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Illuminescent Eyes

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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:00 am

This is a PRIVATE role play between Left Alone, Aranel Requiem and whomever else we see fit to invite.


played BY LeftAlone

birth given name;; Adrian Isaac Morrison

what are you;; Student

blow them out;; Seventeen

orientation;; I look to the girls.

history behind these faces;; Well, my parents were pretty much the basic, farietale couple. They met in some romantic way, had some amazing wedding with friends and family, bla bla bla. You know, it's like how everyone dreams their wedding will turn out. Romantic. Sure. Well, as amazing and romantic as it was then, it all went down the drain a few years later. It was like I was born and the entire world was torn apart. I was six when the divorce was finalized and everything. I never really got much attention from my parents. Weekends with dad, week days with mom, all the usual, minus the lavishing attention.

Well, growing up was pretty interesting, to say the least. I had my friends here and there, school, driver's ed. All the basics, but once I hit twelve, that was it for me. I was so pissed with my parents and my sucky life, that I took matters into my own hands. I would vandalize things, smash windows in, spray paint buildings, the whole bit. Cars were a lot of fun too. Windshields, bumpers, headlights, tail lights, and license plates just called to me. It took about a year and a half, but my mom finally realized what was going. For my fourteenth birthday she gave me a bass guitar and lessons, and a lot more of attention. I changed my hair color, my style (slightly), and fell in love with the bass. It didn't take me long to figure out how to write music after that.

My parents saw my talent and decided that I should attened this high school for those 'gifted' students. I consented, just to check it out... It's a nice place, I guess. All right, I usually don't tell anyone, but I love it here.

personality;; I'm a bit quiet at times, ok most of the time, but when I want to be, or feel I should be, I can be really loud. But I'm generally calm and layed back. It would take a lot to get me stressed or freaking out about something.

pet peeves;; ignorance, those self righteous people out there, people who refuse to understand, and those few annoying people who just bug the hell outta me...

your fix;; Music: bass guitar, sometimes electric, and writing music, also.

anything else;; If I do ever get stressed, I step outside for a smoke. It's very relaxing for me.


played BY Aranel Requiem

birth given name;; Ryrona Elouise Mitchell

what are you;; Student

blow them out;; 17

orientation;; Bi-Sexual

history behind these faces;; I grew up as a typical tom boy. Scraped knees, rough'n'tumble attitude and the forget-me-not personality. I was everything a parent could want - smart, active, caring and I listened to their every word. My life was that way until I turned 10. My lovely father started drinking and beating me and my mother. I remember climbing out of bed one night to use the bathroom. I heard the screams of my mother as my father stabbed her 3 times over with a butchers knife. He was apparently drunk and once he saw what he had done, he took off, leaving me to watch my mother die painfully, in my arms.

Then I was shipped off to Alabama to live with my Grandparents. Both where healthy and active - maybe a bit too active. Generally I was home alone day in and day out as my Grandparents worked. When I started junior high, I fell into the wrong crowd and TADA, my new look and outlook on life. Ever since, I fell heavily into music and drama.

personality;; I am a typical girl, considering. I love my music and friends more than life itself. I guess my intelligence is off the charts when I'm not being a total goof - or so I've been told. Outgoing and afraid of nothing, I tends to rush into things head first without stopping to think about anything.

pet peeves;; I HATE preps and those who think they are better than everyone else.

your fix;; I love to sing and I love to write poetry.

anything else;; You either hate me, or love me. No middle ground.


1. Music Theory
2. Jam Session
3. Poetry Writing
4. Lyrics Workshop
5. History I-V

THIS is the story of two students from Melody High and their story.

***3 weeks from there the actual rp stopped.......***

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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:01 am


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:10 pm

Snuggling up close to him, her heart skipped a beat and she repressed a shiver as his hand rested on her stomach. Twining her fingers within his, she looked up at him and smiled. Adrian looked thoughtful but overall, he seemed happy and that pleased Ryrona. Sighing softly, the soon-to-be mother closed her eyes and tried to picture how their child would look. A sense of peace fell over her and she knew, without a doubt, that they would figure everything out.

It was a bit scary...considering their ages and the fact that neither had had a good example of parenting...but with the love she felt for him and the home she had found with Adrian and his grandparents, she was sure nothing could go wrong.His head rested on hers and her smile grew. What was he thinking? Was he excited? Scared? Trilled? Nervous? Or was it a combination of all, like her?

"As long as the baby is healthy, I don't mind." Ryrona squirmed a bit, shifting so she could see his face. Grinning, she touched his cheek and pressed her lips to his.

