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Behind These Eyes

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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:08 am

"Pfft. I'll never let something like that happen to me. If a guy corners me, I'll kick him in the balls." Rhiannon scoffed as she and Rebeca read a book where the main female protagonist was raped. The red head just shook her head, frowning deeply as they laid on her bed.

"I dunno, Rhi....I don't think you can say that without being in that situation....." Sighing, the two girls looked at each other and shrugged.

"Not like we'll have to deal with that, right?"

The sounds of that particular conversation rang in her ears as she was pulled closer and closer to the teens. Tears escaped from her eyes and everything seemed to freeze as Evan's hot, hard lips crushed down over hers. She felt so unclean but knew if she cried or showed any signs of emotion, they'd use it. Forcing herself to relax, she closed her eyes and used every ounce of her being to pretend she was somewhere else...somewhere safe....protected by people that loved her.

The sound of a car tearing into the parking lot forced her eyes open and she saw someone running towards them. Jayden? Why was he here? She couldn't quite make out his face through the tears...but he seemed mad. Before she could react, he had punched Evan and was rearing back to hit Greg. Tears ran freely down her cheeks and she barely heard a word. When a new, softer hand grabbed her, she allowed herself to be pulled away.

As soon as Jayden released her, she fell to her knees, weak and shaking violently. Their eyes met for a brief moment and she started crying, hiccuping as a stream rolled down her cheeks.

"I...I..." she stammered, unable to even speak as her body jerked. Wrapping her arms around herself, she closed her eyes, trying so hard to scour the images from her mind.

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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:36 pm

Jayden's eyes narrowed as she started crying, stuttering. As always, he meant what he said. Those two idiots didn't know the meaning of honor. He doubted they ever would. How could they even think of doing something so terrible to... well, anyone?? Jayden felt sick. Rhiannon was nice enough, from what he could tell... having just met her a matter of hours ago. He had no idea why they would pick on her for such a thing. It's not like she was asking for it, like some girls he had seen in his many schools. But... what was beginning to bother him more was not knowing why his intuition kicked in today. He thought it had died a couple years ago... Not that he minded, he just saved a peer from some horrible outcome... But still. It was strange.

Jayden forced his thoughts back to the moment as he crouched down next to her. "Hey," he murmured softly, his soft grey-eyed gaze seeking hers again. "It's ok. It's not your fault. Everything's ok. I'm not going to do anything to you... You're safe now. Ok?" Jayden reached out to brush a tear off her cheek, but stopped himself. That would probably be much too forward, and for what had just almost happened to her... well, she probably didn't want to be touched right now either.

The new kid bit his lip as he watched her, wrapping his arms around his knees. He didn't really know how to help her now. He figured they should probably head back to school soon, there were only about 25 minutes left of the lunch period. But he wasn't going to press her to do anything she didn't want. He wanted to drive her back himself, but she probably wouldn't allow it. She barely knew his name, let alone trusted him. He also wanted to track down the two idiots and murder them in their sleep, but other then that just being a general bad idea... Well, he just wouldn't do it. Mostly out of common sense. Mostly.

Jayden sighed. He didn't really know what else to do. Anger would solve nothing now, he knew that. As much as he wanted to try and beat sense into those two, he knew it wouldn't make a difference. He figured he would just have to let her cry for now, and figure out what to do later. He wanted to ask her why, but he knew it wasn't his place. Hell, it wasn't even his place to be there... And yet... He was.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:34 am

It was a burden to breath, to think and to move. Her body felt numb, disgustingly dirty, but numb. Despite the heat outside, she was frozen down to her very core. Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, she hiccuped a few times as her nerves unwound. She knew, without a doubt, the terror and trauma from the situation would come and go in waves....but it would get better, with time. Part of her wanted to be held, to be kept safe and warm...but part of her loathed the very idea of physical contact. Besides, the only one around was Jayden and he didn't seem to be the sensitive, "let's cuddle" type.

Sucking in a lungful of air, she rubbed her red eyes, her makeup nonexistent on her pale face. Her lose hair fell into her eyes and she looked out at the teen through the dark curtain.

