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Behind These Eyes

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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:36 pm

Class was close to starting when Jayden slipped in. He took his seat next to her, smiling his wonderful, dazzling smile. Her heart leapt and she smiled back. Part of her longed to speak to him about the events from the pervious night but she knew it was painful. The last thing she wanted was to make him relive such depressing memories. So, leaving the matter alone, Rhiannon pushed some loose strands of hair behind her ear and opened her book. Class started without a hitch and everything was going fine. She felt better than she had in ages and it was so nice to have finally made a decision about New York. Just the thought of it made her heart flutter in excitment. Chewing lightly on her bottom lip, she glanced listlessly out the window, daydreaming of what life would soon be like.

In her mind, she and Jayden shared the apartment she had been promised. He still struggled with his past but seemed happier with her then he had before. Their private tutor was nice and worked with them to make it possible for them to finish school. Her college courses were fun and she learned a lot. Life couldn't have been better.

Snapping to attention as class was winding down, she laughed at herself. It was nice to try and imagine what it would be like but she knew there was no way she coul guess how it would really be. Sighing softly, she packed her things away and yawned behind her hand.

For once in her life, things were finally getting exciting. With a shake of her head and a smile on her lips, she knew it was all thanks to the gray eyed teen sitting next to her. Without Jayden, her life wouldn't be worth living. Without him, she'd have just continued to drift along, never really living but exsisting.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:35 pm

Lost in his own world of thoughts and imagination, Jayden nearly jumped when the bell went off at the end of the hour. He glanced over to Rhiannon who seemed likewise distracted. A half-smile crossed his face as he stood up, still looking over to her.

"Well. AP Bio's next..." He hesitated momentarily. "You ready?"

It was kind of stupid question, and a stupid way of saying it, but they might as well walk together, right? They were friends and they were going to the same class...

The typical Jayden look had returned to his eyes. His independent, cool-to-the-touch, free-spirited aura was back. To everyone around, it would be the same ol' Jayden, unfased by the beating his motorcycle had taken the day before. To everyone, that is, except Rhiannon. To her, because she had seen and heard one of the most devastating moments of his life, he had let her in -- more than planned, and much more than everyone else. She would probably be able to see the little bit of hesitation in his eye, the flutter of anticipation. On the surface he was cool, he was collected, but inside he was waiting for the debate, for Bowden's class. He knew the vandals were in there... He just wasn't sure who.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:50 pm

Standing up, her dark hair falling down her back and her bangs resting on her forehead, the teen hefted her bag up onto her shoulder. Turning to look at Jayden, she took a deep breath in order to restore her heart's normal rate and cocked her head to the side.

"I suppose. I've never really been all that great at Bio." She made a face, hoping to make him laugh or, at least, smile.

Her green eyes studied his face, sensing his usual demeanor with some satifaction. At least he didn't seem as burdened as he had before. But, beneath the cool exterior, she knew he was fighting a battle that he had to win. For his own sake...and for hers. Wrapping her delicate fingers around the strap of her purse, she lifted it off her desk and stepped a bit closer to him. He smelled good and she was more than pleased that he had taken the initiative to ask her to walk to their next class together. No, he hadn't spoken the words but she knew what he was getting at.

"In any case, remind me after next period ends to give you your papers for next semester. We need to get it sent off asap."

Absentmindedly brushing her bangs out of her eyes, she smiled again. She seemed to be doing that a lot more these days...a lot more than she expected after one of the icidents that had brought Jayden closer to her.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:52 pm

A smirk stole across Jayden's face. "It's not that bad.." he said, shaking his head lightly, his hair falling more into place. Yeah, that's right, Jayden was pretty close to being a boy genius. Ok, maybe not quite like that, but school came much easier to him than pretty much everyone else. But he wasn't about to complain about that. It really came in handy when they moved around a lot. Even through all the school changes, his grades never suffered. And now that he was a senior, he was looking into some top progressive colleges. This kid was going to go somewhere in life.

The two started out of the room and he nodded at her comment. "I imagine I'll have to get my parents to sign 'em then, huh?"
In the hall, Jayden caught a lot of stares, perhaps even more than usual after the destruction of his bike the day before, but he was completely oblivious to it. He was used to it. Of course, Rhiannon probably wasn't. Jayden kept his cool demeanor, kept his confidence under the glares of classmates.

