy or anything, so don't worry about it." He shrugged again, to emphasize his words. "This place is tiny and I can find my own way around. So I won't harass you with questions or anything." He shrugged again and looked down at his notebook, opening the textbook he was given a few days earlier. This class was going to be easy, they all were and he was honest when he said he wasn't going to harass this girl with questions. He honestly didn't want to feel dependent on anyone. You never know how long they're going to be around, or how soon they're going to leave. It's best not to make connections like that until later on in life. Right?

Jayden bit his lip, messing with one of his snakebites as he started the assignment. It wasn't a concentration thing, just a bad habit.

So Easy
A Caveman Can Do It


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:33 pm

All throughout the class, the girl could feel Jayden looking at her. What was he thinking? With the way he was dressed, she wondered if she was judging him like everyone else did...or was he merely curious? Confused and feeling rather shy, she was by no means feeling overly self conscious. She knew she looked good and didn't let it go to her head but she didn't let other people's opinions sway her either. Most of the time she kept to herself and her entourage of friends. True, she was the most outspoken via clothing and whatever other means she found but it didn't mean anyone sh called friend was a sheep of society.

Jotting down notes, her mind racing to keep up and trying with difficulty to concentrate on the lecture and not the smoking hot guy right next to her. In the margin of her notebook, she absentmindedly drew abstract shapes and weird, swirly designs between writing down unruly terms and equations. Glancing up at the teacher, she knew everyone wasn't paying attention to the oh-so-interesting math class but rather, everyone was so intrigued by the seemingly free-spirited new guy.

Rhiannon was relieved when lecture was over and a bit of free time to work on homework was given. Some students asked Ms. Nevell questions and one of her friends, Rebeca, looked at her with a brow arched on her way to the front. Grinning slightly, she dismissed her friend's knowing look with a wave of her hand. Startled when the most unexpected voice burst into her world, she slowly turned to look at Jayden. Her mind scrambled to put together a sophisticated response and by the time he was done speaking, she smiled offhandedly at him.

"Jayden, right? My name is Rhiannon. Really, it's no big deal if you have any questions. I'm really not the most knowledgeable about the school's history or anything but I know the campus well and if you get confused, highly unlikely with the size, but I wouldn't mind helping you out." Brushing the stray locks from her face, she cocked her head to the side. She had noticed him looking at her camera. Biting her bottom lip, she pulled it from her bag and turned it on. Flipping through the pictures she had taken that morning, she decided to test his character.

Scrolling to a picture of a flower she had transposed into gray tones that had a single dragonfly landing on a dewy petal, she leaned across her desk, camera outstretched.

"So I saw you looking at my camera and figured you might be interested in seeing one of the best pictures I took this morning. I'm in art class, painting. No big deal, really. I like to take reference pictures for my paintings. Some days I come to school early so I can capture some really magnificent shots of the school grounds before the...student body arrives and ruins the mood."

Last edited by Michelle on Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:27 pm

Jayden looked up when he realized this Ms. Hunter was talking to him. His expression was blank, but he couldn't help but grin when she mentioned helping him around campus or answering his questions. Of course you wouldn't mind... You've refused to look at me until now. There's only two things that could mean, and I'm pretty sure you don't hate me. Hah. Well then... The new kid had an 'Are you kidding me?' expression on his face as he responded, one of his grey eyes hidden by his dark, dark hair. The grin that found itself manifested on his face pushed his snakebites forward a bit. "Trust me, Rhiannon. I won't get lost. And I won't have any questions."

It was honesty, a statement of fact. Jayden turned away again, looking down at his work, but she spoke again. And when he saw she was offering her camera to him, obviously trying to show him something, he had to admit, he was definitely intrigued. He was a sucker for photography. Oh, she was a painter. Ehh, no big deal. The fact that she was an artist though... Jayden had a growing suspicion that she actually had a brain in that head of hers. She wasn't a mindless student puppet like so many others were... Well, Jayden was willing to believe that until she proved him wrong. Or right? He wasn't quite sure what to think of her yet. Ok, Jayden dared. He reached out and took the camera, only half listening to the explanation of why she had the camera with her.

His mind exploded with ideas, expressions, art, and creativity when he saw the simpleness of the photo. It wasn't professional, that was kind of obvious, but it wasn't bad either. She seemed to have a little bit of natural talent with the camera. And the fact that she chose gray tones when the original picture probably had a lot of amazing color and shadow... Jayden was impressed with it. She wasn't stuck on the idea of art as color and shadow, lines and shapes. She knew it was an expression of herself. And yes, he could tell at least that little bit by the photo she showed him.