"I......" she swallowed past the lump of emotion and anger that had risen to her throat. Looking into her eyes, she took another shuddering breath and closed her eyes.

"Thank you." Rhiannon was surprised she could manage that without dissolving into more hysterics or running away. Most of their lunch hour was over...but she didn't feel like returning to school. Not then...and not ever, really. Was it possible to take some test and graduate early? Really, she only had another 4 months till school was out anyway...but they were in so many of her classes...and she wouldn't be able to avoid them.

Should she press charges? That was one option...but would anyone believe her and Jayden over two highly popular and good looking guys? From what she heard, they both had full ride scholarships for their sports achievements...but she didn't know what colleges had stooped so low. Fighting back the urge to, once again, throw herself into the safe, warm arms of the male in front of her, she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling ill and tired.

"I...I really don't want to go back there..." Pretty confident he knew where she was referring to, she slowly stood up and glanced over at the grass where that school's camera waited patiently for her to retrieve it. She didn't even have the physical strength to get it but she did anyway. Her world became a sea of dark and white spots as she moved and before she had taken three steps, she passed out.

Darkness enveloped her, embraced her tightly, refusing to let go as her limp body hit the ground with a soft thud.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:06 am

Jayden watched her carefully, trying to think of something to do to help her. But his mind was honestly blank in that department. He'd had so much life experience, but nothing involving rape... or near-rape... His heart ached as he longed so much to help her. She looked so lost... So hurt and angry. To a certain extent... Those emotions were ones Jayden himself had a strong personal relation to. And yet, he didn't know how to help her. The frustration was immense.

When she said she didn't want to go back, Jayden only nodded, murmuring softly, "You don't have to." His eyes were distant as he stood up with her.

But he but his lip, this time out of nerves, when she started walking away. "Maybe you shouldn't..." he began, but he never finished his sentence. His eyes widened as he noticed her begin to faint. He rushed to catch her before she completely fell. He shook his head, stunned by the recent events. But even she must have known how stupid it would be to walk right now! What in the hell is so important that you'd-- .... Oh. Jayden had looked in the direction she was heading only to find the school camera lying in the grass. I should have guessed.

Now here was a predicament. The lunch hour would be ending soon, very soon, and Rhiannon, a girl he barely knew and had met only hours ago, was passed out... in his arms... after she had nearly been raped. Jayden's mind raced as he thought of ways out of it. He could wake her up. But she needed to be asleep, if only to escape her recent terror. There was no way she would be going back to school, not today. That left only one option...

With a sigh, Jayden easily lifted Rhiannon, carefully setting her in the passenger's seat of his Mustang. He quickly retrieved the camera, put it in the back with his backpack, started the car and drove away, silently hoping the whole time that she wouldn't wake up and murder him for having the balls to take her somewhere against her will. He pulled his phone out of his pocket as he drove, dialing his father's office number again.
"May I speak to Alexander Rivers, please?" Meeting... still. "Please, this is an emergency. This is his son Jayden." Finally, a connection. "Dad? I need you to do something for me. I can explain more later, but I'm going home... And I'm not exactly alone." What?? "Dad... I know, this is my first day... But, well... I kind of just saved a classmate from being raped?" ... "Can I explain later? She passed out and I'm taking her home. I don't know what else to do. I can't just leave her there!" ... "Ok. I'll see you later. Thanks, Dad."

It wasn't too long of a drive before they reached the Rivers' home. The place was huge. Only two stories, but super massive, still. If it wasn't possible to guess by looking at Jayden that the family was loaded, the house was a dead giveaway. Jayden parked in the driveway before slinging both his bag, her purse, and the camera over his shoulders and gently lifting Rhiannon from the passenger's seat. Having just barely moved, only two bedrooms were currently habitable. And, heaving another sigh, Jayden took the, although more risky, safer route. He took her to his room.

Jayden didn't like this one bit. She was going to wake up and murder him for making obvious advances on her while she was unconscious. Well... that's really not true. He did the only thing he could think of. Leaving her purse and camera on the nightstand next to his bed, he set his backpack next to the desk in the corner of the large room then made himself extinct. It would probably not be good if he was around when she woke up...