Suddenly, someone, out of nowhere, came crashing into Jayden, dropping all sorts of books everywhere. Jayden's attention was torn from Rhiannon and he looked down to the kid sprawled on the floor. He could hear laughter somewhere nearby and therefor guessed, probably not far from the truth, that the poor freshman at his feet was pushed into him. Probably by some cocky-ass senior jerks. With a glare off to the distance for whoever the perpetrators were, his grey eyes softened as he reached down to help the kid to his feet before picking up all the books for him. The freshman just stood there, stunned. Having previously been afraid of the freakish senior, all he could do was stare.

Jayden finally straightened up, handing the pile of books to the kid with a kind smile before heading off down the hallway again. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end in anger. He clenched his jaw to avoid doing something incredibly stupid. Jayden had his anger under control.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:49 pm

Biting her botom lip in a half smile, she shook her head. Of course Mr. Smartypants wouldn't think it was hard. Laughing softly, she followed him out into the hallway.

"Yup, you sure will." Rhiannon tossed her hair over her shoulder, ignoring the tiny pricks that bore into her back as they walked. So people were looking! Who cares? It wasn't like it was the first time she had recieved odd looks. Yeah, it annoyed her but she refused to let it bother her. Blowing some air out through pursed lips, she watched with wide eyes as some freshman crashed into Jayden. Cringing as their bodies made contact, she sighed.

Looking around as the two on the ground picked themselves up, she glared. Laughing bitterly, she cast harsh glances at her peers.

"Real funny. So mature, guys. Your super cool." A strange, snide tone was in her voice as her eyes narrowed. No one spoke as she followed Jayden, once again, down the hall. Once they were far enough away from the scene of the collision, she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you alright?" He was pissed as he had every right to be and she knew it...but she still had to ask. Her stomach knotted in anger and she ground her teeth for a moment, wishing she could make the idiots responsible see just how dumb they were.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:58 am

Jayden's hand twitched in his pocket. He actually recognized the freshman. He had seen him walking into a certain club meeting the first day he had been at Central. He had his suspicions about the kid... He seemed so... Fragile. So... So like--

A hand on his shoulder brought Jayden back to reality. And Jayden played his game. The game he played with everyone... Even his family. He buried every emotion and smiled. "Yeah, don't worry about it." He turned his attention back to walking as they made it to biology. He quietly took his table in the back and set to work getting ready for the hour. Not like he was going to be paying any attention, but it would sure look like it. Jayden was the master game player. He would play as long as he needed to. Sure, he was still having problems with the whole Audrey-Rhiannon issue, but there was another dimension to him.

His grey eyes looked the same, his demeanor was the same as it always had been. His gaze was distant as he waited for class to start and for the other students to settle in. For everyone, he would look the same. To Rhiannon, he would probably look like he was thinking about what had happened last night.

Perhaps they were both true. Perhaps they were both wrong.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:18 am

"Yeah, don't wrry about iy."

Sighing softly, the dark haired girl with vivid green eyes that caught more than anyone else walked by Jayden's side. He was good at masking his true emotions. It was seemless to outsiders, even to her - if they hadn't had the conversations they did the night before. Seemless and perfect, his mask completely protected him from those around him. Yes, Rhiannon was bound and determined to see a day when that mask of his would leave, for good.

Taking her seat near the front of the class, she wished she could be closer to him but knew there was nothing she could do. Rebeca slipped in before class, taking her seat and smiling her wolfish smile. A buzz in her pocket told her she had a text from her best friend.

Nonchalantly, she flipped her cell open and quickly read the small font. Smiling slightly, she quickly responded, snapping her eyes back to the teacher who rambled on and on. Throughout the period, Rebeca hounded Rhiannon about what had happened the night before. The red head had called her during the time she had spent with Jayden. Supplying her friend with generic details, her green eyes swept the room, landing briefly on the object of her affection. It was clear his mind was anywhere but on subject.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:42 am

The entire hour, Jayden was thinking up a storm. Obviously not about biology... But about that kid. And about his--

The bell shook him from his thoughts, once again. With a quick wave to Rhiannon as he left, Jayden shot out the door, anxious to get to Bowden's class. Third hour today would definitely be more interesting than usual. And that was saying something.