He let a genuine smile past his guarded lips as he handed the camera back. His grey-eyed gaze slid up to meet hers and he nodded once. "It's good." He turned back to his notebook, letting his hair fall in front of his eyes a bit. It really was good. He wasn't exactly one for words all the time. But still, the picture intrigued him. Jayden tapped his pen against his bottom lip for a moment in thought, before turning back to her.

"You chose grey tones," he said simply. "Most people wouldn't do that."
Well, ok. Most people here probably wouldn't. It was a statement, yes, but it was also posed as a question. It was the way he spoke, sometimes. Asking a question with statements. He wanted to know why she decided to change the colors, using basic greys instead of the original colors.

Ok, Rhiannon. Let's see if you have a brain...


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:42 pm

Chewing on the inside of her lip, she sucked in a lungful of air as he smiled over at her. The words he spoke where honest, she could tell just by looking into his eyes...but somehow it made her feel like he was testing her or something. Brow arched, she saw Rebeca surveying her and Jayden from Ms.Nevell's desk. Casting the red head a small smile, she looked back at the mysteriously intriguing boy who sat across from her. Feeling awkward as she held the camera out, Rhiannon wondered if he was going to take a look or not. Relief flooded through her when he took the device and stared at the picture.

Scrutinizing his face, she wondered what he was thinking, his eyes locked onto the display on the camera. Licking her lips, she pushed the stray black hairs that feathered around her face behind her triple pierced ears. Looking at Jayden's lips, she bit her own as her eyes rested on the shining metal. She had often fantasized getting a few more piercings. Playing with her pencil as she waited, she gracefully took the camera back and turned it off. Slipping it back into her bookbag, she glanced over at the teen at her side just before he spoke.

Why the gray tones? What's up with that question? Is he testing me? Seeing if I'm a sheep like nearly 90% of the school? Probably....

Pursing her lips, she turned in her seat so she could see Jayden better. Letting her eyes lock onto his, she smiled slightly and shrugged.

"While color, in and of itself, is beautiful, I find that using shades of gray allows the true, inner beauty to come forth. Like in that particular picture, you can see the minuscule hairs on the dragonfly and the drops of dew on the petals becomes something your eyes are more naturally drawn to. If I had left it in color, all one would notice is the bright flower. The details I wanted to capture would have been drowned out by the sheer volume and intensity of the red."

Flipping her notebook shut, she pulled her gaze from his and shrugged again. Smiling crookedly, Rhiannon placed her notes from class into her bag and glanced up at the clock. Next was AP Biology, a class that usually was of interest to the girl.

"So what do you have next?" Her inquiry was innocent enough but deep inside, she was hoping by some slim chance, they would have at least one more class together. She couldn't help herself...Jayden was far better looking and more compelling than any other male within the school - or state, for that matter.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:07 pm

Jayden only nodded in agreement when she answered. Well, well... Maybe this year won't be so bad after all. I've just gotta find the black sheep of this school. He inwardly grinned at this thought. Black sheep. How ironic. Both he and Rhiannon had black hair. Just a minor detail.

Jayden closed his books as the rest of the class prepared for the end of class. Rhiannon spoke again. For some reason, the question really bothered him. Just rubbed him the wrong way. He forced himself to calm down. As much as he didn't want to be here, as similar as this town was to another one he had lived in before, he had to let go and realize that it wasn't the same place. Things weren't going to end the same way. He had to accept at least one person into his companionship. Only time would tell who or when. But he had to relax if he was ever going to do that. And so, Jayden answered her question.

"Looks like AP Bio with... Mr. Hansel."

Jayden quietly hoped he would be rid of her. He didn't want to follow her around all day. He always did things on his own. Ever since he was 12, he relied on only himself and his parents through the moves. It was the way he was. As it was, he didn't want her following him around either. He liked his space. And he didn't like those giddy girls either... The ones who would just giggle and follow him around. He knew his looks were unusual, light grey eyes and long, dark, straight, black hair, and added to the snakebites, thin body, and rich clothes... Well, he tended to gather some annoying followers when he attended more metro schools. And those followers were the type of people he didn't like -- mindless, thoughtless, brainless people who thought he was cool for the way he looked. It was something he wanted to escape.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:17 pm

Stretching, she cheered inwardly. So they had two classes together. At least he wouldn't be sitting right next to her in their next class. All the seats at her table were full. He'd be behind her, way in the back. Rhiannon was sure he'd love his secluded spot.