Grabbing his laptop, he went straight downstairs into the living room, sat down on the couch and started in on his AP Lit homework... without his notes.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:22 am

Nightmares: insubstantial images that inflict emotional turmoil on dreamers and leave them shaking, agonizing over what they saw in their sleep. Even bitter, blood coated pictures would have been better than the all encompassing black...the nothingness that seemed to eat away at her core, her very essence as she floated in space. Silence, so deep and profound it seeped into her every pore, consuming her flesh and spirit as it carried her along. Rhiannon had never been afraid of the dark...but this was so different. Horrifying wasn't nearly adequate enough to describe it. Burning into her and forcing it's void onto her, so careless and carved a fear so deep into her she knew she would never crave being alone again - well, at least not for a very long time.

When she finally awoke, her heart raced in her chest, a painful reminder she was very much alive. Tears rolled freely down her face and it took a couple of deep breaths and a few moments for her to realize she was in an unfamiliar place. Looking around, the room she was in was kinda barren someone just moved in.......just moved in? Jayden.....wait, what? Why did he take her to what she assumed was his home? He didn't seem the type of guy who would rescue a damsel in distress and take her to his house.

Sitting up, she saw her purse and the camera on the nightstand by the bed. Leaving them there for the moment, she carefully slid to the edge of the bed and put her feet onto the ground. Slowly, she tested her balance by placing a fraction of her weight onto her legs and feet. Once she was sure there would be no repeat of what happened in the park, she moved jerkily towards the door. Her body was still cold a numb...and unwilling to cooperate. Again, she found herself wanting and loathing the inner desire for safe, affectionate physical contact.

Leaving Jayden's room, she slowly made her way down what she guessed was the main stair case. Her footsteps echoed off the walls, clearly identifying the house as new and quite empty. Somehow, she managed to find the living room where her...rescuer?...sat on his couch, laptop in hand doing what had to be homework. Clearing her throat, she pushed her hair behind her ear and gave him a shaky smile.

"" she could scarcely manage to speak above a whisper...but she was confident he heard her. Glancing around, she felt out of place and bit her bottom lip to keep the unbridled emotions at bay. A war was waging within her and she didn't know which side would win....


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:02 am

Jayden was focused on the assignment, he had to do it to sort of catch up with the class, being new and all, but he couldn't help his mind from wandering to the girl in his room. Had he done the right thing? Well, he thought so. And that's what mattered, really. She could hate him all she wanted, he couldn't stop her. But why? Why had he been so guided to the park today to save her? Why did it bother him so much?

The boy's ponderings were interrupted by the sudden presence and voice of another in the living room. He put his laptop aside and walked over to her, hands in his pockets. "Yeah, you're welcome. It's no big deal." Jayden bit his lip and looked away for a moment, grey eyes searching the wall. There was a slight pause as he hesitated, trying his hardest to find words. They all sounded so stupid. But he had to say something or she would think he really was insane and making advances on her. Finally he looked back up at her.

"I'm sorry for the, uh, sudden change in venue," he muttered sheepishly. "You passed out and... and I didn't really know what else to do." He shrugged, attempting a grin. "I thought you'd be more comfortable here than anywhere else and... And you said you didn't want to go back to school. And... yeah..."

Pitiful, Jayden. Real smooth. Let's see her turn and run. Go Rhiannon, go!

"I can take you home now, if you want. Or you can stay here a little longer. It doesn't matter. I'm sure there's food in the kitchen, if you're hungry." Poor guy. He really was trying his best. "Or if there's anything else I can do... or you'll let me do for you... I'm here." He gave her a soft smile, his grey eyes full of compassion.

That's the kind of guy he was. Open-hearted, open-minded, and very compassionate.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:13 am

Shaking a bit from lack of food and the trauma of the day, she wrung her hands before her, wondering what he was thinking. Why were his gray eyes to hard to read? Why was he so guarded? She itched to have the answers that made her almost forget the park. Swallowing, she turned pink in the cheeks as he spoke. Where was the cool-as-ice guy from classes that morning? Where was the almost cold-to-the-touch Jayden she met? He and the teen before her seemed like two different people. Feeling shy and unsure of herself, her eyes bore a hole into the floor where she was almost afraid to let him see the vulnerability in her eyes.