For the first time, Jayden was one of the first in the room. Just as he wanted to be. Some of the more obnoxiously outspoken and ignorant students came in and, from what Jayden caught of their overly loud conversation... It was them. They were the ones who destroyed his bike, they were the ones who were harassing the poor freshman and Jayden at the same time. The ignorant ones. The ones who needed to be taught a lesson.

"Hey, Rivers!"
Jayden's icy gaze slid over to the leader of the pack.
"Now... How on earth did you get that pretty blue bike of yours back home?"
"A little thing called mechanics."
The group laughed.
"Right. And I'm your kitten's mother."
"You might as well be."
"What's that supposed to be?"
Jayden stood up. He was no football player, but he sure was muscular and lean.
"It means that if you ever--"
"GENTLEMEN! That will be enough." Mr. Bowden had entered the room.
Glares were shot around and all of them took their seats, Jayden the last.
"It would appear Mr. Rivers is here today," Bowden said to mandatory laughter before reading off the rest of the attendance.

If Jayden had been adament in his opinions before, they were nothing compared to now. He was smarter, more clever, and quick. He had barely been in class for 20 minutes before...
"OUT Mr. Rivers!"
Jayden's third orange slip of the week. With pride and a nod, Jayden took the slip and left the classroom. He took his beautiful time getting there. He was in no rush. Neither was the principal, he was sure. She kept telling him the same things and yesterday she just let him sit in the lobby of the office. The kid had privileges. But today he had another reason for taking his time. He was wondering if he could find the freshman...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:51 am

ANtsy for class to end so she could give Jayden the required paperwork, she jumped when the bell rang. Looking around, she sighed as he waved and dashed from the room. Running a hand through her hair, she rolled her eyes, laughed softly to herself and grabbed her things. Rebeca hung out with her for a few before departing, giving Rhiannon a "knowing" wink as they parted. It was kinda funny to know the red head really hadn't a clue. Stopping at her locker to grab a few things for the rest of the day, she swiftly made her way to the art room.

"Did you make a decision?" The woman smiled gently at Rhiannon as she took her seat.

"Mmmhmm. SHould have all the papers to you by tomorrow." Grinning, she let herself relax and enjoy her favorite class of the day. WHy couldn't every day be as nice as the short hour of 3rd period?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:05 am

By the time Jayden finally made it to the office, most of the hour had passed. The secretary took his orange slip... and he just sat in the lobby, an open book on his lap. It was becoming a usual routine. A small sense of pride surrounded the teen. Not for getting kicked out but for accomplishing what he wanted to. He knew how to find the freshman. It would actually be pretty easy.

When the bell rang, Jayden hopped up and rushed off to the side of school opposite where he should be going. And there, just standing at an open locker, was the freshman. He walked up to the kid but, realizing he was oblivious to most everything, had to make himself known.
"Hey. You're Anthony, right?"
In shock, the poor kid cowered.
"I'm s-sorry! I--"
"I'm not here to yell at you." Jayden's grey eyes were soft. Compassionate.
The kid managed to mostly swallow his fear.
"I just want to talk to you, if that's ok."
"I-- I have--"
"Class. Got it. I meant at lunch."
"You know the black Mustang?" Anthony nodded. "It's mine. Meet me there at the beginning of the lunch hour. Ok?"
He nodded. "O-ok."
"You'll be ok, Anthony. Just hang in there."
And with that Jayden turned and walked to AP Lit. He waved again to Rhiannon as he walked in, taking his seat behind her.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:17 am

Art class was gone as quickly as it started. Sighing, Rhiannon wished her friends and teacher goodbye and headed for her last class before lunch. Pulling Jayden's paperwork from her bag, she strode purposefully towards AP Lit. Playing his papers on his desk when she arrived, Rhiannon took her seat and breathed a sigh of relief. There. Now all he had to do was fill them out, give them back to her and then, off they'll go!

Seeing Jayden enter, she smiled and waved. Pulling out her book and notebook, she readied herself for class. Yawning, her stomach growled and she found herself eager to get to lunch. Resting her hand on her abdomin, she sighed softly. Sometimes school seemed like such a chore.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:41 am

Jayden grinned to himself at the sight of the papers on his desk... and the sound of Rhiannon's stomach growling. He tapped her on the head with his papers while the teacher was attempting to get the class under control. "Your stomach sounds like a small bear..."