"Everything will be okay. I know it."


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:44 pm

Adrian allowed a smile as she spoke, shifting so she could see him. Her lips met his, and his fluttering heart calmed. Maybe everything would be ok. They had Isaac and Andrea right? Yeah. He rested his head against hers again, his eyes shut lightly. "Yeah," he murmured, "Everything will be ok."


Moving out. Adrian knew this day would come. He just never expected to be moving in with real flesh-and-blood family. Sighing, Adrian sunk down on the bed in his dorm, he had Isaac and Andrea go with Ryrona to her dorm so he could be alone for a little while in his. He would bring his stuff to them later at Ryrona's dorm. He was still limping, but this was just something he had to do alone.

But he wasn't alone for long. A soft knock came at the door and in walked a dear friend to Adrian -- Singer. The teacher's expression was mostly unreadable as he slowly walked in and sat next to Adrian. It's hard to speak when no words dare to come. Adrian played with his tie for a moment, in the silence, waiting for the words to come. Still, it was Singer who spoke first.

"Moving out... It seems just like yesterday that you and Manic were just moving in, messing around."
Adrian nodded, smiling lightly. "It's been a fast few years, Singer. I'm sad to see them go, actually."
"Yeah, I would feel the same. ... Your grandparents seem pretty cool."
"Yeah. Isaac and Andrea. They're probably the best thing to happen to me. Well... You know what you mean. After you and Manic. And Ryrona."
Singer nodded. "So I guess the Spirikits are out of the question then."
"With this limp? I can barely get around the house. There's no way I'll be on stage any time soon." His heard sank with the words, but he knew they were true. He had to find some other way to live, some other way to use his music other than being on stage.
"Looks like you're moving on, kid."
"I'll always need you, Singer."
Singer only nodded. It pained him to see Adrian go, but he knew it was for the best. What he really wanted could never be. Finally, Singer took the box he carried in with him and handed it to Adrian. Adrian hadn't even noticed it.
"Here, Adrian. Manic would want you to have this."
Manic. Adrian's heart sank again as he opened the box. On top was a picture of the three of them. Adrian in the middle, Manic and Singer on either side of him. The cameraman had obviously caught them at a candid moment. Adrian was caught in rare form, laughing and smiling, his arms around the other two like they had been posed for a picture, as Singer and Manic, both also laughing, could be seen messing with each other behind Adrian. Adrian had the picture taken immediately before this, where the three of them were more composed (all smirking from some joke of Manic's), arms around each other. Singer had the third, taken right before Adrian's, another candid moment between the three of them. Underneath the picture was a tee shirt from the first concert they had attended together -- it was one of Manic's favorites.
Adrian sighed before hugging Singer. "Thanks, man. I appreciated it."

The two talked for a while longer before Adrian decided it was time. He stood up and would have gotten all his stuff, but Singer wouldn't let him in his current condition. Probably a good idea. Leaning on Singer, who was carrying most of his stuff, he made his way down to Ryrona's room where the other three were waiting.
"Sorry for taking so long," he murmured with a soft smile.

It was hard to let go. It was hard to say goodbye to Melody. But it was time.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:57 pm

Closing her eyes and nuzzling into him, Ryrona sighed softly. Life was just getting started and already she had the man she loved and a baby on the way. Andrea and Isaac were more than willing to do everything they could to help. The couple even agreed to letting her move in with was perfect. Nothing could ruin the beautiful life that was blossoming. It was hard to imagine that just three years ago, she would never have thought any of it was possible.

- - - - - - - - - -

Returning to Melody to collect their things was difficult. Her chest tightened as she and her new family walked through the halls. Manic had been one of Adrian's best friends...and he had always been kind to Ryrona. His death had really taken it's toll on the school. Blinking back tears, she was glad to be in the dorm, packing her things into boxes. Humming softly to herself, Andrea and Isaac needed no instructions as everything would be going. The three of them made idle chit chat but the silence was just as comforting. Somehow, the trio had become so accustomed to each other in such a short period of time.

The news of her pregnancy was a bit of a shock, needless to say, but the elderly couple vowed to do everything they could to help. It was cute how much they restricted the teen as they packed things and loaded them into the vehicles. More than anything, Ryrona was sad to see their time at Melody coming to an end but she knew there were brighter, better things coming and she was so excited.

Standing in the hallway, she waved at some of her old friends, her hand resting on her stomach. She wasn't showing any signs of pregnancy but just one look into her eyes was more than enough of a hint. A couple of girls stopped to chat and Ryrona quickly said her goodbyes, returning to her dorm to help finish.