"Oh! I-I didn't even think....I know you're not inter-" His smiled disarmed her in a way nothing else had or could. Looking away, she closed her eyes.

Oh god.....why, after today, can I picture him holding me so vividly?

Mentally cursing herself for such weakness, she wrapped her arms around herself and nodded.

"Well...I-I could be hungry...."

Why did he have to say it that way? Oh god...what she would let him do for her? That.....that was another story, completely. Part of her wanted to cry and beg him to hold her...another wanted to just throw herself into his arms...but a small voice told her that was let him make the first move.

Why me?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:36 am

Jayden nodded at her request. He was fairly certain there was a good amount of food in the house. The first thing they usually did when the moved in was go grocery shopping. Always gotta have food in the house with a teenage boy! "Sure. Kitchen's this way."

Jayden started walking, but Rhiannon seemed a little rooted to the spot. He bit his lip before reaching back and gently taking her upper arm. "It's ok," he said again, guiding her to follow him. When he was certain she was following, he allowed himself to guide her along a little bit longer before letting go, half expecting to be punched... or something. It was her right after all... To never trust boys again. He didn't blame her. Those two guys were a disgrace to humanity and almost robbed her of something precious. It was a good thing Jayden didn't have too strong of a temper and only a sense of what to do in crunch situations.

The house certainly was huge, but it wasn't long before they reached the kitchen and Jayden set to work, looking through cupboards and the like.
"Is there anything in particular you'd like? I'm a pretty decent cook... Well. Sometimes."
What the hell, Jayden? Grow a pair, would you? She barely knows you. No more joking around.
But... What happened today? Why did I go to the park? What made me go?

Jayden turned to face her, waiting patiently for her answer. He tugged the end of his semi-fitted shirt, more out of habit then anything, as he stood there, waiting.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:47 am

Lost in the glorious sea of images...images of what the girl would gladly let him do to her...for her...she hardly noticed him or heard his rich, soothing voice. It took his physical touch to bring her back to the level of reality she needed. Shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts, she followed silently, dutifully, as he led the way through his home.

His home...the place he lived, slept and dreamed...what did he dream anyway? Finally, they reached the kitchen and Rhiannon stood awkwardly at the counter as he spoke to her, joked with her and avoided her eyes. Why wouldn't he look at her? Was he disgusted with her? With what happened? He had said it wasn't her fault...but did he hate her for it? Suddenly she felt so unclean....the hunger she had been feeling dissipated and she wanted to shower. Scorching hot water to melt her skin cleanse her body and mind...would it be enough to stop her from wanting to be held? Maybe.

"A-actually...can I...s-shower?" staring at the floor, her face red and embarrassment flooding through her, she just needed to feel clean....she needed to forget and pretend like nothing happened. She needed to create something so beautiful that the ugly mar within her mind would flee her, forever.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:12 am

The answer Jayden got wasn't one he was expecting. But he smiled at her anyway.

"Yeah. Of course." But then he paused, biting his lip again. "Would you mind using my bathroom? As soon as we got here my parents wanted to remodel the guest rooms' bathrooms..." It really was the only option... Thank goodness he was actually a clean teenager! No boxers lying around in that bathroom.

"Uhm, this way's faster," he muttered, leading her out of the kitchen and up another staircase, back to his bedroom and through to his bathroom. It was obviously where he started moving in first. He was working his way out. His cologne and things were scattered about the counter, a wicker basket with a linen lining and a lid (the lining dark blue like the walls of his bedroom) hiding his messiness, and his razor and things in the shower. The counter really was the messiest thing in there. Jayden walked across the spacious room and pulled a fresh, clean towel and washcloth out of the cupboard, handing them to her with a sympathetic smile. "Take as long as you like. I'll be downstairs."