"Me too. Mr. Hansel is pretty cool." Standing as the bell rang, she gave Jayden a small smile and waved.

"See you in class." Making a beeline for the door, she knew Rebeca was following her to their shared locker. Her hands were slightly shaky by the time she reached the metal line and as she twirled the dial, she drew in a deep breath.

"Tell me about the new boy." Her bossy friend ordered. Rhiannon smiled slightly, looked around and grabbed her friend's wrist.

"Well, from what I gather, he is smart but kinda guarded. It's like he's...afraid of letting people in," sighing, she leaned against the cool metal. reaching into their locker, she grabbed her biology book and stowed her giant math tome inside. Shutting the door, she headed for the science rooms.

"See you at lunch." Waving as they parted ways, the dark haired girl took her seat and readied her work space for class. She hardly noticed Jayden walk in. Playing it cool, she briefly smiled at him before returning to starting a rough sketch for her art class.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:36 pm

Oh no...

That smile. That wave. What the hell, are we like bffs now?
Relaaaaaax. Just ignore it... that's all he had to do. Let her do what she wanted. He would do exactly the same thing.

The bell rang and Jayden got up, moving behind everyone else out the door. He took his time gathering his things for biology before heading to the room. And, of course, he didn't get even remotely lost on the way. It was just another little school. Another little town. Nothing new. Everything the same... Jayden sighed to himself as he walked into the next room. Rhiannon was somewhat right. Mr. Hansel seemed like a pretty decent guy. Ah, that's right. Jayden was new here. Another introduction. Now there's something he couldn't wait to be done with...

"Ok class, settle down. We've got a new student joining us today, Jayden Rivers. Don't worry, he's had Bio at his old school so he won't burn anything down." There were a few laughs around the room as Jayden made his way back to his table. The class was otherwise filled, so he had a small table to himself. He grinned at just how lucky he had gotten this hour. He noticed Rhiannon smile to him, but he didn't pay it any mind. He was sitting far away from her so it wouldn't be too awful to have two classes with her.

Jayden frowned at himself for the first time that day. She seemed like a decent enough person. Yeah, but she seemed clingy too.
Ugh. Why, of all places, did he have to come here?

He flipped open his notes as class began, his mind only half there. He wasn't quite himself today, and he knew it, but maybe things would get better later on. Hey, he still had his Challenges class. And AP Lit. Things could definitely get better. His philosophical mind was dying to get out. The oppression he seemed to feel from other people was dying to be challenged. But nothing was showing itself to be straight out oppression or repression or anything. Jayden needed something, anything, to manifest itself so he could feel the thrill of a challenge or debate.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:56 pm

Drawing in her sketch book, the crisp off-white paper was like a world without any restrictions. A world where the sky and even beyond was the limits and she stretched them as far as she could, every day. Class was just starting and she hadn't bothered to look up as Mr. Hansel made the customary introduction. She wondered to herself if she was being too friendly to Jayden. Would that turn him off? Sighing, she decided to play it cool and if they happened to have any more classes, she would ignore him unless he made contact first.

Flipping the cover of the pad over onto her drawing, she sighed. As much as she enjoyed the class, she was eager to get to art. Today her teacher would be picking one painting as the centerpiece of the art exhibit in the lobby. There was a huge space set up and she was nervous. what if her work was chosen? Not like anyone but her and maybe a few of her friends would get the message she conveyed but...she pushed the thoughts from her mind and focused on science.

During the 60 minute period, they were given a statement to prove wrong using whatever scientific method they wanted. Rhiannon loved such open ended assignments and Mr. Hansel was known for giving them. Grabbing her science notebook, she started writing down her thoughts and making a list of what she would need to do to disprove the theory she was given.

"Remember class, this project is due Friday. You're free to work in pairs if you'd like. See you tomorrow."

Packing her things away, she kept her notebook out as she waited for the herd to pass. Once there was room to breath, she smiled goodbye to her teacher and made her way to the art section of the school. Her heart raced as she entered the classroom. The other students within the class (the whole five of them) filtered in shortly after her. Gathering their paintings and preparing them for the unveiling and the judgment that would follow, soft chattered filled the room.

With such a small class, it was intimate feeling and everyone was on pretty friendly terms. Rhiannon wasn't looked at like she was a freak by these kids as they were more of the open minded group. In her mind, 50% of the kids worth talking to where in the class. When Mrs. traver appeared at the front of the room, they fell silent.