By the time Adrian appeared, Singer in tow, the dark haired girl had a pink flush in her cheeks. Resting on the small couch, she briefly touched her stomach, quickly masking the action when the teacher glanced her way.

"It's fine. We just finished up," smiling, an odd feeling settled into her stomach. It wasn't that she didn't like was just that she knew how close he used to be with Adrian and her old fear of losing him resurfaced. Fighting the dark feelings, she closed her eyes and stood. Looking around the room, she put her hands on her hips.

"I think we're all done here if you've got all your things, love."


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:19 pm

Adrian nodded as he leaned against the doorway. The day was starting to catch up with him. "Yeah. That's everything."

With everything gathered up, Isaac and Andrea helped carry the last things down to the car. Adrian still leaned on Singer as they made their way -- slowly -- down. He didn't want to get too used to leaning on Ryrona. Sometime soon, he would have to be looking out for all her little needs, not the other way around. He wanted her to be taken care of, hand and foot, not the other way around. Besides. It would be hard to say goodbye to Singer and the school. Just a little longer wouldn't hurt.

The car was nearly packed full of their stuff. After a few last words with Singer, and one last embrace, the teacher walked off, straight back into the building. Isaac and Andrea managed to clamber into the front seat, but Adrian caught Ryrona's hand before she went anywhere. "Hey," he said quietly, his other hand in his pocket. "Why don't we walk down to the lake one last time?"

His dark eyes were somewhat guarded, but there was a glimmer of emotion there. It was apparent that he would miss this place. It would be so hard to leave after everything that had happened between its walls. Adrian had changed in there, evolved. But now it was time to leave.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:38 pm

Watching everyone file out of her dorm, she was the last to leave. Staring into the empty space, she brushed back a tear as she closed the door. Inhaling slowly, she turned to face everyone, smiling despite her mixed emotions. Part of her longed to linger within the school while part of her, an ugly part, wanted nothing more than to ride off into the sunset and never worry about Singer and all those green-tinged memories ever again.

Allowing the old friends a few more moments together, she walked with Isaac and Andrea as they returned to the car. Part of her hated that the one she loved was using another for support but she knew he was doing it because of the little miracle within her. Touching her stomach again as they reached their destination, she reached for the silver handle.

Adrian grabbed her hand and she glanced back at him. There was something in his eyes that let her know what she wanted before he even spoke. Smiling, she nodded.

"Yeah, I think we should."

- - - - -

Before they walked to the lake, they had let his grandparents know where they were headed. It was quiet and empty as they reached the place they had spent so much time during their stay at Melody. It was odd, it had never been so serene before.

"Are you sad?" She asked softly, squeezing his hand.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:41 pm

Adrian nodded softly. "Of course," even his voice was soft as he spoke, raising his eyes from the bank out across the lake.

It had to be here. They had to be here right now. He knew there would be no other place or time for them.
Adrian wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, her back against his chest. He took a deep breath, ignoring the pain in his side. He wrapped his arms around her, his hands over hers, their fingers entwined as he lost his thoughts in her. As he held her, he held his world, his universe, his everything. And now was his time. He knew it.

"Ryrona," he said softly, his mouth near her ear as he stood behind her. "Ryrona, I love you. With everything in me. Every heartbeat, every breath is for you. You've been my light in darkness, my hope in the fog. And I know I could never ask anything of you. You do so much for me already. But... If I may..." Adrian slipped one of his hands from hers and slipped it into his pocket for a moment, pulling something out. He placed it between her hands, his hands still covering hers, a small velvety box. "Ryrona, I could never ask anything of you, but if you would allow me one small request..."

Adrian used his hands to move hers to open the box, a small, silver ring nestled inside, the gorgeous diamond placed between two small sapphires.

"Ryrona, will you marry me?"


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:52 pm

As they stood there, she closed her eyes and could almost envision their first trip there...the first time the kissed by the blue depths and the first time they sneaked down, deep in the middle of a summer's night, and swam in the warm waters. Sighing, she allowed him to wrap her within his arms. Bringing her hands down to her stomach, she cradled the tiny life she carried and was so content to watch the sun reflecting off the water. Just his presence was enough for her and she felt as if she could have stood there forever, listening to the birds chattering high above them.

His voice was soothing to her and Ryrona smiled as he spoke. Her heart raced and she felt like her world might explode...if he was headed in the direction she thought. His slight movement made her body quiver with anticipation and she turned to look at him as he slipped a small box into her hands.

Mind aflame with thought and passion, she licked her lips as she opened her hand and revealed the velvety box. Looking back at him, she watched him open it and when she saw what was inside, her heart burst into action, beating rapidly in her chest.