True to his word, Jayden walked out of the bathroom, closing both that door and the door to his bedroom behind him. She definitely deserved her privacy. He sighed to himself as he padded silently down the stairs, back to the living room where he was before. But he didn't go back to his assignment. Instead, he set the laptop on the coffee table, opening his iTunes to one of his favorite artists, Ian Olvera (actual local artist haha), who played the acoustic guitar and sang. It was really chill-type music. It was what Jayden listened to when he wanted to think something out, ease his troubled mind, or just relax in general. Which of those was he going for now? Well... It could be argued that it was all three.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:23 am

God, why did he have to smile? It was a gorgeous thing, his smile. So full of emotions she wished weren't there out of pity. Returning the gesture, she felt so empty compared to the warmth he was exhibiting.

"I don't mind." rhiannon could barely make eye contact but damn if she didn't try.

Following in silence, she tried not to focus on the fact that she was about to use his shower in his bedroom. She watched from a distance ass he made the bathroom ready for her.Waiting for him to leave, she could hear him walk down the stairs as she lifted her shirt off. A nasty bruise was forming on her wrist and shoulder where they held onto her too tightly. Sighing, she examined her nude body before turning on the warm water. Letting the water become much, much warmer than usual, she refused to look in the mirror. Her hair was a mess and she knew her make up was gone. Thankful her purse was in his bedroom so she could untangle her locks, she stepped into the bright whiteness of the shower, biting back a yelp.

almost too hot but not quite hot enough, she wasn't stupid enough to burn herself. Taking the cloth into her hand, she lathered it up with soap and scrubbed until the skin all over her body was pink and clean. Really clean. Tackling her hear next, Rhiannon didn't bother with conditioner, knowing the dark strands of hair would survive one shower without her preferred brand of cleaning supplies.

Once she felt adequately clean, about twenty minutes after Jayden left her, she exited the shower, toweling off as much as possible before donning the same outfit. Frowning more to herself than anything else, she sat on his bed, brushing her hair. Blowing her bangs off her forehead, she glanced in the mirror and was sickened by the pale, dark haired girl she saw there. Where was the sophisticated, well put together girl she was used to seeing? Trying hard to not focus on how bad she looked, she started down the stairs.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:40 am

Jayden leaned back and closed his eyes tight, just letting the music pour over him. The struggle was internal, he was fighting with himself. He knew it well. It was almost a curse, the way he was. He knew he would have to get over it one day. And Rhiannon's presence was a strong reminder of that. The attraction was undeniable. But he couldn't let himself get close to her. Not yet. He wanted to so badly. He wanted to the first time he lay eyes on her -- all biting sarcasm at the school system aside. But he knew he just couldn't let her get close. And that was that.

And yet...

Jayden could have punched himself. He was tearing himself apart on the inside. On the outside he was still keeping his cool, he was really good at that by now -- an expert. But his heart ached for her. For what she had almost been forced to endure. He was on her side 100%, but emotionally, he would stay at arms length. At least.

Not quite used to the sounds of the new house yet, Jayden wasn't aware when Rhiannon walked into the room. Usually he would have heard her coming down the stairs, but being new to just about everything here, so engulfed in his thoughts, he had no idea when she entered the room. His eyes remained shut, his foot bobbing along to the music lightly.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:47 am

Oh god! She could see him sitting there, completely relaxed and so damn hot. Oh god! Why does he have to be everything! He's completely different from what he was showing at school. So thoughtful and understanding...oh god! Deep inside her, buried in a spot she never thought could be touched, something ached and yearned for him to touch her...even for just a second. Her heart sang for him and yet she was too scared to make a move. She somehow knew he wouldn't ever try to do what...they had but she wanted him to think good of her.

Rhiannon paused in the doorway, drinking in the sight of him, even if it just was his back. Taking in a deep breath, she calmed herself and took a seat on the other end of the couch. It took her glancing at the laptop to hear the music he had playing. It was nice, relaxing and really catchy.

"I like your taste of music." She remarked offhandedly, hoping to strike up some sort of conversation - anything to keep her from picturing things she shouldn't - good or bad.