- - - - - - -

"Your so lucky."
"Really, you deserve it."
"It's so beautiful!"

Rhiannon smiled, pleased with how her painting looked in the center of the display. Taking in a huge breath, she looked at her classmates and closed her eyes.

"Thanks, guys. I think all of our work is wonderful though. We all did a good job."

Waving goodbye, she grabbed her bag from the floor, took a last look at her work and headed off to class. All throughout the halls, whispers of the new kid along with new words about the art exhibit spread like wildfire. No one knew who had painted the center piece and no one could really understand it. Nevertheless, it was a conversational piece between even the most uppity of kids.

Relieved to be in her second favorite class, behind art, she took her seat in Ms. Sidler's class. Grabbing her art book, she started work on her sketch from science class, oblivious to the world around her - like usual.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:12 am

Jayden rather enjoyed the class. Being alone for the hour really seemed to relax him a bit... Either that or the thought of what his next hour class would bring... Either way...

Laughing at the thought of pairing up for an assignment, Jayden quickly refound his locker before easily finding his next class. Current Challenges and Issues... This is definitely going to be interesting. Jayden grinned. Something was going to happen. He could feel it.

As soon as he entered the room, the thrill of something epic entered his blood. It was a strange sort of intuition. It was rare, even for Jayden, but he could just feel that something big was going to happen in this room. He didn't know when, or even why, but he knew it. Maybe it was the teacher...

Mr. Bowden. The look the teacher gave Jayden was one of the most scathing he had seen in... hell, years. "You must be the new boy."
Jayden had the common sense to play nice. "Yes, sir. Jayden Rivers."
"How nice of you to join us." He didn't mean it. Jayden knew he didn't mean it.
"Class, meet our new student. Jayden Rivers."

Jayden silently took his desk in the back corner of the room. His grey eyes were aflame with his genius, anticipation flooding his system. He was sure the smug look on his face could be seen for miles. But he didn't care. There was something in this room that he couldn't wait to unleash. If there were more like Rhiannon in this school, Jayden was sure this class would be absolutely mind-blown by the end of this semester.

This class started just like the first two. Nothing exciting. Jayden's hopes actually started to diminish. All that was being talked about were facts. Nothing new, nothing controversial, nothing Jayden could find wrong. Nothing he could challenge. It was a little upsetting. Mr. Bowden seemed to gain momentum as the class wore on, and Jayden wouldn't have been anywhere near surprised if it was because his expression was beginning to fade. Debate time was wearing out. But then... There it was.

A smirk crossed Jayden's face as he raised his hand. Just a quiet hand in the back of the room. Mr. Bowden ignored it. But Jayden would never, ever, let that stop him.
"Excuse me. Sir?"
Heads turned to the kid in the back. Most were surprised, some interested. Nobody ever interrupted Mr. Bowden's class. Ever.
"Yes? Mr. Rivers?"
"If you'll excuse me, sir, you shouldn't be making that statement."
There was an audible gasp from someone. A few others started whispering.
"And what, Mr. Rivers, would be your reasoning behind that?"
"Simple logic, sir." Jayden's eyes were bright, daring, thrilled. This was what he was looking forward to.
"Are you calling me an idiot?"
"No, sir, just pointing out that you're not telling all the facts."
"You're undermining my authority here."
"I am not." And before Mr. Bowden could go any further, Jayden jumped in, giving argument after counterargument as to why Mr. Bowden's obviously biased stance could not be entirely correct. It was not necessarily a controversial subject, but apparently Jayden made it one. Bowden was showing more and more signs of aggrivation, but Jayden pressed further. The other students in the room just stared at him. Most in horrified shock. But others in awe, and nearly all in confusion. The facts that he spilled were deep, things most high school students wouldn't have the faintest clue on. But Jayden knew them all, front and back, as if they were as simple as a children's book.

However, for Mr. Bowden, this mockery of his teaching and his opinions could be endured no longer. Timing is everything, they say...

Just as he grabbed the pack of orange office referral sheets and shouted "Enough!" the bell rang. Jayden couldn't stop the confident, laughing grin that spread across his face. he had won. And everyone knew it. Bag slung over his shoulder, Jayden walked out of the room to stares and whispers from the students leaving all around him.