He continued to grin to himself as he got his stuff out for class. His lunch hour would be interesting... and totally worthwhile. Uh... wait. Would Rhiannon be expecting to spend time with him at lunch. Awh damn. Didn't think of that before...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:50 am

Unprepared for the tap on her head, she swallowed a soft yelp and jumped slightly in her seat. Luckily, their teacher was busy with some menial task. Turning slightly in her seat, she pulled a face and stuck her tongue out.

"Like your growling stomach would sound like anything less than a full grown bear." Grinning, she cocked her head to the side. On one hand, she wanted to ask him to eat lunch with her but she had promised Rebeca they'd spend some time goether. Frowning, she pursed her lips.

"Hope you weren't planning on us doing lunch today, I promise Rebeca we'd hang out. She's been lonely or something..." Her voice, a mere whisper, was tinged with a bit of laughter and a slight sadness. Of course she loved her friend and liked spending time with her...but Jayden. Well, he was something else.

"Sorry." She turned around in her seat, forcing her brain to be focused on the task at hand.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:01 am

Jayden laughed lightly to himself. "Well, I'm not even going to try and deny that."

When she seemed saddened by the fact that they had to separate for lunch, he merely shrugged and smirked. "Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have been able to anyway." He left the reason why out, without realized that it could be considered, well... weird? Oh well, he didn't really need to tell her anyway. What he had to do was only his business. He didn't really care who saw them, but as to why he wanted to talk to Anthony... Well that reason was entirely his own. And he would keep it to himself, no matter what.

Silly boy with silly dimensions...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:18 am

Inclinging her head to let him know she heard, Rhiannon tried her best to respond in class as she could. When the bell finally rang, signaling her freedom, she quickly gathered her things and looked at Jayden with a smile.

"Enjoy lunch and don't forget your papers!" Pointing at him, she winked and heade out of the room.

Rebeca met her by their locker and the two girls immediatly exited the building, heading for the parking lot. Climbing into Rebeca's PT Cruiser (her parents spoiled her), they left the school behind, a full hours worth of talking (and eating) waited for them.

"So, tell me what's been going on in Rhi's world lately."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:50 am

As the bell rang, Jayden noted just how quickly Rhiannon left the room. Well, she was going to meet her best friend so... He didn't blame her. He took his time, but didn't take too long, before walking out to his care. Sure enough, Anthony was waiting there all ready, probably shaking in his shoes. Jayden gave him a kind smile as he walked up.

"Hey again," he said, the sunlight flashing off of his snakebites.
"Hi." The poor kid was terrified.
"Do you prefer Anthony or Tony?"
"Uh. Tony's fine."
"Tony. Why don't we go for a drive?"

The kid was nervous and scared, but as Jayden took him to lunch and talked to him, Tony started to loosen up. But when Jayden mentioned his suspicions...

"What?? N-no, I--"
The nervous kid bit his lip.
"It's ok Tony. Listen, I... I just. I knew someone like you once," (knew was an understatement) "and he didn't have anyone to really look out for him. He was on his own and... Well let's just say things didn't end so well. Tony, I wanted to talk with you to know if my suspicious were right. I want to look out for you. Not obviously but... I just want you to know I'm around if you ever need anything. I know you don't really know me, but I want you to know you can trust me, ok?"
Tony was quiet for a moment before a timid smile crossed his face. He hung his head with a quiet "Thank you."

Jayden drove back to school with Tony, making it back before most every one else. The two just stood outside the car talking. Tony was still a bit nervous and timid, but he was warming up to Jayden. He saw the senior for what he really was. Compassionate.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:06 am

It was strange, really. Time seemed to stand still whenever Rhiannon and Rebeca were alone. No matter the amount of time that had passed between the times they spent together, it felt like nothing. Conversation was so easy and natural. Even as she danced around the topic of her obvious interest in Jayden, it was simple and her best friend accepted her explinations without badgering her and without question. Relaxed, more than she had in ages and feeling content with her life, the dark haired girl finally decided it was the right time to let Rebeca know her plans.

"So, next semester, I'll be moving to New York."