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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:59 am

Suddenly, Jayden became aware of her presence in the room as she sat down on the couch. His eyes fluttered open and he ran a hand down his face as she spoke. He glanced over at her for a moment. "Sorry, I didn't even hear you come down." He leaned forward, his forearms on his knees, looking over to his laptop. His eyes were distant as he spoke.

"It's Ian Olvera," he said quietly. "He was pretty popular in Georgia. Almost reminds me of... I dunno. Something." He shook his head, his hair falling into his face, a little smirk on his face. Real smooth. He licked his lips, biting the lower one again -- bad habit -- before looking over at her again. "Is there anything else you need? We can always go back and search the kitchen."

His throat was dry, his emotions scattered, his mind torn. But he didn't let it show. Jayden had an expert poker face. And he was using it now.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:16 pm

Squeezing her eyes shut to blot out the image that had begun burning within her mind, she scolded herself for what felt like the millionth time. Why was he so alluring? What did he have that made her want him so bad? Even after the bad experience she had had earlier, her body was beginning to show signs of physically wanting him...but she hid it well.

Controlling her breathing, she reopened her eyes, staring at the floor as if not seeing his face would sooth the ache she was feeling.

"Umm....I dunno...." It was getting kinda late....was she imposing? School would be over shortly...and her car was still at the park. Running her fingers through her damp hair, she noted with amusement that curls were starting to form in the ends of her hair. Wrapping a strand of her dark locks around her finger, she pursed her lips.

Feeling within herself, she wondered if she should eat. Still shaky and feeling a bunch of emotions that she never dreamed was possible to experience at once, she toyed with her hair.

"I suppose I should eat..."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:42 pm

Jayden nodded as she spoke. Then back to the kitchen it would be. He swallowed against the dryness of his throat as he got up and walked past her, his legs accidentally brushing against hers lightly as he passed. He barely noticed. About a quarter of the way to the kitchen he glanced back to make sure she was following. He didn't really notice the fact that he hadn't said a thing yet. But as they reached the kitchen, he made a mental note to change that.

"We have pretty much anything," he muttered, gesturing to the cupboards and the refrigerator. He sat at one of the barstools at the little island thing in the kitchen, his grey eyes wandering. The war continued to wage inside Jayden. His whole body ached... He knew how to stop it, sort of. But he wasn't quite sure that was what he really wanted... But either way, he should at least break the silence between himself and Rhiannon.

Swallowing his pride, he spoke again. "I'm sorry I was such a bastard earlier today."


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:10 pm

Set ablaze with just a simply brush, Rhiannon inhaled sharply, biting her bottom lip as she stood up. a bit light headed, she followed him silently into the kitchen and stood by the counter, looking around. She hadn't noticed it before but it was a really nice kitchen with the latest of everything stock along the walls or behind cupboard doors. Still playing with her hair, she licked her lips, debating what sounded good to her.

"Yeah, really..." she said softly, still a bit in awe over the newness of it all....well that and their accidental touch was still making her mind swim pleasantly.

Walking towards the fridge, she paused when he spoke. Why was he apologizing?! Turning around, she looked at him, eyes wide. Licking her lips, she met his gaze, looking away quickly before the heat she could feel burned too intensely for her to control.

" don't need to apologize. It must be hard, moving to a place like this after living anywhere else. I'm sure you left friends behind....and came here to nothing. It's really boring here, I know. I think it's why I lean so heavily on art. It keeps me sane. So really, I understand. I would hate to have to move here if I were you."

Why do I want to be the one thing that makes it worthwhile to him?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:21 pm

Jayden was grateful she turned away, she wouldn't have been able to see the look that burned in his eyes. It was an intense mix of emotions, barely controllable. His hands, which were resting on the counter, began to shake. He clenched them into fists, but to no avail. Still, they shook. So Jayden leaned back in his chair, shoving his fists into his pockets, just staring down at the counter. His throat was dry... So dry... He swallowed against it again.