Through the halls, Jayden heard whispers of some art display. He would have tried to find it, but he decided to do so at lunch of after school. For now, it would be best if he got to class early. He didn't want to risk running into the angered teacher during passing time. He walked confidently into Ms. Sidler's room, remains of his confident grin still on his face.
"Ah! You must be Jayden!" Ms. Sidler smiled at him and he nodded.
"Yes ma'am." He just moved from Georgia, give him a break.
"All right, everyone. This is Jayden Rivers. Just started today!" She gave him a copy of the novel they were working on and sent him to his seat in the back of the room... right behind that Rhiannon girl again. Ah, well. Nothing could get in the way of his mood now.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:26 am

Stifling a yawn, Rhiannon hardly heard Ms. Sidler introduce Jayden. Rubbing at her eyes, she heard him walk past. Not bothering to acknowledge him, she pulled out her cell phone, a dark black and blue contraption, and opened it up to her planner. After school she had another art class at the college not but a fifteen minute drive from the school. Once she finished there, she was due to work a couple hour shift at her part time job. It wasn't bad, as far as first jobs went. She worked in a little coffee shop where some of the big artistic names of the area met and held poetry sessions and art exhibits. There was a chance one of her pieces might be showcased during the next exhibition. It sent thrills through her as she contemplated the very idea of being known for her work. Closing her phone, she slid it back into her pocket and finally looked up at her teacher.

Ms. Sidler was a nice enough teacher who was really enthusiastic about her subject. Sleepy but really into the lecture, she was sad to have it end but figured she should content herself to falling deeply into their assignment of the day. Free writing time. The class had just finished a paper on the last novel the read and where in the middle of their new novel but the young teacher always made time for free writing.

Opening her notebook to a blank page, the dark haired girl began writing with her scrawling text. Her mind itched to be used and she allowed it to fly in whatever direction it chose. Whenever she got into art, whether it be writing or painting, she was all but lost to the world. From the corner of her eye, she could see her teacher at the front of the class, looking a bit tired herself. It was nice, knowing Jayden was there but not letting it bother her in any way.

As class started to wind down, she finished the paragraph she had been working on and flipped the book closed. Yawning, she frowned at her stomach which murmured hungrily at her. Thankfully it was nearly lunch time and she was sure Rebeca was ready to talk her ear off about the art projects in the hall. Once again, a feeling of accomplishment washed over her and she smiled. It was so nice to be recognized for the one thing she loved. Art.

Last edited by Michelle on Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:47 am

Jayden rather enjoyed the lecture that Ms. Sidler was giving. The novel itself wasn't half bad (though Jayden had definitely read better), there were some interesting points to it. And Ms. Sidler seemed pretty enthused about it. On the surface. Jayden's deep eyes watched her closely. Yes, she was enjoying it... to a point. But he couldn't really guess what was wrong with her... why she seemed so... disconnected.

It was when she started free writing time when Jayden realized he was running out of time. He wanted to say something... He really did but...

He stared at the blank page before him for a few minutes... Then...
Jayden's hand went up. "Ms. Sidler?"
People turned to look at him again. Even she was a bit startled.
"I was wondering if we could... Well, I want to discuss this novel a bit more."
He added the "bit more" just to seem less like a jerk. A glimmer entered Ms. Sidler's eye and she smiled.
"Of course we can. Where would you like to start?"
"The part about the stranger. It seems a bit existential to me."
Ms. Sidler looked at him, half in surprise. He really was bold and... quite intelligent. She smiled before leading the class into a discussion. Well... more like she and Jayden, but other people were more then welcome to join in with any of their thoughts.

Jayden was completely in his element here. Abstract ideas? Totally his thing.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:59 am

So lost within her mind, she was shocked a bit when the familiar voice spoke up behind her. Blinking in surprise, she tuned into what was being said. Ever Ms. Sidler seemed surprised. Sitting up in her chair, Rhiannon debated speaking up. clearing her throat, she spoke up with her theory and the young teacher seemed really enthused. It was such a change from her usual self which had seemed passionate before. Enjoying herself, she felt at ease with such conversations. It was yet another form of art and she reveled in it.

As class ended, the teacher smiled and thanked those involved in the discussion. Giving the woman a smile, Rhiannon hitched her bag up on her shoulder. Rebeca met her at the doorway and linked their arms.

"Are you up for lunch, Rhi?" The red head asked.

"Of course. Did you have someplace in mind? School food is just not part of a healthy diet." Heading for their lockers, she was ready for school to be over. Oh well, two classes to go.

"I do. Should we invite Jayden?" she asked softly as she waited for her friend to get ready.

"Oh...I don't know...he seems to like his space..."