"Ohmygod! It's for that art thing, right?" The red head squealed, taking her friend's hands as they sat in a booth at the resturant. They didn't care how many odd looks they got. It hardly mattered.

"Yup. I'm guessing you know because you peeked into my backpack, right?" Laughing, she shook her head. Chatting animatedly about her big move, the girl purposefully "forgot" to mention Jayden would be coming....well, Rebeca didn't need to know quite yet. SHe;d be finding out soon enough.

As always, lunch was over much too soon and the girls headed back. Parting ways at their locker withthe promise of spending moer time togtether soon, they each headed to their class. Sweeping into the room with a wide smile and bright eyes, Rhiannon slipped gracefully into her seat, positively beaming. Her classmates looked at her like she was high but she couldn't have cared less.

I was right, she told herself, today has been amazing.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:58 pm

After bidding his farewell to Tony, Jayden took his time getting to class. He felt... relatively good, actually. About that situation. Maybe it was weird, and hard for Tony to understand, but it was a step in a positive direction. Jayden worried a little about second semester when he would be leaving for New York, but things should be better by then. As far a next month goes... Well, Jayden decided he would deal with it as necessary. No use freaking out now.

AP World History... Jayden walked in with a few minutes before the bell. When he saw Rhiannon sitting there, he walked right up to her, leaning up against her desk. He sat on the other side of the room, so he would have to go eventually, but not yet. With a light grin he looked over to her. "So did your friend give you the third degree or what?" He grinned, wondering how bad her 'bff' hounded her with questions... Probably about him and New York, he guessed. But he could still be wrong. Oh well.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:22 pm

Humming softly to herself, the artistic teen grabbed her sketch book and favorite pencil. Flipping the pad open to a new page, she could smell the gently, soothing "fresh page" smell. It was a mix of lavender from her room and a strangly vanilla-ish scent. Smiling gently down at the off white paper, she placed the black tip of the pencil to the pad and began to sketch. Roughly getting the shape of a bust going, she was lost in her world. She always became lost in herself whenever she drew or painted. Before she knew it, the picture had taken form and looked less than surpisingly like Jayden. It wasn't until the man himself leaned against her desk that she came back to reality. Blushing deeply, she close it quickly, stowing it in her backpack.

Laughing, she brushed her hair from her face, trying to act cool despite her pink cheeks.

"Of course but I didn't give her all the details. I simply left it as there might be something between us," at that, her pink cheeks deepened slightly and her green eyes flickered away from his face for a second. "As for New York, I told her I'd be going next semester."

Shrugging, she smiled offhandedly. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she glanced at the clock. Sighing internally, class would start soon and he'd have to go across the room.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:06 pm

Jayden turned his gaze from her, nodding lightly. "There might be something between us." He bit his lip lightly, his tongue messing with one of his snakebites. It was a habit he had. Yeah, she was right. Things were happening fast, faster than Jayden anticipated, but that's the way it was. So there was something between them. Nothing Jayden should be freaking out about. She knew about Audrey. That was enough knowledge, right? Right. Besides, he had to get used to it, he would be spending the entire next semester with her in New York...

With a gentle grin he looked back to her, about to say something when--
"Mr. Rivers. Hate to break into your social life but class is about to start."
Jayden nodded, removed himself from Rhiannon's desk, and made his way back to the one he was supposed to occupy. Mr. Frieden was a nice enough guy. He showed history as it was... to a certain point. To the point the school district would allow. Jayden dearly wished he could get deeper into the subject but, as he had found out the day before when he stayed after class to talk to the teacher, if Frieden went very far away from the approved syllabus, he would be in grave danger of getting fired. Jayden frowned. It was so stupid. The small-minded, ignorant leaders of this community... Jayden wished he could change it, if only to free himself from tortured memories.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:18 pm

Pursing her lips, she hadn't wanted class to start but she had little choice. Turning to face the front of the room, she pushed her hair behind her ears and, glacning around the room one last time, focused on their teacher. Grabbing her History book from her bag, her brightly colored eyes lingered on her sketch pad and her cheeks warmed. As she opened to the spot they had left off at, she let her mind wander a bit (probably not the best idea she had ever had) while Mr. Friedan spoke. Would he want to hang out after school? Rhiannon found she hadn't a clue and that excited her. Jayden challenged her, made her think. She felt more alive when she spoke with him than she had in her entire life. The sparks she felt by simply being near him were undenyable and the very inkling of them going to New York together made her stomach flop and butterflies beat against her rib cage.