When she responded to his comment, he mentally scoffed at her. A little sarcastic laugh escaped him. "No, I'm used to moving." And I came here to nothing, still. Even less here than what I've found other places. But I didn't have a choice! Maybe I could have moved in with Kassidy and Uncle Tim... But I would have only been a burden to them.

Jayden wished he could take everything back, make his past go away. Well. He was trying to. Not by forgetting, but allowing those memories a space, a little area where he could store them, and remember them happily at will. He was trying with everything he had. His family was trying as well... But with the way Jayden's brain worked, and just exactly how much he had seen and been through... Well, his family wasn't a lot of help. They did help... But Jayden needed to help himself. He knew how. But he didn't know if he was ready yet...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:30 pm

Turning her back to him, she covered her face with her hands. Taking in a slow, deep breath, her trembling body was going to be the end of her. Her self control was running out and she would have to leave before she made a complete ass of herself. Lowering her shaking hands, she opened the fridge and spotted an apple. Grabbing it, she walked briskly over to the sink where she rinsed it off. Still not looking at Jayden, she took a bite, focusing solely on chewing to keep her mind from going to the one place she wanted it to go but was sure would cause more trouble than anything.

Slowly, she turned around to face Jayden, her eyes on the floor. From under her bangs, she could see him, completely oblivious to the effect he was having on her. Taking another bite, she chomped down hard on her cheek. Holding in what would have been a squeal of pain and surprise, she shifted the bite within her mouth, berated herself mentally and continued eating. Carefully avoiding the injured area, she took another bite, not surprised when a red spot appeared on the fruit.

Sighing, she shifted her weight, her hips moving in a fluid motion to ease the pressure put on her legs and feet. Brushing her hair out of her face, she was glad Jayden was staring at the gave her a chance to fully appreciate his smoldering gray eyes without her knees buckling and her mouth drying in record speed.

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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:45 pm

You idiot, Jayden! Pull yourself together. Now's not the time for this.

With a light sigh, Jayden straightened up, glancing in Rhiannon's direction with a light smile. He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. He forced himself to cool his emotions before speaking again. "So. You like my taste in music huh?"

It was a stab at conversation. Maybe an awful one, but at least it would ease the silence in the room, get his mind off his battered emotions. He leaned back against the refrigerator door, merely feet away from Rhiannon, his free hand behind his back. He looked over to her again, his eyes unreadable. It was just then he realized just how she seriously avoided looking at him. He bit his lip. Maybe it was time to take her home. He wouldn't force himself upon her any longer, especially if she wished him away. Chivalry wasn't dead. Jayden was a firm believer.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:52 pm

Can he seriously not hear my heart beating? It's so loud!

Swallowing another bite, she pressed her lips together, so very aware of the heat upon her. He had to be looking at her. Part of her wondered what he saw and part of her wondered if he were feeling anything similar to what she was. As he walked over, her breathing quickened in anticipation of something she deeply desired but knew wasn't going to happen. Her chest tightened and she bit her bottom lip as their proximity went from a dozen or so feet to just a handful.

"I do. It's pretty much the same as mine."

Unsure of herself, she looked at the apple. Mostly gone already, she walked over to the garbage can and tossed it in. Cursing as it bounced off the side and rolled onto the floor, she bent over and retrieved it. Turning around, her cheeks turned pink as she realized Jayden had had a clear view of her behind from his position.

Oh god! I am such a moron.

Licking her lips, she wanted so badly to just touch be in his arms and so much more. Their eyes met and a heat unlike anything she had experienced yet starting building in her body. Fire caressed her skin and she was sure he had to have been feeling it too. How could he not? There was no way she was imagining the intensity....could she?


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:09 pm

For the first time in... how long? Rhiannon finally met his gaze. He swallowed against the sudden dryness in his throat. He silently begged for the answer of all the whys (seriously, all the whys) as he found himself walking over to her. He argued with himself, debated with himself, in just a few seconds. It was a draw. He had no conclusion...

Jayden rested his arm on the counter, leaned against it, as he stood near her, his eyes downward on the counter. If he had reached out, he would have been able to touch her, easily. He swallowed again, not sure how he went from fine to needing so much water. "Maybe..." he started, hesitating a moment. "Maybe I should take you home. Or to your car. Or something."