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:16 am

Jayden actually smiled when Rhiannon spoke up. She did have a brain! And she knew how to use it too. This was exciting news.

He gave a counterargument to Rhiannon's idea, not disagreeing totally, just giving a different angle to look at. This class, combined with the near trouble the hour before had definitely put Jayden in a much better mood. It was odd, he supposed, but things like this seemed to breathe life into him. Abstract ideas, just ideas and opinions in general. They needed to be heard. He always loved it when they were. It was music to his ears, art to his soul... Everything he needed. Well, everything he needed now. It was a little cause he had. Open their minds and maybe they'll come to realize that hey, we can be different.

As the class ended, Jayden smiled lightly to himself and made his way out of the room, alone, after everyone else.
Lunch time.
Another thing to conquer. ... A little later. Students were stopping at their lockers, still talking about him, his insane antics third hour, and the art exhibit. Jayden still debated going to look at it. Eeny, meeny, miney, mo... Try to find a place for himself here... Escape to his Mustang... Go look at the exhibit... Or maybe the last two. Yeah... that seemed reasonable enough.

Paying absolutely no attention to who he was walking past, Jayden made his way to where the art exhibit was. He walked slowly, taking his time. He was definitely not in a rush. He didn't have a reason to be either. His new pumas made no noise, his nice, dark jeans just seemed to be made for him. Yeah, he even looked like a rich kid. The mustang keys dangling from his hand didn't help that stereotype either. It probably helped the stares. But he didn't care. Time to check out some small-town art.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:39 am

Releasing a long sigh, Rebeca's face brightened up.

"Oh yeah! Your masterpiece is the one in the center, huh?! Common~ before we eat I want to see it." The redhead shut their locker, knowing Rhiannon was done, and pulled her friend down the hallway and towards the crowds. Groaning inwardly, she knew there was no use fighting. Like the typical red head, the girl had real issues keeping her cool.

"Okay okay. I get it." Taking her arm back, Rhi followed, a small smile on her face as she heard whispers of her art...and of Jayden. Apparently his third period had quite the treat. It sounded like something he would do after that high energy discussion in their AP English class.

"Oh Rhi..." Rebeca stared in open amazement at the piece that was illuminated by a single light. A blush crept into her cheeks and she grabbed her friend...just as she saw Jayden approaching.

"Oh come ON Bec. I want to go now." Her heart picked up and she wasn't sure if she wanted Jayden to see her or not.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:02 am

Jayden swung his keys around his finger, catching them in his palm... and repeating this process as he walked the rest of the way to the exhibit. He wasn't really noticing anyone around him until he was nearly at the exhibit. Yeah, Rhiannon would be here, wouldn't she? She said something about art earlier. A painter, right? She was probably here to see the exhibit too. The other girl looked vaguely familiar. Probably in one of his classes too. As he walked up to them at the exhibit, it looked like Rhiannon wanted to leave, he gave her a nod. "Good discussion today in Sidler's class," he said, and meant it. He really did enjoy it.

Then he turned to the exhibit and just about froze when he saw the painting in the center, nearly dropping his keys in the process. His heart nearly stopped as he took a step closer, staring. His eyes and expression gave nothing away as to what he was thinking, only that he was entirely taken by the emotion he could see in the art.

How... How? Jayden checked his sigh, still semi-aware that the two girls were still there. Old, raw emotions bit at the surface, but he pushed them down. He hid the emotion in his eyes, his expression went blank, but he couldn't turn away. He couldn't deny what that painting made him feel, forced him to feel. But he didn't want to remember... not now.

Not now.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:12 am

She heard the keys before Rebeca turned her around to face Jayden. Biting her bottom lip, she returned his silent greeting. Acting as nonchalant as possible, she cocked her head to the side.

"It was interesting." Her voice was perfect and she relaxed as bit as he seemed sincere in his words. A small smile touched her lips and she looked at her friend with an intense look. Rhiannon looked back at her male classmate and gathered the courage to ask him to join them for lunch when she saw him staring at her piece.

Seeing the powerful flash of emotion, she could feel it's effect on him. Swallowing, she looked at then painting then back at him.

"What are your thoughts of that piece?" She asked softly, her eyes locked onto it as well. Should she mention how it was hers? Maybe after she gauged his reaction...

Rebeca stood by silently, watching the odd sparks that flew between Jayden and her best friend. Brow arched, she folded her arms and chewed the inside of her cheek, waiting with bated breath to hear his answer.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:24 am

Jayden's eyes didn't move from the piece as Rhiannon stepped up to stand next to him.