Scolding herself mentally for daydreaming so, the teen worked hard the rest of the period to focus. As class was winding down, she put her things away, glanced in Jayden's direction and counted the seconds until the bell rang. Standing, she slung her backpack over her shoulder, picked up her purse and walked towards the door. Allowing the main bulk of her classmates to filter out through the doorway, she took a deep, steadying breath before moving towards the door - and Jayden.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:04 pm

Jayden was actually paying attention today. In AP World History at that! ... For the first half of class anyway. Once Frieden mentioned something about India, his mind was gone. He had hundreds of things running through his head, but none he could bring up. He stayed hunched over his desk, scribbling what his mind contained down onto paper. It was therapeutic for him, writing things down like this. His head wasn't going to explode from frustration of not informing the masses... That (informing people) would come later. Jayden was a thinker, a mover, an activist. The now-covered-in-posters door to his room was witness to that.

The ringing bell jolted him from his thoughts. He took a few moments to write down a few last things before grabbing his back and heading towards the door. With a grin, he realized Rhiannon was waiting for him... in a semi-discreet way.
"Well, would you look at that. It really isn't a crime to talk to me after class," he said, obviously joking. A smirk was on his face as he walked out of the room with her. They didn't even have the next class together which lead Jayden to believe she had something to say. And he was a little bit anxious to hear what it was. Coming from her, it could be anything.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:55 am

"Oh?" She grinned, nudging him with her shoulder as they started out of the classroom.

"I was beginning to wonder if it was. What would the punishment for that be, hmm? Two days in isolation? Incarceration? Community Service?" Laughing, she knew her class was a bit of a jaunt away from his but....well, her curiosity about his after school pans had gotten the better of her.

AS they walked, she gathered her courage, found the right words and took a deep breath.

"So, I was thinking....if you weren't doing anything after school...I thought maybe we could hang out? Maybe do some homework together...or something."

Glancing at him sideways, she tried to judge his facial reaction but found his face, though extremely handsome, gave away nothing. Her heart raced in her chest and she inhaled, holding her breath for a moment to try and ease her irregular pulse as she waited for an answer.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:29 am

Jayden laughed as she pondered aloud the punishments for talking to him after class.
"Community service... of the worst possible kind."
There were a few moments of silence between them which Jayden actually found somewhat peaceful. He really liked and appreciated the fact that she didn't demand anything from him. He wasn't exactly all for a constant stream of conversation. He was more thoughtful, more reserved than most people his age. But then again, most people his age were nothing like him. At all.

But finally the question came. He wasn't quite sure if he was expecting it or not, but there it was. He turned his gaze to the side, facing away from her, as he pondered. His heart thudded a little extra loudly, anxiety was getting the best of him, but he paused to think clearly. He wasn't going to jump to anything and risk hurting Rhiannon or himself. Well... Quite honestly, he was more concerned for Rhiannon. He'd been hurt enough in his lifetime...

Finally, he nodded. "Sure. Why don't I drive you to my place?"
Homework didn't sound so bad. It was a slow step in the direction he wanted to go. He kind of did have a lot to do. Not that it would take him very long, but he was kind of considering starting on his little campaigning thing tonight. Oh well. He figured it could wait one more day as he gathered a little more insight and information. An extra day for collecting wouldn't be bad, right?
Jayden was usually one for sticking to deadlines though... Guess he'd have to start.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 6 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:24 am

A smile flickered on her lips as he continued her joke. Worst kind of community service? She wondered what he could consider to be the worst. Shaking her head slightly, she wondered, again, what he was thinking. When he finally spoke, her heart burst into action and she grinned. Turning to look at him, she smiled brilliantly.

"Alright. Sounds good. I'll meet you at your car?" Licking her lips, she pulled ehr cell out to check the time. Cursing under her breath, she quickly smiled at him.

"I've gotta go or I'll be late." Waving, she hurried down the hall, her heart pounding in her chest as she scurried towards her classroom. Slipping into her seat as the bell rang, Rhiannon sighed in contentment as class began.

Physically, she might have been there but her mind was miles away, counting the seconds until school ended for the day.


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