"Oh Adrian...of course! Of course I will marry you!" She cried, tears streaming down her face as he slipped the ring onto her finger. Throwing herself into his arms, she kissed him deeply, feeling so very complete in that moment.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:32 am

Adrian couldn't help but smile at her reaction. As she kissed him, he put his hand to her cheek and his arm around her waist, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. This was what he wanted. To be with her. Forever.

After the kiss, he just stood there and held her against him, taking in every little thing: the smell of her hair, the breeze, the weather, the calm feeling deep inside of him. He quelled the panic for now, eased the unease of being a father, and just allowed himself the peace and joy of this moment. She would be his. He would be hers.

He wouldn't have it any other way.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:42 am

She felt as if she could melt into him as he pulled her in. Mind reeling, she never wanted to let go. Every moment seemed perfect and she was lost in the bliss. Holding onto him, Ryrona could almost have felt like it was a dream, too good to be true but the feel of the wind on her face and the smell of Adrian anchored her to reality and she sighed, happily engaged to the man of her dreams.

Details of their wedding washed through her mind. It wouldn't be big, by any means. Neither of them had a big family - hers wouldn't be invited anyway. But it didn't matter. They had Isaac and Andrea plus their friends from school. It was like a fantasy, one she had envisioned many times over their relationship....but this time it was real.

Exhaling slowly, she pulled out of his arms and looked up at him. Touching his cheek, she would start discussing plans after they got settled. As long as she could fit into a pretty dress before they got married, she was content. Touching the spot where a child would soon be present, she beamed up at him. Nothing could go wrong now.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:08 am

Adrian allowed a smile to creep across his lips, allowing the complete serenity to engulf him.

"Two weeks?" he asked softly. "Or is that too soon? We could do it in Isaac and Andrea's backyard."

Total comprehension was turned off in Adrian's mind. He was just rolling along with this idea of finally marrying the girl of his dreams. It would be perfect. The two of them, Isaac, Andrea, the best man, whoever she decided to invite. It would be small, and he knew it, but that was just the way he liked it. Perhaps it was genetic, the lack of a desire for noise. Isaac seemed to be the same way. Then again, Adrian was almost an exact replica of Isaac... Well, plus a traumatic experience or two.


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:15 am

Two weeks? Could they put together the kind of wedding she'd want in that short of time? Yes, Ryrona smiled to herself, they could. It would be small and intimate and sweet. No big, expensive wedding had ever really suited her.

" sounds perfect."

Biting her bottom lip, she started dreaming up the kind of dress she'd want to wear.

"Really....I don't have anyone else I'd like to invite....just the four of us - or five -" she glanced up at him brightly, "will be perfect."

Cuddling down deeper, she closed her eyes and exhaled.

"I can't wait!'


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Illuminescent Eyes Empty Re: Illuminescent Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:02 pm

A few days had passed since graduation, the engagement, and news of Ryrona's pregnancy. A lot had happened to change Adrian's life. So, to keep his mind off of it to ease and avoid his anxiety, Isaac kept him busy. On this particular day, Adrian and Isaac were doing some handiwork, fixing things around the house in the sweet, early-summer air of New York state. Isaac's plan had been working. Adrian had been kept quite busy and was, therefore, virtually free of anxiety. Ryrona and Andrea had just left to run some errands, Isaac and Adrian were cleaning up from lunch when there was a knock at the door, some chatter and laughter coming from the other side. Adrian finished the very last of the dishes as Isaac left to answer the door.

A woman's voice was heard as Isaac welcomed her in. Adrian found himself suddenly deathly curious.
"Come in, Katherine, come in!"
"I know we didn't say anything about stopping by, but--"
"Katherine, don't worry about it. I mean I'm surprised, you live in Kentucky and all, but... There's something you should probably know before--"
It was then that Adrian stepped around the corner to where he could be seen by those in the entry way. Katherine's hand on Isaac's shoulder stopped his sentence as she looked over at Adrian.
The young soon-to-be father gazed at the scene in front of him. The woman, Katherine he supposed, was most clearly his aunt, bearing a striking resemblance to his grandmother, just as he bore a striking resemblance to Isaac. There was no question in anyone's mind that they were related. A man about Katherine's age stood in the doorway as well, holding a small child. It was interesting to realized, then, that he had more family. A small smile graced his lips, before...