"What are your thoughts of that piece?"

For the first time that day, Jayden stuttered, hesitating. "I-i-it..." He paused, running a hand through his hair, letting it fall into his eyes. He bit his lip in thought, playing with one of his lip rings out of habit. He couldn't deny it, there was no way he could deny what he felt. But he couldn't say anything about it either. There was no way he was going to spill that here and now. ... Or here and ever. He choked back words, held back emotion, chained it inside. He knew he needed to escape but he had nowhere to go. Well, nowhere other than out to his Mustang. But he had no idea how that would ever help. Oh. Wait. That's right. He had to answer Rhiannon.

"It's good," he said softly. The words were simple, but he never said anything he didn't mean. "It's... really... quite good."


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:34 am

Rolling her eyes, Rebeca stepped up, pretending she hadn't heard a word they had just said.

"I'm still so impressed, Rhiannon. It's amazing. Great job, you really deserve the recognition. Sorry to skip out on you but I forgot I had a project due next period so I need to go work on it, kay? See you last period." Waving, she quickly left the due, snickering at her ingenious plan to get the two of them together.

Phase one of Get Jayden and Rhiannon Together: Complete! This calls for a celebration. Smirking, she walked off towards the cafeteria.

Jaw open, the dark haired girl watched her friend depart. Pulling herself together, she coughed slightly and played with the silver necklace she wore. Glancing at her watch, she saw they only had 45 minutes left for lunch. Gathering her nerves, she knew if he said no, she'd just pretend like it didn't why was she hesitating?

"Anyway, we only have 45 minutes left for lunch...I was going to go out to grab a bite...wanna come along?"


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:49 am

Jayden was pulled out of his daze, suddenly, by the onslaught of words from Rhiannon's friend. What was her name again? Did he even know her name? Either way... His grey eyes were still dull and guarded, his expression blank.

Wait... The other girl's words finally clicked in his head. So Rhiannon... Well what do you know? ... Wow. Jayden watched the feisty girl dash off to some unknown location, leaving him with Rhiannon. He didn't mind much... Well, he wouldn't have if his emotions weren't going haywire on him. This wasn't the state of mind he wanted to be in today. Or ever. But mostly today. A few names came to mind... They wouldn't want it this way. So what the hell am I waiting for? Damnit, just one stupid painting gets me all screwed up... His grey-eyed gaze slid over to Rhiannon. She was obviously uneasy about something. But what--

Oh. Right. Asking the cute, rich new kid out to lunch. Well not "out" out, but still. Jayden thought for a moment, scolding himself for still hating on her motives. He didn't even know what they were so he needed to calm down. Maybe she was just being a nice person.
A nice person would would dig and dig until she found out what he was thinking about her painting. Probably.
Either way.

I should be alone right now...
"Ah, thank you, Rhiannon, but no. Thank you for the offer though." He turned silently away, heading out toward the parking lot. "I'll see you later."

He wasn't going anywhere, just out to his Mustang to sit and be by himself. He needed to clear his head if he wanted to survive the rest of the day. It wasn't long after he left the building before he had his cellphone up to his ear, calling his father's office. "Is Alexander Rivers available?" Apparently not. He was in a meeting. Great. "I see. Ok, thank you." Jayden hung up, slipping the black phone back into his pocket. Unlocking his slick black Mustang with the remote, he opened the driver-side door, pulled an apple from is bag, and just sat there, eyes closed, forcing his mind back to reality. Forcing his mind to relax.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:35 am

Biting her lip, she shrugged it off and smiled. It was clear his mind was elsewhere...but would he have said yes if he weren't so distracted? Probably not. Despite being pretty, Rhiannon never had the best of luck with the opposite sex. Smiling, she hefted her purse up higher on her shoulder.

"No problem. See you around, maybe." Waving, she took off towards the back entrance where she had parked that morning. Feeling heavy hearted and lonely, she pushed the red button on the remote that dangled from her keys. As the doors unlocked, she slid into the driver's seat, tossing her purse in the vacant passenger's seat. Sighing, she frowned in the rear view mirror. Rebeca would pay for abandoning her.

Sighing, she blew her bangs off her forehead and reached up to untwist her hair. Black locks tumbled down her back, ending at her waist. Running her fingers through her hair, she stuck the keys in the ignition and the roar of the engine eased her. Pulling out of the parking lot, she drove the short distance to the small, not-so-student-overrun cafe that made the best fresh sandwiches.