He looked up at her again, unsure of what to do, what she was thinking. Maybe he was too close now. She had almost gotten raped earlier. Maybe he should just get her a taxi home or something. Damnit why did I even bring her here? She probably thinks I'll try to rape her tomorrow or something. It was the "or something" he was most worried about. If she hated him forever, he could deal with that easily. If she walked away from him forever, he would survive. But if it came down to "or something"... he wasn't sure if he wanted to know what it would be.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:18 pm

H-he's coming! So close!

The few feet that had been a living, breathing torment to her was now no more than a few inches. She could literally feel his body heat crashing down onto her. She could smell him and, wow he smelled good. Swallowing hard, she locked her arms in place, shaking slightly as she wondered what was going to happen next. If it were a movie, he would brush her hair over her shoulder, lean in, say something cheesy and kiss her. Yet, it was real life....not a movie and she was totally unprepared for what he said next.

Why do I feel.....depressed? What was I expecting? I'm not the type of girl to deserve a guy like why does it hurt so much?

Then, he looked up at her and his eyes were breathtaking. Her heart exploded into action within her chest and she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Jayden.......please....forgive me...."

Before she could stop it, her body propelled her forward, straight into his arms. Her head spun and her lips parted slightly as she looked up at him, her bright green eyes latched onto his. Pushing herself up onto her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his. It was like the sun finally broke through the clouds as she held onto him. It felt so right.


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Hee-chan Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:34 pm

Jayden's eyebrows began coming together in confusion at her words... before...

The last thing he expected happened. And before he even realized it, he reacted. The force of her body against his caused his arm to wrap around her waist, his other hand on her neck... And... He kissed her back.

He couldn't deny what he felt as he kissed her, his emotions screamed at him to accept his fate, to be with the girl he met hours ago. But a small little part of him hesitated. A piece of him wouldn't let him give himself to her in any way. On the inside, he was a wreck. But... it was pokerface time. Play it cool, no big deal. His problems could be dealt with later. Later, when he was alone, he could figure out what the hell was going on with him. Accept his future, or live with his past...

It wasn't too long before he broke the kiss. He kept his eyes closed as he rested his forehead against hers... Before pulling away.
"Rhiannon," he said softly, "I don't think you should be kissing me the day you nearly got raped."

It was a statement of fact. Her emotions must be haywire, too. He couldn't imagine the trauma of that situation. Though... he guessed, most likely correctly, that he'd been through worse. Either way. She was playing a dangerous game with her emotions, kissing some strange guy the day she nearly got raped, but she was playing with his as well...


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Behind These Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind These Eyes

Post  Michelle Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:43 pm

His hands were warm on her skin and she could feel it through the fabric on her hip. What was even more amazing was the simple fact that he kissed her back. Dizzy from the kiss when he pulled away and giddy, she could feel an astounding difference between a mutually enjoyed kiss and the one that was forced upon her hours ago. Clinging to him, still connected until he pulled back, she let him go begrudgingly.

Part of her wondered if she was being dumb....but she had wanted to kiss him all day. So no, she told herself, the mess from the park didn't have anything to do with the beautiful kiss she had just experienced.

"Maybe....b-but I've wanted to do that since I first saw you...."

Struggling with her feelings, she closed her eyes. What would happen now? Would he disappear? Would she ever see him again? Would he completely ignore her? Unwilling to even consider how much it would hurt if he rejected her, she brushed her hair off her forehead and looked at the clock that hung over the sink.

"I...I should probably go....I can walk to the park......"

She started to head to the front door then stopped. Turning to look at Jayden one last time, the heat still lingered in the air and deep within her. No, what she was feeling wasn't due to the incident. She was sure of it as she looked into his eyes.

"Thanks....for everything.....I'll...I'll see you, kay?"

Swiveling on her toes, she ran up the stairs to his room. Grabbing her purse, her heart raced in her chest. She couldn't imagine what would happen if he had followed her up into his room...or if he followed her period. Taking the steps two at a time, she opened the front door.


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