"Don't tell me... That bastard actually had a kid?"
The scathing and loathing in her voice made Adrian want to disappear. Apparently there was some animosity between the siblings before his father ran off.
"Katherine, this is your nephew, Adrian."
"And a bastard child at that, I'm sure."
Adrian hung his head, backing out of the hallway. His short sleeved shirt showed everything on his arms; something he and his family had finally been able to come to terms with. But apparently his aunt saw it differently. His black hair had been growing out lately, he hadn't really managed to get it under control today so it hung loosely over his face, his deep blue eyes poking out... Adrian looked down at his clothes, tighter jeans and a grey v-necked shirt... He had just been marked as a troublesome emo kid who would do nothing but cause trouble.

As Katherine was invited to the kitchen, Adrian escaped through the back way to the living room. It didn't do much good. His aunt's shrill voice saying all sorts of terrible things could be heard through the entire house. He agreed with what she had to say about his father, but when those things were applied to him as well... Well, much of the progress he had been making was suddenly for naught.

"Katherine, you have to understand, we're dealing with an abuse situation."
"My good-for-nothing brother is in prison, no surprise. I hardly think that abuse was misguided."
"Katherine! You know nothing of this situation!"

His heart sank. She didn't even know him... But she had a point... Didn't she?

"Come on, Dad! Look at the kid."
"He's a good kid, Katherine! He graduated and--!"
"Oh, great, from some reform school, right? Where they give you a pat on the back and a cookie for a right answer."
Anger boiled in Adrian, and hatred... but mostly for himself. Maybe he should have just stayed hidden somewhere in the house...
Katherine continued, "I bet you were glad just to see him sober in the morning and not high off of some sort of... God knows what."
Was it really that bad? He thought he'd been a good person lately...

As Katherine rambled on, it was just then that Adrian noticed his young cousin was in the room, pulling at his pant leg.
"Who are you?"
"Do I know you?"
"Oh. Ok."
But that didn't seem to bother the kid at all. As he went on playing with the few toys that had been brought in with him, he kept stealing glances over at Adrian.

He noticed his uncle would try and talk some sense into Katherine but it didn't seem to do much good. As the "discussion" wore on, Adrian's little cousin, who didn't seem to notice, made his way over to Adrian, two small dinosaur toys in his hands.
"Will you play with me?"
With no need for an answer more than the nod of his head, the child crawled up onto Adrian's lap, handed him one of the toys, and started playing, making dino noises and everything. The pain in his leg, though annoying at first, soon went away as the child continued his play, Adrian joining quietly in as demanded. It wasn't long before the small child actually fell asleep right there, in Adrian's arms, dinosaurs in hand. He was in shock. Apparently his mother's yelling did nothing to deter him from making a new friend with his cousin who had deep scars along his arms.

Finally, as Adrian was starting to drift off to sleep as well, Katherine stormed out of the house.
"Grab Derrik, Jack. We're getting out of here."
A few quiet moments passed, Adrian tensing up, before his uncle Jack walked into the room. Adrian looked around, avoiding his uncle's eyes.
"Um, I'm sorry. He, uh, he... fell asleep..."
He could feel Jack approaching him and, on instinct, his whole body tensed up, his eyes bolted fiercely to the floor.
"Don't worry about it, Adrian. He's a little kid, he needs to sleep."
He dared a glance upward, into the kind, smiling face of his uncle.
"It look like Derrik likes you, though. He usually doesn't really like strangers a whole lot. I think he knows he's related to you," Jack said with a laugh. "He knows he can trust you." He smiled kindly, "Don't worry about Katherine. She's still angry with your father."
Jack took Derrik from Adrian then, as he tensed with the mention of his father, and left, Katherine still fuming about Adrian, the good-for-nothing bastard child of her deranged brother.

Adrian remained in the front room, holding his head in his shaking hands, as Andrea and Ryrona finally returned. Andrea, surprised, confronted her daughter and ordered Ryrona inside with their bags. Katherine flew off the handle again, shrieking about how the bastard-child knocked up some chick while he was high, forcing them to look after her, and on and on and on...
Her screaming could be heard as Adrian excused himself from Isaac's presence, claiming the need to be alone, and went up to the room he shared with Ryrona, locking the door behind him.

The thoughts pounding his mind were horrifying, anxiety-building, as everything came back to him at once: his abuse, mental torment he went through, the terror with the thought of being a husband and father... on and on.
Adrian sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his shaking hands, as he stared at the top of the dresser where he placed a razor blade he had kept hidden from his family. His mind was in utter torment as he debated with himself. He could ease the pain, right here, right now, but he would break the trust his family -- his family -- held for him. They trusted him! And he didn't want to ruin that...

But the pain... The emotional torment that wracked his soul was unbearable...


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