Armed with a delicious meal, she drove to the park near the high school and left her car, locked, in the shade while she trekked to the cliffy wall that overlooked the small man-made lake. Snacking on her meal, she pulled out the camera from her purse and started snapping a few seemingly random images. In the background, she could hear some of the obnoxious football players laughing and teasing each other. Groaning inwardly, she hoped they didn't notice her. Alas, he luck wasn't so good.

Evan was the captain of both the football and soccer teams and as such, the blond haired, blue eyed quarterback saw Rhiannon as a challenge to be concurred. It was annoying and at times, he was too pushy for comfort but the girl did a fine job stopping his advances and dissuading him from pressing the matter more than he did. It was with a heavy heart that the artist turned around as he name was called.

"What the hell do you want, Richards?" she asked, free hand on her hip, camera down at her side. Her eyes narrowed as the moron and his best buddy, Greg, closed in.

"Oooh feisty today, huh?" the brunette teased, nudging Evan and grinning that cocky, arrogant grin all the boys had.

"Whatever. Leave me alone." Pushing past them, she tossed her garbage into a nearby can and made a beeline for her car, adjusting the strap of her purse as she walked.

"Hey, hey! Wait!" Of course, they easily overtook her, barring her path. Growing angry, she stopped, glaring at them which only seemed to increase their desire.

"Did you notice, man? She's like, super hot when she's mad...."

Oh god, I might get sick...

"She really is....I wonder, wouldn't she be the hottest girl in school if given the right clothing?" Something about the look in their eyes freaked her out but she maintained her cool.

"Piss off, Richards. You too, Chaplin. I am not interested in airheads like yourselves."

For whatever reason, that hit a nerve. Evan reached for her and before she could worm away, his hand closed powerfully over her wrist.

"No, of course not. You're probably more interested in that new kid, huh? Fuck that. i refuse to let him have you. You belong to me." There was a dangerous, possessive hint in the blond's voice that scared the shit out of the girl and made her knees go weak. Swallowing hard, she laughed, her voice cracking under the strain of trying to hide her fear.

"'re so funny, Evan-"

"Save it. I'm done watching you act so high and mighty. Let's see how you act when the whole school knows you've slept with two of the biggest sports stars, at the same time." Evan's usually bright blue eyes had turned hard and dark. Her body started to shake and she felt tears forming in her eyes.

No! No! This isn't supposed to happen this way!

Scared down to her very core, she whimpered.

"Evan.....please...." she pleaded softly, but she knew it wasn't any good the moment an evil smile crept onto both teen's faces.


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Behind These Eyes Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:55 am

Jayden was actually enjoying his peace and quiet when an uneasy feeling crept into his stomach. What the hell?

Something like this hadn't happened in years. His strange intuition again... It really was something strange. But it was something he couldn't ignore, like the thrill of the debate, the daring of a challenge. Drive something in him commanded. He sat up straighter, closing the door. His hands were shaking. But why? Where?

Just drive!

All right then, you asked for it. Jayden stuck the keys in the ignition, threw his Mustang into gear and got out of the parking lot, going where his gut was taking him. He hated doing this, especially when he was new. He just had to follow his feelings, though. The anxiety would overcome him if he didn't. However, he found it odd when he pulled into the parking lot of a nearby park. His heart and stomach sank when he saw the scene playing out before his eyes.


Jayden wasn't possessive over her at all, just... protective? Eeh, he didn't question it right now. There wasn't any time. She needed protection now. Whether she wanted it or not, here it was. He threw the Mustang into park, barely unbuckling and getting his keys out of the ignition before jumping out of the car, practically running to where Rhiannon was being harassed. Fury was evident in his cold, cold, cold grey eyes as he went straight for the one holding Rhiannon.

"You stupid. Fucking. Sonofabitch!"
And with that, Jayden's strong fist flew right into the guy's face, backed by quite the muscular arm. Perhaps violence was a bit much, but Jayden knew there was not sense in talking to that idiot. The stunned blonde guy looked up at him in anger.

"You don't touch her unless she says you can."
Jayden was speaking through clenched teeth.
"Why the hell do you care?" The other guy started in on Jayden... only to be met with the same fate as his idiot friend.

"She has honor, you bastard. Something you'll never understand."
Jayden turned on his heel, grabbed Rhiannon's wrist and pulled her away from the two, gently, only to release her when they got to his car. He paused a moment, licking his lips and messing with his snakebites before looking up at her, his grey-eyed gaze still cold, but calmer.

"Are you ok?"


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